Expeditions: Gears of Corruption – Stonemaier Games

Expeditions: Gears of Corruption

Expeditions: Gears of Corruption

  • Designer Jamey Stegmaier
  • Artist and Worldbuilder Jakub Rozalski

Face a corrupted mech with hero workers, new mechs, hidden maps, and more!

Expansion (requires base game)
60-90 mins Game Length
10 mins Setup Time
(with base game)
1-6 Players
Medium Game Weight
Buy from Stonemaier Keep Me Updated

Reprint due in Q4 2024

Stonemaier Champion

Become a Stonemaier Champion to save 20% on every webstore order.

Availability Update

The Gears of Corruption expansion has sold out faster than expected on our US and Canada webstores, along with the Ironclad version in Europe. If you were hoping to get a first printing copy of either from us today, I’m really sorry that we weren’t able to serve you directly–this is my responsibility (Jamey), and I failed. Based on back-in-stock requests so far, we underestimated how many people were interested in continuing their Expedition adventure by around 1,000 units.

The size of the Ironclad expansion printing was 8x larger than the number of Expeditions newsletter subscribers who told us in advance that they wanted the Ironclad Edition of the expansion (other data points we use for forecasting include past expansion sales for other products, FB group size, brand-specific subscriber totals, the game’s sell-through rate, how many people are actively playing the game, etc). We really thought that would be more than enough based on the data we had, and clearly we were short.

If you were hoping to get the Ironclad expansion and it’s sold out in our webstore in your region, I appreciate you, and I have a few options for you:

  1. Sign up for a back-in-stock notification on our webstore. This (a) tells us how many more expansions and/or metal mechs to make for Q4 and (b) it enables us to get in touch with you right away in case we find more copies at the warehouse (which already happened once today).
  2. Buy a standard version of the expansion now and get the metal mechs later. If you’re eager to play Expeditions with the expansion, you can buy it now (if available) and still make a back-in-stock request for the Ironclad version. We’ll use that data to make a small printing of the metal mechs and base snaps by themselves for Q4.
  3. Check with your preferred retailer to see if you can get the expansion from them. We presold some units to distributors and sold other units to retailers on our wholesale store, so there are retailers who will have Ironclad expansions on the retail release date (July 26).

Limited copies of the standard version are also reserved for Gen Con.

The Story

Following a series of expeditions—some successful, others not—into the frigid Siberian tundra, corruption has spread from animals and people to a much larger threat. New heroes, better prepared than their predecessors, gather to face the prospect of a mechanical monster, but the changing landscape brings greater uncertainty as they explore Tunguska with fresh eyes.

The Gears of Corruption expansion to Expeditions adds elements of risk and danger in the form of secret bonuses on map tokens and a corrupted mech that roams the land. To counter these threats, the expansion offers 2 new mechs and 4 new character/companion pairs, as well as components for a 6th player. Gears of Corruption also accelerates early gameplay by giving players starting resources and a hero worker that can act as any type of worker.


The Gears of Corruption expansion is available in a standard version (plastic mechs and 1 plastic base snap) and an Ironclad Edition (metal mechs, 6 rubber base snaps to update the originals, and foil on the box). The expansion’s contents are all designed to fit into the original box insert.

  • 1 rulebook
  • 2 large mech miniatures and base snaps (the mech bases are 50mm wide and the snaps are 51mm wide; mechs are plastic in the standard version and metal in the Ironclad version)
  • 7 mech mats (2 new mats and 5 dual-layered mats to replace the originals)
  • 16 new map tokens (each with a secret bonus on the face-down side)
  • 6 hero workers
  • 8 starting cards (63x88mm)
  • 6 discovery cards (63x88mm)
  • 7 mech cards (63x88mm)
  • 12 corruption cards and 1 corrupted mech reference card (63x88mm)
  • components for a 6th player: power, guile, glory, and action tokens
  • 6 silkscreen printed corruption tokens
  • a robust Automa solo mode (5 progress cards, 1 corrupted mech reference card, 1 rulebook)

For those who want a special base snap for the corrupted mech, ClayRade and SaltyScarab created a free 3D printable base.


Release Details: This expansion was available from Stonemaier Games starting on June 5, with Stonemaier webstore orders shipping in June from fulfillment centers in the US, Canada, Europe, and Australia. This is followed by a worldwide retail release date on July 26, 2024.

Localization Partners: There will be localized versions of this product from Feuerland (German), Matagot (French), Phalanx (Polish), and Maldito (Spanish). For localization-specific questions, please ask these publishers.


Will everything fit in the Expeditions box and insert? 

Yes, you can fit all components (core game and the expansion) in the original box and insert. This includes the 2 new mechs, for which we included two circular slots in the original insert.

Is there a version of the expansion that includes metal mechs instead of plastic?

Yes, there is both a standard version of the expansion (plastic mechs and 1 plastic base snap) and an Ironclad Edition (metal mechs, 6 rubber base snaps to update the originals, and foil on the box).

Is the expansion compatible with the natural rubber playmat?

Absolutely. The only challenge you may face is that space may be a bit tight if you play with 6 total players.

My metal mechs arrived broken. What should I do?

Our factory glues multiple components together to form the metal mechs, so if you have some glue, first try to glue them back together. If you aren’t satisfied with the result, please fill out our replacement parts form. We didn’t experience this issue with any of the advance copies, but we’ll revisit the packaging when we reprint the Ironclad expansion to prevent similar issues in the future.

Why are there extra coins on the punchboards?

There was extra space on the punchboards, as we thought people might appreciate if we filled that space with $1 coins rather than leave it blank. The coins are not necessary–just a bonus for those who want them.

Why are there no new locations tiles in the expansion?

I considered adding new locations to Expeditions, though I decided to remain focused in this first expansion in simply adding more variability and addressing some perceived weaknesses of the core game instead of adding significant complexity. There are locations 1-20 in Expeditions because each location pairs with two specific quests, so adding new locations has a big impact on either the setup or the gameplay. Plus, I didn’t want to just add locations that are slight variations on existing locations–if we’re going to visit new locations, I want them to truly feel new (both mechanically and thematically), which requires new mechanisms and added complexity. If there’s enough interest in the first expansion to justify a second expansion, I have some ideas to explore, and fortunately there’s room in the original insert for us to add up to 14 new locations.

Why should I preorder from Stonemaier Games instead of waiting a few months for the retail release?

In addition to our launch discount, we offer delivery much earlier than the retail release date (shipped from fulfillment centers in the US, Canada, Europe, or Australia) and a guarantee that you’ll get an authentic first-run copy in a timely manner, along with the choice of adding deluxe components (metal coins). We also support anyone who wants to order the game from their retailer of choice (retailers will offer the game for pick up or shipping on the retail release day).

Can I buy all Expeditions stuff all at once?

