Rules & FAQ – Stonemaier Games

Rules & FAQ

The My Little Scythe multiplayer rulebook, solo rulebook, achievement sheet, and translated rulebooks are available for download here.

If you have rule questions, please post them in the comments on this page, create a thread on BoardGameGeek, or ask them in the My Little Scythe Facebook group.

Rule Questions

If I win a pie fight as a defender, am I required to place a trophy token?

No, it’s optional.

If I’ve met the requirements for a Personality card, am I required to reveal it and earn a trophy?

No, you can wait until it’s best for you to reveal that information.

If my Seeker moves onto a territory with a Quest token, is it required to stop and see the Quest, or can I ignore it and continue to move another space (pending other movement rules?

Yes, you may ignore Quests as you move Seekers.

Are base camps treated like other spaces on the board?

No, base camps are not spaces and can never contain resources or quests.

For the Pie Cannon power up tile, do I get the bonus whenever anyone initiates a pie fight?

No, it’s only when you are involved in a pie fight as an attacker or defender.

For the Supply Catapult power up tile, when exactly is the ability used?

This ability can only be used after the entire Move action is resolved, including all pie fights and quests.

For the Portal Express power up tile, can my seekers jump to all portals within a single Move action?

No. A better way to phrase this ability is, “As a part of your Move action, your Seekers may each make one free portal jump between 2 portals.”

For the Help with Apples quest card, if I choose the “Donate Apples” option, where do the apples come from?

You must have 2 apples under your control on the board–it’s those apples you’ll donate to another player.

In which row of the Trophy Track does the Automountie place trophies?

When Automountie places a trophy because she has sufficient tokens, she places them left to right in the top row of the Trophy Track.

General Questions

What are the card sizes and quantities in My Little Scythe?

71 cards at the 57x87mm size.

Does the insert fit sleeved cards? Does it have room for expansions?

Yes, the insert fits sleeved cards (that’s a standard feature for all Game Trayz inserts). And yes, we’ve included specific slots for expansion content.

Some of my tokens come loose when I transport the game even though I’m organizing the components based on the instructions. What’s up?

We realized that it’s best to store the game board between the two trays. It will prevent any of the tokens from coming loose.

Is this just a reskinned kids version of Scythe?

Nope, not at all! It does have some streamlined versions of mechanisms in Scythe, but it is its own game, and it’s geared towards gamers of all ages.

Is it language independent?

My Little Scythe is about 80% language independent. There are quest cards and upgrade tiles that need to be read once, but there isn’t any text that needs to constantly be referred to during the game. If you have 1 English speaker at the table, you’ll be fine.

Will My Little Scythe be released in other languages?

Yes! Our partners will announce their versions when they’re ready. Spieleschmiede is publishing the German version, Matagot the French version, Maldito the Spanish version, and Ghenos the Italian version.

170 Comments on “Rules & FAQ

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  1. If one seeker moves one space and carries resources into an adjacent seekers space can and the adjacent seekers then move in turn one space with the new resources on his space?

    1. Yes, each seeker acts independently. If a seeker ever carries resources while moving, the farthest that seeker can move on the turn is 1 space.

    1. Here’s what the rulebook says at the bottom of page 7: “Continuing in turn order, each other player without 4 trophies takes 1 final turn.”

      So if you have 4 trophies, your game is over.

  2. My daughter and I love the game! Thank you for making it! During the Grand Finale…on your final turn, can you repeat a previous action? Or are you still banned from your previous action…we’ve found that if your previous move was a Move action, you’re at a big disadvantage usually…you can make and what not sure, but moving usually gives you more opportunities for trophies whether that’s deliveries, quests, pie fights…etc….so we house ruled that restriction off but I’m curious what your thoughts are there…

    1. Raul: I’m glad you two are having fun with it! You are correct that just like other turns, during the grand finale you can’t repeat the previous action (but you’re welcome to houserule that if it’s more fun for you).

