Crowdfunding Stories – Stonemaier Games

Crowdfunding Stories

Insights from My Projects

Jamey’s behind-the-scenes insights, leasons learned, and insights from all Stonemaier Games Kickstarter campaigns.

Top 10 Lists

Top 10 lists of Kickstarter lessons, insights, discoveries, and innovations.

Business Brilliance

Innovative strategies from non-Kickstarter, non-tabletop game companies as they apply to creators and entrepreneurs.

KS Retrospectives

Learn from the successes, methods, and mistakes of other project creators (from our perspective).

Open Letters from Us to You

Honest but solution-focused letters from us (well, from Jamey) to conventions, reviewers, and backers.

Interviews and Guest Posts

Interviews and guest posts with a variety of Kickstarter creators.

KS Face-Off

Two readers debate controversial Kickstarter methods and subjects.

KS Experiments

Experimental methods for Kickstarter projects to be more attractive to backers and creators. Your opinion matters!

15 Comments on “Crowdfunding Stories

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  1. […] Más artículos de Stonemaier Games sobre sus proyectos en Kickstarter. […]

  2. Dear Jamey,

    We would like to introduce you our boardgame Cave Pilot 55, which we have been developing and testing for several years now. This sunday we launched Cave Pilot 55 on Kickstarter. The first days went relatively well, but at this moment (on day 4) it is pretty silent on our kickstarter site and we are only having less than 10%. Could you have a look at our kickstarter site to see if something went wrong and if so, give us some tips?

    We did the following promotion:
    – demo’s at game fairs
    – play testing with many Dutch game organisations
    – banner at BGG
    – various reviewers are promoting our game
    – we have been distributing our flyer
    – we asked our own friends and game communities to promote the game via social media.
    – we developed a website for a long time now
    – we did an interview for a game magazine
    – we have a site at BGG

    We are from the Netherlands and as a result of producing our game in Europe, the transport costst are higher than normal for American people. Migth this be a problem? Or is there some kind of difference between European and American gamers? Or can it be the price setting? Do we need to produce our game in the US to lower the costs, as we think our biggest market comes from the US.

    We will be very gratefull for your help. And we would appreciate your opinion very much.

    Martijn en Suzanne Weterings

    1. Martijn: Thanks for your question. You’ll get great feedback on the Kickstarter Best Practices Facebook group, but the two things that jump out at me are the price (look into some Chinese manufacturers) and the lack of third-party reviews. Also, you’ve only backed 14 projects. There’s a direct correlation between number of projects backed and chances of success (it’s mostly about research–creators who follow more projects and learn from them typically do better on their campaigns). Sorry to hear your campaign isn’t doing well, but hopefully you can put in some more work and succeed if you reboot!

      1. Thank you for the heads up about the KS Best Practices group. I hadn’t heard of them until now. I love this site and all the great info. It is the most helpful thing I have found about creating projects and I’ll be coming back constantly.

        All the best with your latest venture ;) Great support so far!

          1. Hi Jamey, I would like to take a moment to thank you for all the experience you share with us new KS creator. There is a reason why you are the best.

  3. Alan, you won’t know the number of units to manufacture until after the KS campaign, so you won’t be able to place the order until then. You’ll get the money from KS about 2 weeks after the campaign ends.

  4. Dear Jamey,

    How are you doing? I have few questions below regarding the timing of manufacture. Can you share your experience?

    1. Usually the design place orders to manufacture after or before KS campaign?

    2. Once your KS campaign is funded, do you get money from KS immediately?

    Thank you for your help!

  5. Bonjour. j’ai eu l’occasion de jouer à Euphoria et j’ai adoré. J’ai lu qu’il devrait être réédité et je vais donc attendre. Mais s’il n’est pas trop tard, ce serait bien de corriger les fautes de français dans la traduction. Je peux m’en occuper gracieusement si vous le désirez. Très bonne journée.

    1. Raja: Thanks for your comment. The official French version of the game was actually made by a French company, Morning Players, and it will be released in a few months. It’s a different translation than the one on my website here, and I’m confident it will be correct. Thank you for your offer, though!

  6. […] Kickstarter Interviews […]

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