Absolutely! All Expeditions products are available on our webstore, so you can buy anything and everything you’re interested in. You’ll receive an additional 20% discount if you’re a Stonemaier Champion. The Ironclad Editions of Expeditions (the game) is out of stock in most regions right now, though some retailers may still have it. If you end up getting the plastic versions, you can also let us know via a back-in-stock request on our webstore for the Ironclad Edition that you are interested in the metal mechs; if there’s enough interest, we’ll make a set of all 7 metal mechs (just the mechs) in the future.

Why didn’t you just use crowdfunding for this expansion? Wouldn’t that have ensured that you made enough?

I don’t believe that crowdfunding or preorders would have solved the problem (and it would have created other problems): It’s too far in advance, you can’t get accurate information/reviews about what the final version will be or when it will be ready, PayPal guidelines prohibit payments that far in advance, and the challenge of updating addresses and orders that need modifying. While crowdfunding slightly helps to gauge demand, it’s still a guessing game as to how many people will want the product when it’s actually ready to ship–at a certain point you must lock production quantities, and months pass between then and when the product is ready.

Instead, we made it simple: All we asked was for Expeditions newsletter subscribers (a newsletter I also share in on Facebook and on our website) to let us know in a 1-question survey back in October if they might be interested in buying an expansion with at least a few new mechs (plastic or metal) among the components. It’s a Kickstarter distilled down to a quick, easy, no-commitment question. Around 600 people replied to say they were interested in an Ironclad version, but that’s really not very many, so we added that to input from retailers and distributors and made 5000 instead (8x as many as people requested). The equivalent of this is if we ran a Kickstarter campaign in October and only 600 people backed it, and now that it’s ready, a lot more people want to buy it but can’t get it.

We are constantly trying to improve our forecasting formulas, and this shortfall provides an impetus to add more data points and padding to our expansion formula. For expansions in particular, I will also strive to make the surveys much more visible by cross-posting the survey link in the game’s newsletter, webpage, Facebook group, BGG, Discord, the Champion newsletter, the ambassador newsletter, and our main monthly newsletter.

Design Diary

May 29: Reviews and What’s Next

Thank you for following along these design diary posts! I’m so grateful to Jakub Rozalski for the art and worldbuilding, Automa Factory for the solo mode, Christine Santana for her graphic design, Shannon Lentz for his project management at Panda, Carol Johnson for her photographs, along with the playtesters, proofreaders, and team members who helped bring this expansion to life.

Here are a few key dates, and remember to sign up for the launch notification and other updates: http://eepurl.com/iidvQX

  • Today: Content creators with advance copies will start sharing content and reviews (links are on the above page).
  • June 5: Gears of Corruption launches on our webstore in both Ironclad and standard versions (along with a metal coin restock and plastic mech packs, plus the original game and the rubber playmat)!
  • Mid-June: Initial orders ship to customers from fulfillment centers in the US, Canada, Europe, and Australia.
  • Late July: Worldwide English retail release date. Localization partners include Feuerland (German), Matagot (French), Phalanx (Polish), and Maldito (Spanish); feel free to ask them about their release dates.

May 28: Highlight Video and Automa Solo Mode

Today I’ll share an article from Automa Factory founder Morten Monrad Pedersen, along with my video highlighting some key aspects of the expansion. The solo and multiplayer rulebooks are available on Dropbox (you can view and download files from this folder without requesting special access).

The Five Types of Solo Mode Budgets

When you start work on a solo mode it’s of course important to brainstorm mechanisms but there’s a crucial parameter that can easily be overlooked in the initial creative rush: The budgets.

Yes, I wrote that in plural because there are (at least) five budget types.

1) There’s the obvious one, the monetary budget: How much is the set of components allowed to cost?

When we make our solo modes, the specific monetary budget is something Stonemaier deals with. We aren’t told how much money we can “spend”, instead we’re told about:

2) The component type budget. It might seem that it’s so obviously coupled to the monetary budget that they’re effectively the same. That’s not always true, though, and the key to the difference is in the word “type”. A monetary budget might in principle have room for plastic minis, but the contracted factory can’t make them.

For the Libertalia promo Jamey asked whether we could avoid using cards, which are cheap and instead use cardboard tiles. The reasons being that tiles were already being used and cards would require protective plastic in an otherwise very environment-friendly product.

For various reasons Jamey asked whether we could make the Expeditions solo mode without giving the Automa (artificial opponent) a player mat and without using additional wooden components.

In this case, using cards instead of a player mat turned out to be an advantage. We needed a track and scoring info available to the player. We could have placed that on a player mat but by putting it on a card we could make 5 difficulty levels by making 5 versions of that card. We could of course have achieved the same using multiple player mats but that would have been unreasonably costly for a single player count.

Had we needed more than just cards we could have gotten it, as Jamey said, when I asked: “I’d prefer to avoid it, but if Automa needs a mech [player] mat to really shine, we could find a way.”

3) Schedule budget: Like most other commercial projects there’s a date at which a solo mode development project should be done.

I’ve multiple times been approached by publishers who asked ‘can you make a solo mode for our game? And btw. production will start in a month.’ The reason being that towards the end of a Kickstarter they promised a solo mode because of backer requests.

A solo mode usually takes us in the ballpark of 3 months to make and there’s no way we can deliver a quality solo mode in 1 month also setting off time for thorough proofreading and graphics design.

IIRC we had roughly 3 months for Expeditions, which was plenty because the core systems came together very quickly. Had we needed more time we could have gotten it but that would definitely not have been ideal and as said above some publishers are in situations where postponement isn’t an option.

4) Complexity budget: For a complex game, it can be OK to make a complex solo mode, but for a simple game the solo mode must be simple. No one is going to read a 20-page rulebook to play Tic-Tac-Toe solo – well, few people would read a 1-sentece solo mode for that specific “game” but that’s beside the point :-).

Expeditions is a medium weight game, which would allow for a somewhat complex solo mode, but there was a feature of the game that slashed our complexity budget: Interactivity.

The game is fairly low on interaction and since we try to replicate the multiplayer experience, the solo mode should also have low interaction. Why learn complex rules if they don’t impact you? Thus, our complexity budget was low.

On the other hand, not all complexity is equal. Mechanisms can be more complex if they make intuitive sense within the framework of the game and rule consistency helps reduce the effective complexity, so we had a strong focus on those two factors, which ties into the fifth and final budget type:

5) Playing time budget: If the turn of a human player takes 10 seconds, then a 30-second Automa turn will smother the fun of the game. You want to spend your time on your own turns, not on moving lots of pieces around for the Automa while constantly referring to Byzantine rules you’ll never learn by heart.

Similarly, low interaction requires fast Automa turns – If something doesn’t impact you, why spend time on it?

Combining the often fast turns of Expeditions with low interactivity, the Automa turns not only had to be fast, they had to be really fast.

The key to achieving this was narrowing the range of options for the Automa and hooking into the concepts and icons of the core game.

We limited the movement of each of the two Automa mechs to always go in one direction along a straight line with wrap-around and a maximum range that is always 3 spaces.

