Summer Visitor #2: Planter – Stonemaier Games

Summer Visitor #2: Planter

Sometimes you need to plant more than one vine card at the same time. You might be able to use the middle action space bonus if you’re playing a 3-6 player game, but during certain times of the game, it can be difficult to double up on vines. You might play it early, or you might wait until later in the game when you need a really strong red grape or white grape vine. You plant them with the planter, harvest them in the fall, and perhaps grab the last few victory points you need to win.

2 Comments on “Summer Visitor #2: Planter

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  1. Thanks for showing us more art. I do not mean this as an insult to anyone but for some reason when I look at this card the smile looks a bit off. Almost like it is fake or like a evil grin.

    1. Maybe it is the darker shading around the mouth but it just kind of comes off as looking a little sinister to me.

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