  3. Hi, me and my kids have been enjoying this game very much!

    there was a situation where a player who has 0 friendship collected 2 quests and did not get a trophy. Does he get the trophy during the turn where his friendship turned 3 ? or he has to collect another 2 quests after it?

    thank you

    1. Thanks Bob! You keep all completed quests so that when you climb up the friendship track, you can gain a trophy for those quests.

  4. A question on the quests (e.g. Dark Magic). I have to pay 1 Spell in order to gain 2 friendship. To whom do I pay the spell? The card has a picture of an Eagle. Do I pay to an eagle (if they’re playing) or is it just discarded? Similar questions for Test of Strength and Help with Gems.

  5. For gem and apple delivery, must I end my movement on the castle? Or, if I have additional movement remaining (eg. Using portal express upgrade), can I complete the delivery at the castle, immediately return to base camp amd get the bonus, and then use any remaining movement from there?

    1. Mark: Indeed, your movement would end at the castle–it doesn’t carry over after the delivery.

  6. Hi Jamey, my family is a huge fan of the game.
    We finally got pie in the sky to the table. We were a little disappointed when we realised that we don’t get matching colour player pawns for the new factions. Also matching pie and friendship tokens. Just wondering why they were not added, considering there is space in the storage for it.
    Thanks for the great games.

  7. I have a question about the Personality Card, which allows to win the “Power up trophy” with only one of Power Ups installed. (sorry I don’t have English game version to give you exact name of this card).
    There is additional condition that I can use this personality skill only if I won at least one another trophy before.

    How does it work exactly?:
    A. I have one power up installed, but haven’t won any trophies yet. Then I need to win another trophy and in the next turn I can reveal my personality card and get “Power up trophy” as well
    B. I need to win at least one another trophy before installing first power up tile to use this personality skill.

  8. Hello, I have a serious doubt about quite basic movement mechanic:
    1. While carrying resources my figure can move by 1 tile.
    2. Moving without resources – max 2 tiles.

    What if I am starting to move without any resources and move to adjacent tile where some are present. Can I grab them and continue my movement by 1 tile yet or this is a point when I have to stop I want to keep those resources?

    In my example half of movement is without resources and half with carrying them and this situation is not explicitly described in instruction.
    Thank you very much and best regards!

    1. If you carry resources at any time during your turn, your maximum movement for that unit that turn is 1 hex. So if you move one hex and now have resources, you cannot move another hex if you want to move with those resources.

  9. The dice are unkind to people who are colorblind. Maybe second edition can have that corrected? Otherwise, the game is aces.

  10. I’m slightly confused by the quest payments, which ones come from the general supply and which ones do you have to pay with your own goods?

        1. “Donate” is used when you’re giving your gems to another player. “Pay” is when you pay your gems to the supply. Feel free to mention the exact text for “place” if you think that suggests the gems come from elsewhere.

          1. Friends in Peril says “Send Aid: Place 2 gems on a space occupied by another player”. Do those gems come from your own space or from the supply?

  11. The Apple Delivery & Magic Gem Delivery Trophy: with the three rounds i played so far, no one really liked to get these, they are way to tedious – what do you’all think?

  12. Ciao from Italy! I just got our copy of MLS, it’s WONDERFULL!! all SM games are special and deep, in some many ways. You really stay true to your Mision Statement. We’re still learning to play MLS and there are some things related to movement rules that we don’t quite get:
    1. When moving a seeker of two spaces: if with the first move (resource free) I get into a hex with a resource, can I still move one more space with that resource I just picked?
    2. Being able to move two spaces (resource free), if with the first move I pick up a quest, can I solve it and then move to my second space?

    1. Thanks Ana! :) If you move a seeker that isn’t carrying a resource onto a space with a resource, you can’t move them again this turn. A quest also ends their movement.

  13. Can you play more than one magic card in a single fight? So if I had 3 cards of 2 value I could use all of them in a fight?

  14. In the “trick or treat” quest, when resolving a “trick” can the other player choose to lose 1 apple and 1 gem as opposed to 2 apples or 2 gems?

