Tournament of the Apocalypse Round 2: Day 1 – Stonemaier Games

Tournament of the Apocalypse Round 2: Day 1

The world of Euphoria is a version of our future–it’s grounded in reality but exaggerated in many regards. People run on human-sized hamster wheels to generate power in the city. Wastelanders collect artifacts from the past, rare treasures like paperback books and baseball bats. Some Subterrans go their entire lives without seeing sunlight.

What tragic event split the world into such dichotomous factions? That’s where you come in.

It’s your job to vote on the apocalyptic event that forever changes the world into that of Euphoria. We started with 16 slightly outlandish scenarios last week; thanks to your votes, we’re down to 8. When we’ve determined the winner, we will create the 4 apocalypse-themed recruits to go in every copy of Euphoria.

Cast your votes below, and see the full bracket at the end of the post.


11 Comments on “Tournament of the Apocalypse Round 2: Day 1

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  1. […] Here are yesterday’s polls. You have until Wednesday evening to vote on either of the Round 2 poll posts before we move on to the semifinals. […]

  2. I now feel compelled to think up a game where the world has been ravaged by a massive chocolate shortage. Or perhaps where the goal is to avert one.

  3. I am hoping to see Robot Takeover win. As it makes it more like the dystopian society of Metropolis, the 1927 Fritz Lang film. Best film ever; and this game reminds me themeatically of the film from on many levels.

  4. I completely agree, Rachel. I’m trying to remain unbiased, but I must admit I was rooting for that one. :)

  5. Aww, so sad the chocolate shortage didn’t make it to round two. That would be a ~real~ tragedy!

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