Leaderboard – Stonemaier Games


You can report your score from any game of Wyrmspan. On the last day of each month, we’ll share the top scores from that month and the players who achieved those scores, broken down by player count. For calculating and saving your scores, we now offer a free score calculator app, Stonemaier Scores, on iOS and Android!

March high score: 161 (Adrian, playing with the Guild of Seafarers, 4 players)

March high scores at each player count:

  • solo: 142 (Damien Barber, playing with the Rainforest Guild)
  • 2 players: 142 (James Golding, playing with the Guild of Seafarers)
  • 3 players: 133 (Jen Rediger, playing with the Rainforest Guild)
  • 4 players: 161 (Adrian, playing with the Guild of Seafarers)
  • 5 players: 111 (Liz Pascoe, playing with the Rainforest Guild)

This is just for fun. We hope players will play Wyrmspan in the most fun way possible, neither manipulating the game to inflate scores or falsely reporting scores. We cannot verify the accuracy of these scores.

Previous Months

February high score: 150 (Andreas Lundberg, playing with the Plains Guild, 5 players)

February high scores at each player count:

  • solo: 101 (Alex, playing with the Rainforest Guild)
  • 2 players: 136 (Alex Clifton, playing with the Plains Guild)
  • 3 players: 108 (Caleb, playing with the Rainforest Guild)
  • 4 players: 136 (James Golding, playing with the Rainforest Guild)
  • 5 players: 150 (Andreas Lundberg, playing with the Plains Guild)