The action of an Automa mech is determined by a card drawn from a deck. To make things fast, we put the actions of both mechs on the same card instead of drawing one card per mech. Doing one card draw instead of two shaves off a couple of seconds.

An Expeditions Automa card has two actions (sometimes just one) per mech, the second one of which will be skipped if the first is triggered. The topmost action shows a token icon. If such a token is within range on the map, the mech moves to the token and takes it. If there is no such a token within range, you do the second action, which is an icon that simply shows a number of spaces (1 to 3) to move the mech and do nothing else.

The first action icon is visually exactly the same as the tokens on the map, the range is always short and the same, the movement direction is always the same, and when more needs to be done than just move a mech and take a token, the additional work hooks directly into how the game works for the icon shown. Therefore, the player can figure out what to do at a glance and quickly carry it out.

Similarly, the previously mentioned difficulty level system means that the player doesn’t have to learn or keep track of differences between difficulty levels, they simply look at what’s on the card in play.

At this point, I think I’ve reached the limit of my word budget for this post, so let’s


Here’s the video I filmed about some highlights of the expansion: https://youtu.be/686FoCwP4QQ

What’s the mechanism in Gears of Corruption that you’re the most excited about?

May 27: Maps and Corrupted Mech

The alternate-history world of 1920+ Siberia is dark and scary, a theme that’s reflected through the idea of corruption and the uncertainty of exploration in the core game of Expeditions. But I’m the first to admit that there really isn’t much of a sense of danger in the game. It’s tough to offer danger in a competitive game without taking away too much player agency (it’s much easier in a cooperative game).

I considered a bunch of different options, and through the design and playtesting process I ended up adding two new elements to Expeditions: new maps and a corrupted mech.

The expansion includes 16 new map tokens that, unlike the original maps, are different on both sides. You’ll randomize them during setup, placing them face down. Now you don’t know the location you’re revealing or the map.

Originally, some maps had very minor penalties on the reverse side (i.e. lose 1 power or lose $1). But we found that even the smallest of penalties were really frustrating to playtesters. It was the thrill of uncertainty that makes the map tokens fun—playtesters wanted them all to be positive.

So my compromise was to include some map tokens that are circumstantially neutral. For example, one map token allows you to gain the “sweep” benefit, which is fine at best (compared to another map token for which you gain $2, which is always good). Another map token has you gain a face-up item card…if one is available. If not, you don’t gain anything. The result is that the map tokens add to the sense of exploration while not entirely addressing the desire for danger.

That’s where the corrupted mech module comes in.

This module is entirely optional. Everything else in the expansion is super easy to add and understand, even for new-to-Expeditions players. The corrupted mech module is a little more complicated, though I still tried to keep it streamlined.

When a player places the first glory token of the game, the corrupted mech appears. This represents an antagonistic force, a mech overtaken by the corruption that plagues Siberia. You’ll use the 7th mech in the game as the corrupted mech.

The corrupted mech takes a very quick turn as if it’s a player to the right of the person who placed the first glory token. When it does, you’ll reveal a corruption card and move the mech as indicated by the card (first try the indicated direction, and if it isn’t available per the rules, try the next direction clockwise, and so on until it moves). This is where things get dangerous: If the corrupted mech would try to move onto your mech’s location, you suffer a penalty as indicated by the corruption card. So you now need to consider how badly you want to be at a location close to the corrupted mech—do you really need to complete that quest now? How important is that Gather benefit? Is now the best time to Vanquish?

Speaking of Vanquishing, the corrupted mech can be vanquished. It isn’t easy, as the corruption cards stack up quickly, but each of them has a corruption cost. You can use a Vanquish benefit if the corrupted mech is adjacent to you. Even if you’re not able to vanquish all of the corruption cards (which permanently removes the corrupted mech from the game), each card is worth $2 at the end of the game—just like corruption tokens—so the payoff may be worth the risk.

I’m excited about the emergent narrative that the new map tokens and corrupted mech add to your games of Expeditions! I’ll be back tomorrow to share a video about this expansion and information about the solo mode.

May 24: First-Player Advantage and Game Length

One of the opportunities that arises when a game releases and we’re fortunate enough to have tens of thousands of people play it is that I learn things that didn’t surface (or that I simply missed) during the design, development, and playtesting process. I believe that people and games can grow, evolve, and improve over time, and an expansion presents a chance to share that growth.

I’m still happy with the game we presented in Expeditions; you don’t have to buy the expansion (for any reason). But if you are interested in continuing to explore this alternate-history version of Siberia, I’ve tried to address two of the biggest complaints about the core game—first-player advantage and game length—with a combination of solutions. (For context, the data we’ve collected for 3+ player games shows the first player winning 26 games, the second player winning 16 games, and other players winning 31 games.)

First, I added an optional draft for mechs, companions, and characters. They’re all randomly paired, and after the first player is determined, the last player picks their preferred pair first, then the second-to-last player, and so on.

Second, I added a new type of wild worker; each player starts with 1 of them (that’s all they get for the game). These golden “hero workers” were a favorite of playtesters, as they take the pressure off getting a worker on your first turn to activate an ability on a played card. By limiting this type of worker to 1 per player, it doesn’t decrease from strategies focused on getting multiple workers. The hero worker even counts towards the “7 workers” glory category, which was less often pursued in the core game versus the map category.

Third, I added starting power and guile for every mech. These starting resources are noted on mech cards (randomizer cards—easier to shuffle than mech mats), giving players the chance to vanquish corruption and expose new gather benefits earlier in the game.

Fourth and last, I added six 2-value corruption tokens. They cost less to Vanquish, which—like the starting power and guile—speeds up the Vanquish process and access to powerful Gather benefits. Plus, they add a feel-good moment to the game when drawn.

Thanks to the various ways these additions accelerate the game, I decided to give players the option of adding a 6th player (green). After all, you have enough mechs for a 6-player game (but not 7, due to a module I haven’t discussed yet). I doubt that many people will play Expeditions at 6, but it’s nice to have the option when a bigger group wants to play the same game.

Last, there were 2 specific components in Expeditions that had small mistakes that we had the space to update in the expansion: The Aether Mirror item card was intended to have a Refresh ability (not Rescue) and be worth $4 if upgraded. And location tile 16 was intended to have a corruption level of 8+, not 5+.

There is one other element for which players expressed a desire, and I’ll discuss it in Monday’s design diary post. Have a great weekend, and let me know your thoughts on these new additions!

May 23: Gears of Corruption’s Origin Story and More Stuff

Expeditions took me around 3 years to design, and as is the case with any game I work on, I put everything into the game that worked—I didn’t leave anything on the cutting room floor, so to say. I took a break from the game while it was in production, and then upon release I started thinking about if the game should expand (and if so, how).

After I had a few ideas, I approached Jakub to hear his thoughts. At one point we had discussed adding new locations to the game, but for various reasons we decide to save that concept for the future and focus elsewhere. We knew we wanted to add 2 mechs and some new characters/companions, and we wanted to add more of a sense of danger to the game (which is particularly difficult in a competitive game).

