3 Crowdfunding Videos About First Contact, BoardGameGeek, and the Humble vs Epic Debate – Stonemaier Games

3 Crowdfunding Videos About First Contact, BoardGameGeek, and the Humble vs Epic Debate

It’s video day on the blog! I’ve added 3 new short videos about Kickstarter, crowdfunding, and entrepreneurship to my YouTube channel. You can find the previous videos on our website or mixed in with my game design videos on YouTube. The corresponding written entries are in the description of each video (click through to YouTube to see them).

What do you agree or disagree with in these videos? I’d love to hear your thoughts!

10 Comments on “3 Crowdfunding Videos About First Contact, BoardGameGeek, and the Humble vs Epic Debate

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  1. I like the idea of obviously going with the game that excites you more. Not just to produce, but to play as well. One or the other always has a little more attention. But listen to your play testers/game group as well for what they prefer. Also how do you feel about tandem kickstarters? Such as, you can get this epic game and this humble game tier, assuming there aren’t stretch goals for the humble game and make things too confusing for backers. I know it kind of takes the spotlight away from one of the games, but could work really well for a game show case night like in your previous blog.

      1. yeah, that was my thought as well and I’ve never seen a kickstarter where a company has two releases funding at the same time.

    1. I think it might just be you, John. :) I tested all three, and the audio is working. Maybe check to make sure you don’t have YouTube on mute?

  2. Awesome videos Jamey! We’re just starting our publishing company and were going through the humble vs. epic question ourselves. We went with humble for the same reasons you mentioned (low risk, ease of entry for backers). Luckily we’ve found a few projects we’re excited and passionate about!

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