  15. Hi, my daughter and I just played MLS for the first time and loved it. 1 question though. If I have 2 seekers in adjacent hex’s both with resources can I use the move action to move 1 seeker with resources into the same space as the other then move the second seeker 1 space taking all the combined resources together. I.e is it possible to pass resources from one seeker to the other by moving them into the same hex? Sorry if this was asked elsewhere but I couldn’t see it…

  16. Pie in the sky question.
    1. Quest – Delivery Error ,
    if you chose to move the airship onto a space with gems / apples, can you retrieve 1 of them into Cargo as part of the action?
    2. Power up – Air transportation
    After you’ve moved the ship, can you perform kingdom’s unique ability or retrieve 1 gem / apple from that space into Cargo?
    Thanks in advance. also just want to say thank you for creating such a wonderful game which allows me to share enjoyable moments with my kids 🙏

    1. 1. The airship can only gain resources into its cargo hold as part of the “Seek with Air Support” action. Since completing a quest does not include Air Support, it cannot pick up a resource when it moves with Delivery Error.
      2. Same answer here. Air Transportation is more about moving your Seekers than it is about picking up resources. Since the ability does not include Air Support, you can’t pick up resources into your cargo hold with this movement.

      1. Thank you for the Prompt response Joe.
        Just an other query for the Quest – Delivery Error, since we can either move the Airship gaget or the airship to any space of the map by paying 1 apple/gem, it seems a little unfair for the Race without any Airship gadget as moving the Airship gadget is kind of getting an Air support from the ship. So shouldn’t the Race without any Airship gadget be allow to retrieve an apple/gem into the Cargo?

        1. Hi Sherman,

          Thanks for your question. I’m the designer so please allow me to clarify. The labels you use are a little different from what I’m used to, so please forgive me if I misinterpret your question–but i’ll try my best to help. The Delivery Error option for that quest involves paying a cost to complete the quest. The benefit of that option can be important in certain situations, especially when considering your opponent’s next move. However, consider that this is in addition to the other, perhaps more important benefit of completing a quest with the cost of only a single apple or gem. Most other blue options require 2 resources. :)

          1. Thanks for the clarifications Hoby, sorry for the possible confusion of the wording of my question and let me try to explain myself a bit better. For the animal kingdom which has an airship gadget, by placing their airship gadget to any space on the map, they are kind of gaining the benefit of using their airship ability, in which it seems unfair for the other animal kingdom that doesn’t have an airship gadget as they can only move the airship but not be able to use their airship ability. IE , Moskoxen kingdom or the great Monkey Kingdom.
            I hope it’s now make more sense to you.

  17. If I complete my second quest, which bumps my friendship and pies up to the point that I would qualify for a trophy from all 3 at once how does this resolve?
    Since I am only able to claim one trophy a round (save for the grand finale), would I be granted the trophy at the start of my next turn, assuming I still had the pies and/or friendship to qualify?

    1. Hi Allen! Since you can only gain one trophy per turn, on later turns if you’ve met the criteria for a trophy and you haven’t yet earned a trophy on your turn, you must place a trophy token.

    1. Hi Darell! The official rules for playing against the Automa (written by the Automa Factory) don’t include rules on how to use multiple Automas. So I don’t have an official answer for you! Perhaps you could post your question on BGG and see if anyone has an opinion.

  18. The make upgrade card, “Pie Courier” says, “Gain 1 pie for each 🍎 or 💎 you spend from your cargo hold on these Make actions.” Does this mean if I spend two gems to get a spell, and one of them comes from the cargo hold, then I get a spell card and a pie?

    Does the “Copy Cat” action allow you perform upgraded “Make” actions that other players have on their mats? Does the other player need to have previously performed the make action? Can I copy the Pie Courier bonus?

    For the “Mechanical Frog” ability, do quest tokens count as resources?

    1. Thanks for your questions, Evin!

      1. Yes, that’s correct (1 spell card and 1 pie).

      2. Yes, it can copy upgraded Make actions, even if the opponent hasn’t used that action. It just copies the action itself (no bonuses like on Pie Courier).

