Quick Kickstarter Lesson Recaps: #31-35 – Stonemaier Games

Quick Kickstarter Lesson Recaps: #31-35

I continue to revisit the Kickstarter Lesson posts I’ve written over the last 8 years in chronological order, highlighting the core elements of each.

Micro Goals (#31): By “micro goals,” I mean small pushes for your project to reach certain arbitrary thresholds. These aren’t stretch goals beyond your funding level–they’re micro goals leading up to funding. For instance If you have 239 backers, encourage people to help you reach 250. The same can be done for money pledged, Facebook likes, etc. These micro goals give people reasons to act now towards an achievable goal. Gaining that forward momentum can mean success for your project.

The Final Week (#32): I can sum up the goal for the final week of your Kickstarter project in one sentence: Create a frenzy surrounding your project. No matter the funding level you’ve reach at this point, you want to go out with a bang. In this article I list and explain five ways to amp up the excitement surrounding your project: Daily Project Updates, Add and Revise Stretch Goals, Call to Action, Update Ads, and finally, Be Available and Accessible. Check out the article for important details and reminders about these topics.


The Final 48 Hours (#33): The final 48 hours can be magical and legendary…if you do a few things right. A lot of hard work and key decisions go into ending strong. Everyone who clicked the “remind me” button will be notified by Kickstarter with exactly 2 days to go in your project. And while it’s better to gather and engage backers early, now is your chance to gain the backers who weren’t quite convinced at first. There are a few things you can do to give yourself the best chance to convert those potential backers. These include: being fully funded, having a polished project page, having stretch goals unlocked, and making yourself available and responsive. With those ideas in mind, your project’s final 48 hours can be some of the most memorable of your campaign!


The Final Hour (#34): It all comes down to this. By now you know a lot about your funding level. As I’ve experienced it, an incredible sense of community can arise in the project’s comments. So the best thing you can do for the final hour of the project is be available in front of your computer. There is one other important detail you should know about the final hour, something I didn’t know until after my first campaign ended: You can’t change your project page after the project is over. Just like your original Kickstarter page is your first impression, your final Kickstarter page is your last impression. So put the really important stuff at the top of the page for people who discover the page in the months and years to come. imagine a future backer/customer/fan finding your project–what do you want them to see? What don’t you want them to see? Now is the time to make those final edits.

Kickstarter Limitations and How to Work Around Them (#35): Kickstarter is an amazing platform for making your dream projects come to life and gauging interest in your products, but as with any example of great design, there are certain things it can’t do or won’t allow. This article, written in 2013, mentions 12 Kickstarter limitations from the creator’s perspective and 4 Kickstarter limitations from the backer’s perspective.
If you have any questions or thoughts about these topics, feel free to share in the comments!
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