The world of 1920+ is entirely in Jakub’s hands, so he decided which characters to add to the game. There are some familiar faces—Bjorn & Mox, Zehra & Kar—along with Freya & Loki (Bjorn’s daughter, who for part of playtesting was a character you had to find in the deck of cards before adding her as a playable character) and Jakub’s favorite pairing, the mysterious Baaliahon and Zephon (they don’t follow the standard format for characters and are recommended only for experienced players).

Jakub also designed the mechs, and it was only after I saw them that I designed their special abilities. A shared theme between both Scarecrow and Mole is that they give you something to do with map tokens after you gain them. By trashing a map, Scarecrow allows you to perform an action on a Refresh turn, springing to life on a turn when most mechs need to rest. By trashing a map, Mole lets you “dig” under corruption tokens to gain the benefit they cover (along with any other exposed benefits as normal) during a Gather action. The mechs are available in metal (Ironclad) and plastic (standard), with the Ironclad version including a full set of rubber base snaps to replace the originals, which were prone to falling off.

I felt like items and upgrades were a little underused in the core game, so I decided to add a cycle of 5 powerful items (1 per color) that players might be particularly excited to see. Not only are the abilities strong, but they’re also each worth $5 if they’re upgraded by the end of the game.

Last, we worked extensively with Jakub and Panda to find a way to make dual-layered mech mats. We tried to do this for the original game but just couldn’t figure out a way to do it while also fitting up to 7 mats stacked together in the box. But after Expeditions was released, I started seeing some clever fan creations in the Facebook group, and they helped us realize a way to add some gaps in the mat despite limited space.

As a result, Gears of Corruption includes 7 dual-layered mech mats: 2 mats for the new mechs and replacements for the original 5 mats. With the added height, they just barely fit into the insert. There’s no longer room for the riser stickers, but with the tokens safely locked into place, you can now lift up the mat to slide a card underneath without fear that your power, guile, or action token will slide off the mat. The optional rubber playmat is also nice for tucking cards. These dual layered mats are more expensive than the original mats; for that reason, the mats in the core game are not changing.

By design, everything in Gears of Corruption fits into the original insert: Everything I’ve already mentioned and all other components I’ll discuss over the next few days.

Which of the new mechs and characters are you excited to play with? I’ll be back tomorrow with more stories!

May 22: The Plot, the Box, and Launch Signups

I’m excited to reveal the expansion to Expeditions, Gears of Corruption!

Following a series of expeditions—some successful, others not—into the frigid Siberian tundra, corruption has spread from animals and people to a much larger threat. New heroes, better prepared than their predecessors, gather to face the prospect of a mechanical monster, but the changing landscape brings greater uncertainty as they explore Tunguska with fresh eyes.

I’ll discuss the expansion over the next week, but if you want to “spoil” how plays, the full rulebook is available right now. Today we’re also revealing the box, which—along with all components in Gears of Expeditions—is illustrated by Jakub Rozalski.

Expeditions: Gears of Corruption is set to launch on our webstore on June 5 in both Ironclad and standard versions, shipping to customers throughout June from fulfillment centers in the US, Canada, Europe, and Australia. You can sign up here for a launch notification and other updates for the Expeditions and Scythe universe: http://eepurl.com/iidvQX

Localization partners for Gears of Corruption include Feuerland (German), Matagot (French), Phalanx (Polish), and Maldito (Spanish). For localization-specific questions, please ask these publishers. If you want this game in another language, please contact your local publisher of choice to express your interest.

Also, big thanks to photographer Carol Johnson, whose photos you’ll see throughout these design diaries.

162 Comments on “Expeditions: Gears of Corruption

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  1. Received my copy today. Love it.

    I’m thinking way ahead here as you probably have no idea yourself as of yet, but do you plan to expand this further? There’s now little room in the core box for anything else!

    1. There’s some room in the top layer of the box (above the lid), plus some room for tiles and cards. We’ll see! :)

  2. The map token with be symbol that matches “any card you control”: is that meant to indicated gaining any face up card from the board? After some digging that was the best option we could come up with.

    1. I understand that it isn’t as clear as it can be, but tilt that token a little to the right. It’s “any face-up card”. :)

  3. Can you explain Loki’s ability? It sounds like you take a card from the sweep pile and put it out of play to receive a coin.

    1. That’s right! It’s basically incentive to get cards into the sweep pile in the first place so you can gain coins by removing them.

  4. Just received my copy and integrated it to the core box. I’ve read the rules and the new corrupted mech module seems really interesting, adding little complexity. Stonemaier keeps being queen of low/midweight games.

    One question: what are your recommendations for storage? Specifically, do the new map tokens go with the old ones in the tray? And before the expansion I was using the spaces for the new mechs to store the sets of player components in bags, three bags in each niche. Should I leave the player bags over the transparent insert lid?

    PS: What a pity that the expansion didn’t use the white compostable plastic bags… Not only because of the environment, but also because I have now 5 white player bags and one transparent player bag in the set. Very triggering for OCD :-D

    1. Specifically, do the new map tokens go with the old ones in the tray?

      –Yes, you can put them with the old ones, as they’re easy to differentiate. The original map tokens are only used if you gain a map from some other method than exploring.

      Should I leave the player bags over the transparent insert lid?

      –You could. It can also go in the location tile well.

      What a pity that the expansion didn’t use the white compostable plastic bags.

      –Unfortunately we found that the compostable bags were deteriorating way too fast, sometimes even before someone opened the game. We’re looking for better options.

  5. My order #E26717 (European store) closed at June 06 still Unfulfilled. Despite the fact that there were more than 400 coppies of Expeditions: Gears of Corruption (Ironclad Edition) at the time of purchase.

    Will it will be sent at all, If Yes, when?
    I still have Stonemaier Champion membership, and was expecting that my order would be fulfilled in priority.

    Is it possible to get a refund? I’m a little disappointed with this attitude.

    1. I think you should be more patient. I have order #E26500 and I’m also a Champion and my order has not been shipped yet. But it is okay, because in the email it is written that the game will ship within 1-3 weeks, it takes some time for the fulfillment center to ship so many packages.

  6. Hey Jamey,
    I’ve played gears of corruption a couple of times now, and have loved the added elements. The new mechs are super fun, the new characters are great and I love the quality of the player mats. In my last game a specific situation came up and I’m wondering what your thoughts are on it. Nobody had vanquished any corrupted mech cards the entire game so the whole stack of twelve was out for my last turn. I played card 067 which states: Vanquish. After each corruption you gain, also gain a guile and a power. In the rules it reads as if this would apply to the cards because it doesn’t specifically say corruption tokens. This allowed me to run through the entire stack of 12 cards after only starting with 7 power and 7 guile. I felt bad doing it but it seemed legal in the rules. Is this allowed, and/or would you change this card to prevent this situation? It seems really overpowered with the new expansion.