      3. No, only apples and gems are resources.

  19. I’ve completed 2 quests but can’t receive the trophy because I have 0 friendship. The moment my friendship gets back to 3 can I claim the trophy for my 2 quests I completed a few turns back? Thx

  20. Just tried the game for the first time and have a question about the player order. Since there is no “first player token” to be passed around, we were assuming the same player starts each round but found this can give the first player an advantage. Did we miss something in the rules? (We used the set-up hexagon as the first player token and moved it clock-wise after each round.)

    1. Hi Mark! The game doesn’t have a first player advantage because of the “Grand Finale” rule. If the first player gets 4 trophies first, then every other player still gets one more turn. If the first player is not the one who gets 4 trophies first, then there must not be a first player advantage! ;)

      1. The situation we saw was where I was set to move into the castle with 4 gems and another player was in the space next to me and was planning to start a pie fight with me. If I go first, I step into the castle, get my trophy and jump to the base camp and avoid the fight. If the other player goes first, he will fight me (and win) so he will get a trophy and I will be tossed back to the base camp and lose my gems.

        1. That sounds like the player earlier in turn order set themselves up to avoid a fight while the player later in turn order set themselves up to engage in a pie fight that wouldn’t exist by the time it became their turn. I’m not sure this is a case for “first player advantage.” But that’s just my opinion and you’re welcome to houserule the game however you’d like. :)

  21. I just had the first playthrough with my son. Thanks for the great game. But we had two questions:
    1. If the quest says “Remove any resource from the board”, can it be also removed from a field which an opponent players controls, meaning taking the opponent a resource away?
    2. When you place your forth trophy after winning a fight as defender, the grand final comes into action. Is it correct, that the defender then doesn’t get a turn anymore, but the attacker still has one more turn? Meaning the attacker plays 2 turns in a row?

    1. Thanks Nils!

      1. Yes, the removed resource is from any territory.
      2. When a turn ends with one or more players having earned their 4th trophy, each player without 4 trophies takes 1 final turn. So yes, in that instance, the attacker would get a second turn, and then the game ends.

  22. Hi, I have a question about Automountie “Trophy Dropper” card. I found on BGG that it should be written “You must pay 1 apple / gem” in order to move one of your Seekers onto a space with one or more trophies.”

    Is that correct ?

    Thank you for your reply. :)

  23. Hi, thanks for this amazing game. We bought it for Christmas and our kids enjoy it a lot (and so do we). We have one question though (sorry if already answered, I did not read all comments) – can a player initiate a fight with another seeker, who has no resources just to earn the trophy? It usually happens in the grand finale and we are not sure about it. Thanks. Lujza

  24. There seems to be a discrepancy in the FAQ above and an answered comment below, so I’m looking for clarification. Above, it says donated apples (for Help with Apples quest) come from the player’s controlled items. An answer below from June 30, 2020 says quests with the wording “Place 2…” (Help with Apples and Friends in Peril quests) take them from the supply. Which is the correct way to play? If you take them from the supply, the FAQ above needs a quick fix.

    1. Hi Mickey! I don’t see a discrepancy. The “Help With Apples” quest says “Donate Apples: Place 2 of your apples on a space occupied by another player. Gain 2 friendship & 1 pie.”

      These apples come from your controlled items. Other cards simply say “Place 2 gems” for instance, those would come form the supply.

      1. My card’s exact words are “place 2 apples on a space occupied by another playe . Gain 2 friendship & 1 pie.”

        Friends in Peril has similar wording. “place 2 gems on a space occupied by another player. Gain 2 friendship & 1 pie.”

        Neither indicated WHERE those items come from. They do not say “your apples” or “your gems.” The FAQ suggests from the player’s controlled items. The June 30th comment suggests from the supply.

        1. I see the confusion now, Mickey. Thanks for letting me know what your cards say. To be more clear, these two specific cards should say “of your apples” or “of your gems.” The FAQ is correct. I’ll change the old comment to be more clear.

          1. Thanks for clarifying! We bought My Little Scythe yesterday and it was an immediate hit! We’ve played 5 times in 2 days. My 5 year old, my husband, and I all love it.

