Video Overview of Viticulture – Stonemaier Games

Video Overview of Viticulture

Last night I pulled out various components and art and prototypes to film the much-request rules video for Viticulture. I thought the video might be about 10-12 minutes long.

It’s over 26 minutes.

It’s really not a very complicated game. But everything’s slower on video. You could probably read the rulebook (especially with visuals) and know how to play the game in about 5 minutes. But explaining it, nuance by nuance, outloud? 26 minutes.

So tonight I decided to film another video. A hyperspeed video. Just a quick overview of the game and how it works. Despite the truncated time, I probably fit about 90% of the rules content into this 6-minute video. If you’re curious to see how the game works, check it out:


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  1. Jamey, I’m very interested to learn what your initial Kickstarter version of Viticulture looked like, as I am working on designing my own game. Both of the videos from this post are unavailable, however. Is there someplace else I might be able to watch them?

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