Selling with Empathy – Stonemaier Games

Selling with Empathy

“Why should I buy your game?”

I hear this question (or versions of it) from time to time, yet it always catches me off guard, as I’m not here to convince anyone to buy anything. I’m not a hype man.

Rather, I want to present you with information about our product so you can make an informed decision. Rulebooks, unique mechanisms, component photos, stories about the design process, etc–these are all examples of objective information we share.

Also, importantly, I try to share a variety of subjective third-party opinions, overviews, and playthroughs. Today is the day that advance copy content for Wyrmspan is available, a little over a week before the game launches on the Stonemaier Games webstore.

I also like to give people a frame of reference to see if a game is similar to games they like. I’ll often ask someone about their favorite games if they’re looking for a recommendation, and my responses may include games by other publishers. This video for Wyrmspan is one way I try to answer this question before it’s asked.

In my mind, all of this is about selling with empathy. Of course I believe that our products have the potential to bring joy to your tabletop. But I also empathize with you: Your preferences probably aren’t exactly the same as mine, and that’s okay!

I’m reminded of this short, excellent video from Simon Sinek:

If you’re intrigued by Wyrmspan, I invite you to join us for Wyrmspan’s launch on January 31! In addition to the game, you can get metal coins and wooden resources, rubber playmats, new realms for Rolling Realms, and the Wyvern disc golf disc. It’s also okay if Wyrmspan isn’t for you, and I hope you have something else fun to cozy up with at the table during these cold winter months.

Have you seen some companies sell well with empathy?


Coincidentally, Crowdfunding Nerds posted a related podcast today.

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2 Comments on “Selling with Empathy

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  1. Good article. Good video. It has been my experience that you truly believe — and practice — what you preach. You are among the best in this industry. Stay that way, please!

  2. Thanks so much for all you do – your love and passion for both gaming and building community is so good!

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