  25. Hope you can resolve a potential game winning decision. My wife transported to a portal to gain 2 diamonds that were on that spot so character had four diamonds. She done something else on her next shot. she now wants to move her character from the portal she is already on to the castle to get her forth trophy.

    My 8 year old son interjected that she can’t do that because it’s not really ‘moving’ as she didn’t leave the hexagon. We read the rules but theres no mention of this. So can she use the portal if she is already in it?

    1. Assuming the move was legal (when carrying gems or apples, a character can usually only move 1 space), the rules say that portal spaces “are considered adjacent to one another.” So moving from one portal to another counts as a move because it is the same as moving from one space to an adjacent space.

      1. So if she is on the portal before her shot begins she can then use the portal she is already on to move to the castle?

        1. I’m not sure what you mean by “shot.” If you mean “before her turn begins,” then yes. She can take the move action, carry all four gems from the portal to the Castle, and then Deliver the gems.

  26. HI, first of all, congrates for the game
    We bought My Little Scythe at essen spiel and despite being told it was language independent, it still has some dependencies. it happens that we have the game all in German :(
    we find the manual here in English :) but there are many more language dependent parts. Any place where they can be found? Thank you :)

  27. I am missing pie token, friendship token and action token for the foxes and owls. From the comments, where can I submit for the missing parts?

      1. So if I have both characters in the same hex, what happens if someone tries to attack me on their turn? If they win, they can’t stay in the space with my other character can they? Who controls the resources? Is it an automatic dual pie fight?

        1. If they win the 2v1 pie fight, both of your characters must return from that territory to your base. The winner controls the resources on that territory.

          1. Thanks for the fast reply. So to be clear, we play a single pie fight it’s the same rules as if it was 1v1, but both of my characters are at risk of being sent back. There is no advantage during the fight of having both characters of my involved. Absent an official ruling we were going to establish a ‘you must pie fight each character once, last one standing keeps the hex’ house rule.

          2. That’s almost right, except that you DO have an advantage if both your characters are there, because you can play 1 magic spell card per character in the fight. See step 3 of the pie fight rules on page 5 of the rulebook. :)

          3. Thank you, that makes sense. I also just made it to the questions from 2018 where you had already answered these same questions. Thanks so much for the help. Great game we discovered at MAGFest. Will probably pick up the expansion soon.

  28. Are there supposed to be action tokens, pie tokens and friendship tokens for the foxes and owls included? it’s not listed on the instructions and i watched an unboxing video without any but in the game description it said, “and corresponding friendship/trophy/pie/action tokens.”

    1. never mind, i watched another unboxing that mentioned early copies were missing those pieces and i submitted a parts request. thanks!

      1. Thanks Andrew! They should have been included in the package (not in the game box, but in the package or given to you by the retailer if you picked up locally). But if you don’t see them, we can send them to you.

  29. Pie in the sky question:
    Eagle kingdom airship ability allows to move up to 3 resources to the airship space. If the space it’s already occupied by other player seeker, do you gain friendship for placing resources in his space?
    See “gaining friendship” under “Seek” section of base rules.

    1. Hi Patricio I apologize for the late reply (I don’t monitor this area often). To answer your question, the answer is no. Any airship-related abilities that may produce friendship are explicitly stated.

  30. There are several quest cards that say “Place a gem (or apple),” do those must come from tiles occupied by my seekers or do they come from the supply? There are also quest card that say “Pay an apple (or gem)” which is much clearer

    1. They come from the supply.

      EDIT: The FAQ above is correct in relation to these two cards: “Help with Apples” and “Friends in Peril”. The items must come from your control, not the supply.

      1. Fantastic! Thank you! My family and I absolutely LOVE My Little Scythe! Keep up the good work!

  31. 2 Questions:

    1. When using the Move Action, if both Seekers move to activate a quest and initiate a fight, can the player choose the order in which to resolve these two activities?