    1. Thanks for playing with the expansion already! The design of that card is so that you gain the guile and power after removing each corruption, giving you a little edge for the next corruption. So it is possible–as you found–that you can use that benefit (when combined with other guile and power, as most corruption cards cost more than 1 guile and 1 power).

      I agree that it’s a pretty strong card with the expansion, and maybe even a circumstantially too strong card–it really depends on the order of the corruption cards, though, as they must be Vanquished from top to bottom. Also, to do what you did, not only did you need to already have accummulated some power and guile, but the other players also must have chosen to ignore the option to Vanquish the corrupted mech (particulary the easier-to-Vanquish cards that made your card extra strong).

  7. Hi Jamey,
    I personally think that Stonemaier approach to this release was fantastic. The Facebook notifications, your website, Discord, newsletters, and Expeditions BGG page provided a huge amount of communication and coverage regarding this release.
    As a consumer, I also have a personal responsibility to stay informed and I felt that I had plenty of notification regarding the release, completely understood my options and was able to make an informed choice regarding any purchase in plenty of time.
    I also recognise that if I ‘miss out’ this time, then there will be a retail release and reprints, so plenty of opportunities to get the game to my table and no need for me to indulge in unhealthy feelings of missing out.
    It seems clear to me that Stonemaier are passionate about making this entire process work as smoothly as possible, and that a huge amount of time and effort is put into this process. I am more than satisfied with my champion membership.
    Keep up the great work,

    1. I really appreciate you saying this, Matthew. Thank you, and I will try to serve you with better advance information and estimates for launch products.

  8. Dear Jamey,
    During your recent live stream I asked about the best method to order the game GoC as I live and work in Germany, but have an APO address at a military base. You mentioned using the Europe store for faster service. In my chat question, I forgot to mention I am a Stonemaier Champion in the USA, had my account prior to moving overseas, and when I tried to log into the Europe store it would not recognize my Stonemaier Champion status. I ordered from the USA store instead. Is there a way for my status as a Stonemaier Champion to get recognized at login regardless of the store I am using?
    Thank you, MightyMac

    1. Thanks for sharing that! I didn’t realize you were a Champion in the US. Each webstore is a separate entity, but when your membership is set to expire/renew, you could cancel it and create it on our Europe store instead (unless you continue to prefer the speed of shipping from the US).

  9. Hello, I have a question about the 16 coins included in the punch cards for the Gears of Corruption expansion. I have the metal coins in my copy of Expeditions, will I need additional coins? Thank you

  10. Jamey, while I appreciate the proactive communication, the disservice to Champion subscribers in this process has not been addressed in any communication.

    Frequently mentioning how you’re shipping to subscribers first rings very hollow if only a subset of your subscribers who wanted it were able to buy it from you, in order to be first in line for shipping.

    Why should subscribers have to buy from another source? I can’t produce proof of my subscription to a retailer to get “Champion” service from them. I’ve shown dedication to Stonemaier Games for 3 years, please help understand how this expansion release truly took care of it’s paid subscribers.

    1. I think Stonemaier is very clear what Champion is and being able to
      order before anyone else or making sure all products are always available are not mentioned, so I’m not sure why you consider it „disservice”. The actual demand clearly caught them by surprise, but they’re doing re-print plus they now offer a few more alternatives. It’s far from ideal (which would be if anyone can buy it now), they made a mistake, but I think it’s handled pretty well.

  11. I have a suggestion. Try opening the orders at 12 noon Centrel Time instead of 9am so that those of us on the West Coast, Alaska, and Hawaii can be awake to actually have a chance to make an order. Thanks in advance and keep up the good work! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👍🏼😎

    1. Thanks John! We don’t fully open up orders until 10:00 am Central, so that’s 8:00 am Pacific. Ideally, though, we’d never sell out in the first few hours, days, or weeks–people have many different schedules and responsibilities, so I don’t expect them to be there right away on launch day (and I need to forecast better so no one feels that pressure). Sleep is important! :)

  12. What’s usually the delay between the shipping of champion orders and none champion orders? I forgot to renew my subscription so mine is a none champion order!

    Also, I’m assuming if I have an order confirmation email that I will 100% get a copy even though its sold out?

    1. If you’ve ordered a copy, you’re guaranteed to receive it. Champion orders for this fulfillment should wrap up by the end of this week, so non-Champion orders should ship next week (the week of June 17).

  13. Rule Clarification: I had the item, Tesla Pistol – 010, and finished vanquishing the corrupted mech. Do I get the item bonus guile and power? The corrupted mech happened to be on a location with corruption on it as well. My rationale is that the corrupted mech is it’s own location when you vanquish it so yes, I would get the benefit.

    1. Thanks for your question, Greg! It’s always helpful to share the exact text on the card to facilitate the answer. In this case, this item card has the 1x ability of “Vanquish” and the ongoing ability, “Whenever you Vanquish the final corruption from a location, also gain 1 power and 1 guile.”

      You are correct that you would gain the bonus power and guile if you Vanquish the final corrupted mech card, permanently removing the corrupted mech from a location.

  14. Do you plan having any copies of Ironclad on Essen?

    I added Ironclad to the cart, then I was offline for 48hrs, and no more stock… quite dissapointing, since I have 1st print of the Expeditions.

    1. Reprint production takes 4 months, so at best the reprint would ship out of China just as Essen is beginning.

  15. Have been enjoying Expeditions recently and was very much looking forward to the expansion. I had planned on teaching Expeditions at a local convention in August. Very disappointed that that I was unable to purchase the ironclad version of the expansion. Thought I had gotten one, but purchased failed at the end. I bought an expensive version of the game and am left with some less than terrific options going forward. Enthusiasm definitely warning.

    1. I’m sorry about that, Mike. I don’t see you on our Expeditions mailing list–that definitely would have been in your favor for getting the expansion in the first printing. I also don’t see your email on our back-in-stock list–that’s how we can let you know if we find/make more copies of the expansion.

      1. Jamey,

        Thanks for the info. I have signed up for the back in stock notification. I was already signed up to the Champion newsletter and thought I was covered for Expeditions news.

        Curious why you didn’t do a “pre-order” like you did with Expeditions Ironclad version? From the outside, that seemed to work pretty well.

        1. You’re right that we tried the preorder method with Expeditions last year, and it was…fine. Not great, but fine. There’s a long list of reasons why the current method is better–less uncertainty, full information (based on reviews that use the final version of the product, providing 100% final, full details about exactly what the product is), removing the challenge of updating addresses, significantly decreasing orders that need modifying, this way you get something within a few weeks of paying for it, etc. The only problem is when supply exceeds demand.

      2. I too am a Stonemaier Champion because I love most your games. As such, I also held the expectation of finding out about new games/expansions, at the very least, at the same time, if not before, any other avenue. Glad to see the most recent newsletter includes the survey. Let me first say I appreciate you, your company, and the many wonderful games you produce, before suggesting stepping up your Champ-supporter-information game.

