Rules and Print & Play – B2C – Stonemaier Games

Rules and Print & Play – B2C

You can download the rules here.

There is a scoring app created by Kevin Schoemehl available for free here.

42 Comments on “Rules and Print & Play – B2C

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  1. Hello Jamey.
    Following the link “Translated Rules folder”, I didn’t find any translations for the base rules.
    I’m french and I lost my copy of the french rules. Can you put it on download again, so I can print a new copy ?

    1. I’m sorry, that link is out of date. For translated rules, please see the websites of our localization partners (Matagot, in this case).

      1. Matagot didn’t localized Between two cities , so the french rules aren’t on their websites.
        I also checked BGG, no french rules there. :-(

    1. Raykuro: Thanks for your question. The Spanish version includes the Automa rulebook in Spanish.

      1. Yep, but i don’t understand spanish :D
        Need translation like the rulebook in english :)
        Thx for reply

  2. And now we are arguing about the others, Paris, Rome, Cairo, Beijing, Agra (Taj Mahal), San Francisco and St. Louis were our guesses.

        1. vladvil: Yes, the green bridge is the Sydney Harbour Bridge. The Arch is in St. Louis (where Stonemaier Games is located).

  3. Hi, Jamey,

    I was just browsing the rules and noticed the traditional Chinese rule has wording mistake, I haven’t read everything, but the first line I came across on the rule “1. 將隨機次序卡洗混, 然後在牌頂抽尿一張卡” It should be 然後在牌頂抽”掉”一張卡.
    That mistake literally means “piss off one card” instead of draw one card :p

    anyway, I need time to read over the English rule and compare with the Chinese rule, but that was the first I saw as soon as I started reading


      1. Ciao Luca, farei una modifica alla sezione “Ripeti” di pagina 3. L’originale è questo: “Se c’è più di una tessera sotto il segnalino città alla tua destra, prendi quelle tessere e scegli, rivela, e piazza di nuovo”. Secondo me non è scritto in modo molto chiaro.. correggerei così:

        “Se c’è più di una tessera sotto il segnalino città alla tua destra, prendi quelle tessere e ripeti nuovamente i passi scegli, rivela e piazza di nuovo”.

        Secondo me così è più chiaro :) Un saluto!

  4. Occhio che nella traduzione italiana ci sono degli errori di battitura! Nella descrizione: “progetti di tale portate” -> “progetti di tale portata”; “sarai affiancato da un un altro urbanista” -> “sarai affiancato da un altro urbanista”.

    1. Grazie provvedo a correggere e caricare la nuova versione :)

      I’ll fix some typo pointed out by francesco, and upload fixed version.

      1. Pagina 4, sezione Piazza: “alla tua sinistra e l’altra nelle città alla tua destra” va corretto in “alla tua sinistra e l’altra nella città alla tua destra”.

      2. Pagina 4, sezione Piazza, Nota 2: “Molto raramente può capitare che un giocatore non vuole piazzare tessere prima di un altro giocatore”, correggerei in “Molto raramente può capitare che un giocatore non voglia piazzare tessere prima di un altro giocatore”.

      3. Pagina 5, riquadro fabbriche. la riscriverei così: Le città con più fabbriche diventano dei noti poli industriali e e attraggono altri investimenti del settore.

  5. Thank you for posting the playtest version for PnP download. I’m scratching my head about how I want to print the rule book. It’s absolutely gorgeous, but the page size is not compatible with my printer. My printer does not handle paper wider than 8-1/2″, and I’d really rather not use the ink for the colored background and decorative artwork.

    Also, it looks like in the quick reference guide on page 8, the word “cities” was left out of the first scoring tie-breaker.

    Thanks again. It looks like a fantastic game.

    1. Thanks Jimmy! yeah, it’s an odd size for PnP printing. I would suggest printing at less than 100% to make it fit. For the proofread rules (which my designer is currently working on), we’ll make sure we offer a single-page version for easier printing.

  6. The revised (Feb 24) rulebook is much better. The only error I’ve seen so far is an omission from the rules on scoring Houses. The rule that a house adjacent to a factory scores only 1 pt has been left out. It is still present in the nifty scoring summary on the last page.

    Andrew Watson, the man who would be Proofreader.

    ps I’ll post further comments on the new and improved rulebook later. Those further comments are opinions about wording, rather than corrections.

  7. A few questions:
    1. Are there any substantive changes to the tiles between v8 (from which I made my P&P copy earlier this week) and v9 (the version posted yesterday)? The tiles have certainly been enhanced in terms of art and design.

    2. How about changing the wording of this BTC P&P page? Description as “bare-bones” and “no professional graphic design” no longer seems accurate.

    1. Andrew: The art is the same as all versions of the PnP. The graphic design has been updated, but it’s not the final graphic design. The final art and design can be seen on the project page. Thanks!

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