        1. Thanks for that input! Did you get the Champion email I sent on Tuesday (the day before the launch)?

          1. Yes, I read all the Champion newsletters, and now that I know better, I’ve gone ahead and sub’d to the individual newsletters for each of the games I am interested in! My copy of Gears of Corruption is due to arrive in two days and we are very excited to table Expeditions again.

      3. I’ll join the long line of disappointed people that did the survey and didn’t manage to secure a copy as I was at work. I also don’t feel the suggestion of “buy a plastic copy, if you can find one, and buy the metal mechs later” is all that helpful. I signed up for the champion membership for the 20% discount and free shipping if I commit to spending $100+. I already own about every Stonemaier game I want, so new expansions and physical upgrades are generally how I support Stonemaier these days. The problem is that the website seldom has everything in stock at once when I’ve ramped up to make that bulk purchase. So now my choice is to a)wait until maybe Q4, if the stars align and everything I want is actually in stock, and try to purchase again. Or b) buy from FLGS and pay more, rendering the champion membership useless.

        I know it was an honest mistake anyone could make, but it is indeed frustrating. I AM glad it exceeded expectations, and I’m excited to see more about the next game. But this is a bummer that could’ve been avoided with a preorder. Hopefully the headache saved over address changes and cancelled orders outweighs everyone that took the time to fill the survey and not manage a copy missing out.

        1. There is indeed a line, but it isn’t too long relative to the number of copies we made (we’ve received around 1000 back-in-stock requests for both versions of the expansion compared to a total of 13,000 units made).

          I hear your frustration, and I hear that you think that this could be solved with a preorder–after running a variety of preorders and crowdfunding campaigns over the years, I just don’t think it provides the best customer experience. The best customer experience is when our launches work as designed (with enough units made). All we asked was for Expeditions newsletter subscribers (a newsletter I also share in on Facebook and on our website but should have shared even more widely) to let us know in a 1-question survey back in October if they might be interested in buying an expansion with at least a few new mechs (plastic or metal) among the components. It’s a preorder distilled down to a quick, easy, no-commitment question.

          1. @Jamey, I know you are opposed to early pre-orders. I was excited that this expansion was already done and would ship quickly, unlike the Expeditions base game. I like your method, it just failed this time. I think my hopes in my initial comment was that I could place an order (pre-pay for the expansion) while everything I want is actually in stock, then either receive it when the expansion comes back in stock, or pay the shipping to get the rest of the order now and the expansion later. Because I was ready to spend extra to reach that shipping threshold, whereas now I’m not inclined to order anything until it’s restocked. And by that point the other items I was interested in will likely be sold out.

            @Kevin, I don’t really need anyone to “make it right.” I’m just voicing my frustrations in hopes of helping improve this process.

          2. @Riley, I would have been more specific on what I thought making it right looks like. To me it can be either ownership of a situation with a plan to fix it in the future, or some consideration in the moment.

            @Jamey, I’m not understanding why there is resistance to having some form of pre-sale limited to Stonemaier Champions (paid subscribers).

            Having a guaranteed presale, limited to Stonemaier Champions,for all future product releases would be something paid subscribers can count on and would help improve pre-sale estimates coming from retailers as well. It would increase the value of paid subscriptions and could be done in a time-frame in which you could collect full payments.

            If doing this at the time of the general release, a 24-48 hour presale for Champions would likely be sufficient. If doing it months ahead of this time, just start it when you release the MSRP and retailers start taking pre-orders and maybe accept those paid-in-full pre-orders for a week.

  16. Wow! Congratulations on the sell out! Will this impact your stated fulfillment plans? I was hopeful it might actually result in earlier shipment!
    Can’t wait to get all this cool stuff!

    1. Thanks! This has no impact on fulfillment. Fulfillment centers are still on track to ship Champion orders now (through the end of next week), then take care of non-Champion orders the following week.

      1. Ironclad?

        Also, would it have been feasible to have the bottom of the dual layer mats have cutouts for tucking the cards in at roughly the right places and depths? Maybe something to consider for another expansion or add on.

        1. There’s just two layers. The top layer of the new mats have holes for the three tokens; it’s now easy to lift the mat and slide cards underneath without tokens sliding around.

  17. I’m very disappointed that I filled out the survey saying that I wanted an Ironclad version of the Expeditions expansion but they sold out in only a few hours and even worse AS I WAS TRYING TO PAY!

    When I added to cart it said there were around 100 left. When I then tried to pay it wouldn’t process as it said it was already sold out. It should not be possible to buy products that have been recently added to a shopping cart. In addition, as a Stonemaier Champion I should have had early access to purchase or been allowed to reserve my copy based on filling out the survey back then. It’s not fair that I did not get a copy today when I pay you extra (via the champion program) for preferential treatment. Being told my alternatives are to purchase a base game then spend more on metal mechs that I may not get for months or buy it at a 3rd party retailer for full price makes me wonder why I’m giving you money for the champion program at all.

    I’m extremely disappointed on how this was handled.

    1. I hear your disappointment. Champion benefits are a 20% discount and shipping before non-Champion orders. I’m sorry if you thought the Champions were entitled to other forms of preferential treatment, but that isn’t something we’ve said to Champions.

  18. I was about to place my order for the Ironclad Gears of Corruption, and noticed it was out of stock. How many people do you think it would take to get another printing going? And how long after you reach that goal would it take to print and have the copies ready to ship?

    1. Those aren’t exactly the questions we’re asking, but see the top of the page you’re on right now for the answers we currently have:

      The Ironclad Edition of Gears of Corruption is starting to sell out on several of our webstores. The size of the Ironclad expansion printing was 8x larger than the number of Expeditions newsletter subscribers who told us in advance that they wanted the Ironclad Edition of the expansion–that seemed to us like more than enough, and I’m very sorry a first-printing copy wasn’t available for you directly from us.

      If you were hoping to get the Ironclad expansion and it’s sold out in our webstore in your region, you have a few options: Check with your preferred retailer (some units were presold to distributors), sign up for a back-in-stock request so we know how many more to make, or buy a standard version of the expansion and we’ll make some metal mechs to sell separately. We’ll aim to start a reprint and/or the metal mechs soon for availability in Q4.

      1. Okay, thanks for letting me know! Will the metal mechs in the future come with the new rubber base snaps for all 6 mechs?

          1. Wonderful! :)

            I’ve placed an order for the regular edition, but I’ll keep an eye out at some retailers for the Ironclad version, just in case it pops up! I really appreciate your help, and I’m looking forward to expanding my copy of the 1920+ universe! :)

  19. Hi, when will you have more iron clad editions of the expansion, currently sold out? Did show in stock with 100+ available but once submitted payment showed out of stock, seemed the website wasn’t syncing properly for in stock availability.

    1. The size of the Ironclad expansion printing was 8x larger than the number of Expeditions newsletter subscribers who told us in advance that they wanted the Ironclad Edition of the expansion–that seemed to us like more than enough, but I’m very sorry a first-printing copy wasn’t available for you. Please either sign up for a back-in-stock request so we know how many more to make or get a standard version and we’ll make some metal mechs to sell separately.

      1. How many copies of Ironclad Expeditions have been sold vs Ironclad expansions printed? It seems like anyone who already has metal mechs in the base game is going to want metal mechs for the expansion instead of mixed materials… Can you say roughly what the ratio of Ironclad to plastic is for expansion vs base game?

        1. The relevant data is that we asked Expeditions newsletter subscribers how many people wanted to buy the Ironclad expansion. The number of responses seemed low, so we made 8x that number (part of that was to account for distributors and retailers too). There are 3x as many standard versions of the core game in circulation compared to the Ironclad Edition of the core game.

  20. Just ordered!
    So glad to get this chance to participate! Love the game and look forward to the enhanced experience!

  21. Please tell me there ISN’T a new playmat.
    I literally bought the playmat at UK Games Expo this weekend!

    1. Rob: Check out the FAQ on the page you’re currently at:

      Is the expansion compatible with the natural rubber playmat?

      Absolutely. The only challenge you may face is that space may be a bit tight if you play with 6 total players.

      1. Thank you Jamey.

        Do you know what time in the UK the expansion goes on sale?
        I got the base game for my 50th birthday in May and need the expansion so badly.

        (Also adding the metal coins to my order!)

        1. Happy birthday, Rob! It’ll be on our Europe webstore around 4:00 pm your time on June 5.

    1. The expansion launches on our webstore on June 5, with orders shipping in June. So essentially, yes, it’s available to buy on June 5 (it will be in stock in our fulfillment centers then), but whenever we launch a new product, the large influx of orders take a little longer to ship than a non-launch order.

    2. Jamey, I would like just the metal mechs but on the AUS website it says the ironclad edition is in stock so what is my option? Just show interest on the US store?

  22. I like the new player mats, but why reverse the guile and power columns? On the corruption tokens the Power has a symbol on the lower left, the guile has a symbol on the lower right. Just look at the new “2” corruption tokens on this page.

    My guess is that the columns are setup alphabetically.

    I’m also seeing “fixes” for the base game aside from the updated player mat. Like starting hero workers and starting power/guile settings. My guess is that the game goes by faster this way and balances the game for the last player.

    After watching “The Mill” and his unboxing. It looks like sleeved cards might not all fit in the box. I’m going to have to take a closer look and find a nylon pouch for the corruption to save space.

    1. There were no columns on the original mech mats.

      The sleeved cards should fit. In addition to two deep wells, there are two shallow wells under the resource tray.

    2. I already have metal pieces from the first set. Are these the same metal pieces or new metal pieces?

  23. OMG can’t wait to get it 🧡

    The corrupted mech roaming mechanics looks really interesting, and I love the new player mats

  24. Hi Jamey, looking forward to this. Will the ironclad version be available retail? I foolishly cancelled my Stonemaier Champion status early, thinking I wouldn’t need any discounts for a while!

    1. Because some retailers sold the Ironclad Edition of Expeditions, those retailers will have the option to also sell the Ironclad version of the expansion too.

  25. 1:What are the two new characters and where do they come from?
    2:The artwork looks amazing!(as always)
    3:What nation would YOU want in Expeditions?

    1. Thanks! There are a total of 4 new characters (and their companions) in Expeditions–check out the rulebook for photos and backstories for each of them.

      In Expeditions, there actually are no nations or factions–that’s a concept from Scythe that we moved on from for Expeditions, focusing instead on characters with motivations that are entirely independent of their home countries. If I were to travel with any of them, I think Anna and Wojtek would have some great campfire stories to tell.

  26. I confess I was really surprised on how this game grew on my after playing it a few times (only played solo so far). Reading about it and watching tutorial and review videos did not touch me close enough to the real purview of the experience the game offers.

  27. This expansion looks fantastic. I recently painted the minis, looking forward to tackling these two. The new player boards are absolutely great! Really nice with the double layer.

    I live in the Netherlands and this year I’ll be going to Spiel in Essen, Germany for the first time. Will Jamey Stegmaier be there all days and will this expansion be available for purchase in English there?

  28. Hey Jamey, so hyped for the new expansion, really love this game. I just have one question pertaining to this upcoming release.

    Will there be an upgrade for those that have the plastic mechs to get the metal version for the base game?

    I know there’s an iron clad version of the expansion. Wondering if i should grab the ironclad version if that’s something happening in the future. Unfortunately, I missed out on the ironclad edition.

    1. Thanks John! We haven’t seen enough demand for original metal mechs to make a set of just the mechs, but we’ll gauge interest for that from back-in-stock requests for the core game Ironclad Edition (we’re not making more Ironclad Editions, but if there are enough requests, we’ll make a set of metal mechs). It will be expensive to buy just the mechs, though, so I’d probably recommend just getting the standard version of the expansion.

  29. Will you be able to do the same with this expansion as you did with the core game and offer a stand-alone pair of mechs in plastic for the painting hobbyists?

    1. We do have a few dozen plastic minis set aside in our US webstore for that purpose (we need the other spares for replacement parts).

  30. I have the metal version of the base game will the expansion have metal mechs? It’s going to look awkward with metal and plastic.

    1. Thanks for your question! I’d love for some feedback about this, as the above page states in multiple places that Gears of Corruption will come in two versions (plastic and metal mechs), but you’re one of many who have asked this question. Please let me know where you looked on the above page for this information so I can insert it in a more intuitive place for people to find.

  31. I don’t know why I had not seen this until now.
    6 player, starting resources including wild worker, more characters, and dual layer boards (wish I hadn’t invested in overlays now, but maybe will sell them).
    I would say this is hitting the first expansion out of the park.
    We love the core game, but these upgrades and expansion content will make the game even better!

    1. Thanks for asking your question here! We don’t reveal exact pricing until launch day (June 5), as the launch discount is subject to change, but I can say that the expansion components are roughly 2/5ths of the components of the core game, the pricing for which is on our webstore (both versions).

    1. Thanks for your question! Can you do me a favorite and look at the description on the above page? The answer is there, but multiple people have asked this question, so I’d like to know where people are looking for the answer so I can add it to a better place. Thanks!

  32. Are players able to move through the corrupted mech’s location on their turn without taking any penalty?

  33. Looks really good! Has this been trailed in a Champions emailer? I stumbled across this by accident, and can’t remember reading anything about it previously!

      1. how long do you expect them to stay in stock? i ask because ive been waiting to have another crack at tapestry revised civs and it would be convenient shipping-wise to order both in Q3….

        1. That’s a great question, but one I never really know the answer to until we launch a product. What I can say, though, is that we’ll always make more if there’s demand for something, and we completely understand the value customers place in consolidating multiple products into a single shipment. The Tapestry revised civs won’t arrive for a few months, so even if we sell out of the first printing of the Expeditions expansion, you could potentially still buy the second printing of it and the revised civs in Q3 or Q4. Lots of hypotheticals there–I can’t predict the future or consumer demand other than what people have told us through polls and back-in-stock requests.

  34. Looks great! Super excited. Couldn’t wait and went through the rulebook since I was curious about the corrupted mech mechanics. Is there a reason it can’t move onto the same hex as a player? It might get cramped but I like the idea of a toe to toe battle thematically.
    Also the new cards look really cool and powerful, excited to see all of them!

    1. It’s just one of the core rules of the game that you can’t share a location with another mech–that’s part of the interaction between players (and now between players and the corrupted mech). So the reason is consistency. :)

  35. I’m looking forward to playing this expansion! :) It looks so AMAZING! :)
    I have played (SOLO) every character&mech combination in the base game. So I am very excited about new characters and mechs.
    At the same time I had some high hopes to get:
    1) New map tiles (possibly alternative locations with same numbers so the map would be even more random).
    2) Some new cards.
    3) Maybe other tokens mixed in the bag together with the corruption tokens. Same shape, but different colore, and they could trigger events or something…
    I believe that this expansion will be successful and open the doors for the next one as well :)

  36. Looks like one of my favorite games is getting even better! I’m very excited for this. All the additions and upgrades look great, and the extra rules are easy to understand. Keep up the great work Stonemaier Games!

  37. Dual-layer mats!

    I’m vaguely recalling a previous question about dual-layered mats where you talked about them having some kind of difficulties (boards warping at different rates, maybe?) that made you not want to do them again. Are those troubles resolved now?

    1. That is true–warping was one of several concerns I had about making dual-layered mats in Expeditions. But it’s also a problem we’ve figured out thanks to many reprints of Scythe over time. Plus, in Expeditions, if you have a little warping, it’s actually kind of nice for tucking cards under your mat (I’m not saying there will be warping in these expansion mech mats, but it’s a silver lining in cases where it happens).

      1. In the pictures the mats seem extremely warped. Were the pictures made with a “promotional” print or is this warping expected?

        1. My mats are slightly warped, but that’s but that’s because I have any early copy (all other copies are given the proper time to set and dry, while my copy is sent to me early to approve the components). As I mention above, I actually don’t mind my mats being a little warped, as I can slide cards under them. It doesn’t have to be a bad thing. :)

    1. Here’s what we say about this on the above page: “Localization Partners: There will be localized versions of this product from Feuerland (German), Matagot (French), Phalanx (Polish), and Maldito (Spanish). For localization-specific questions, please ask these publishers.”

      1. Probably not, as I’m not sure people would pay for it, but we’re open to it if enough people are interested. The way we’re gauging demand for this is via back-in-stock notification requests on our webstore for the Ironclad Edition.

          1. Good to know, I asked because more cards are added, thank you for the replies Jamey

    1. There is definitely space in the box!!! I was hoping for a new insert to accommodate the expansion

  38. Will there be a link to the automa rule sheet on this page? Really interested to see how much effect this expansion will have on the solo mode

  39. Looks awesome. Question:

    Will the new metal mechs fit in the base game box? I’m guessing they might where there are two indented circles that I’ve been keeping the rubber bases.

  40. Hello. I wonder if with the new player boards, can the game be stored vertically without the tray of coins/meeples/map tokens mixing/spreading?

  41. Love everything about this expansion. Feels like a TM prelude+ for expeditions!

    Speeding up the early game, adding the wild worker and the map markers having secret bonuses all address the few niggles I had with the base game.

    component upgrades are awesome to see and I finally get to play green!

    My one cheeky question, are the extra coins for the 6th player in the ironclad edition metal?

    1. There are no metal coins in Expeditions or the expansion. We had some extra room on the punchboards in the expansion, so we added some extra $1 cardboard coins there in case players want them (they aren’t necessary for any player count).

    2. Jamey said in the livestream this morning that the extra coins aren’t really necessary. They just had extra room on the punch boards, so they added a few more 1-value coins. He said they do not have plans to add more metal coins than what they already sell.

  42. This looks like a fantastic addition to Expeditions. Looking forward to seeing how the corrupted mech and new solo modes work. And great that this also works as an upgrade kit for corrections and dual layer boards.

    It would have been nice to see a base snap just for the corrupted mech, something to highlight the fact it is corrupted, tentacles or a creepy purple colour….. Too late to slip something in the box?

    Can’t wait for the reviews, and getting my hands on this to add to what is already a mighty fine game.

    1. Thanks Nick! We thought about that, but I realized that it wasn’t necessary, as the corrupted mech is the only mech without a base snap–a clear visual to players.

      And yes, absolutely, 100% too late to add anything to the box–the expansion has already arrived at most fulfillment centers. Production ended 2 months ago. :)

      1. I thought that would be the case, and yes certainly not a necessity given it will be different to the player mechs on the board.

    2. I would have loved a base snap for the corrupted mech too! Even just to give it some extra “pop”!

  43. Hi

    Are the rubber base snaps just replacements or are they upgraded?

    How much will the expansion be?


    1. The base snaps in the Ironclad version of the expansion are replacements for a better fit. As for the prices, we reveal those on launch day (June 5), as they’re still subject to change.

  44. Very very excited for this to launch. Are the updated rubber base mats better than the older ones? What sort of price are we looking at for the ironclad edition?

    Everything you’ve included in this Expansion looks to improve on the base game, which is an achievement in itself. Looks like an essential expansion to me.

    Thanks for all the hard work you’ve put into this.

    1. The replacement rubber base snaps in the expansion are indeed better. They’re both tighter and more flexible.

  45. Hi Jamey. Very interesting components!
    Any chance to have an italian localizations (like Expeditions)?

    1. Absolutely! That’s up to Ghenos to decide, so please tell them you’re interested in it.

  46. Interesting to see the change to having dual-layered mats. Did y’all find a way to make 7 of them fit in the box? Just looking at the pictures, the second layer looks very thin.

    1. We did! It took a lot of trial and error to make it work. I’ll discuss that process in detail in a design diary post. You’re correct that the top layer is thin, but it’s thick enough to serve its purpose.

      1. Any chance of a file with all the back of the new map tokens. I made stickers to upgrad to wooden tokens for my base game. Would like to get new stickers printed ASAP.

    1. Here’s what we say about this in the components list: “The Gears of Corruption expansion is available in standard (plastic mechs and 1 plastic base snap) and Ironclad (metal mechs, 6 rubber base snaps to update the originals, and foil on the box).”

  47. But what a out the metal mechs for this edition? Will those be available as well? Maybe I am just blind from the sun, but I didn’t see any mention…

    1. It’s in the first sentence under Components: “The Gears of Corruption expansion is available in standard (plastic mechs and 1 plastic base snap) and Ironclad versions (metal mechs, 6 rubber base snaps to update the originals, and foil on the box).”

    2. It’s in the design diary: “Expeditions: Gears of Corruption is set to launch on our webstore on June 5 in both Ironclad and standard versions”

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