    2. Regarding Portal Express:

    This happened during the Grand Finale:
    Player 1 is on a portal tile with 4 gems.
    Player 2 starts on a different portal and decides to use the Move action, but first uses Portal Express to transport to Player 1’s spot.
    Player 2 initiates a fight and wins, essentially gaining 4 gems.
    Because Portal Express is a free jump, can Player 2 then pick up the gems and make a delivery to the castle? And since this is in Grand Finale, and assuming that Player 2 has not earned the Pie Fight trophy or the Gem Delivery trophy, could Player 2 earn both trophies at once in this situation?

    1. 1. Pie fights must happen first. Under Quests in the rules, “After completing a Move action (and after any pie fights that ensue, even if they’re not on the same space as a quest), [you may complete a quest].”

      2. Portal Express, “As a part of your Move action, your Seekers may each make one free portal jump between 2 portals.”

      Since this free moment is part of your move action, when you enter a space occupied by an opponent’s Seeker, your movement ends. After the fight you would not be able to move further, so you can’t move into the castle to make a delivery.

  32. I just got “Pie in the Sky” and it looks great !

    It came with a little baggie with a the tokens and pawns that were missing from the main box but also came with an extra seeker card titled “Seek with Air Support” rather than “Seek – Pie Courier” like the six cards in the box. I can’t spot any other differences – what is this card for ?



  33. In dark magic quest. Can I pay a magic spell (blue box) if that spell has already been spent in a previous pie fight.
    Thank you. Love the game.
    J and R

  34. Seeker 1 and Seeker 2 are on separate hexes, both with one apple and one gem. Can they both power up (as one “move” per seeker)?

    Similarly, Seeker 1 is on a hex with an apple. Seeker 2 is on a different hex with a gem. Can a power up be gained as the team have the requirements?
    Many thanks for such a great game
    Mark from Kent

    1. All actions can only be done once per turn when selected. So you can’t Power Up twice in this way. Yes, each seeker could contribute one resource to the Power Up action, even if they’re on different hexes.

  35. My family and I are loving this game! So firstly thanks, it’s been a great go-to while we’re “sheltering in place”. Secondly, we encountered a unique situation and haven’t been able to resolve it – its the Grand Finale, so multiple trophies can be earned, my daughter is on a portal with one Seeker and 4 apples and 4 gems – can she deliver all apples and gems to Castle Everfree with the one Seeker and earn 2 trophies? Or can she only do one delivery with the one Seeker? It’s a big deal because if she can she’ll win the game, if not my wife will…

    1. Thanks Christian! Even in the Grande Finale, you can only make one delivery at a time (but if she has her Seekers aligned properly, each of them could make a delivery on the same turn).

  36. Hi there :)

    Can I ask that if someone successfully defend on a pie fight for the first time, the player will gain the trophy immediately? Because in my understanding is that the current pie fight turn is consider as the other player’s turn.

    There’s a game where my friend, A has gained 3 trophies and during my friend B’s turn he went and initiate a fight with A. And it turns out A successfully defend and he gained the pie fight trophy immediately. According to the rule after 4 trophies acquired, the finale round began but there’s still another friend C in between B and A.

      1. Thanks for the speedy reply Jamey.

        If that’s the case, how about the scenario i mentioned? Like when does the grand finale actually starts? Because there’s still another player between B and A.

        1. “When a turn ends with one or more players having earned their 4th trophy, the tournament enters its grand finale. Continuing in turn order, each other player without 4 trophies takes 1 final turn.”

          So in your situation, C would take a turn, then B, then the game would end.

          1. Hi Jamey,

            Noted with thanks.
            Looking forward the upcoming expansion :)

            Wishing you have a great year ahead!

          2. We had a 4-player game where player C got to 4 on her turn, and we were confused whether player D was just unfortunate to have gone last, or if we were supposed to finish the player turn cycle before starting the Grand Finale.

            This comment helped us understand that the simple reading of the rules is correct – later players are just at a slight disadvantage. Player B ended up winning!

  37. Hello! We love this game, and have a question.

    We understand that if you don’t control the needed resources to pay/place you can’t do the blue portion of a quest card. However, what about when you can’t execute the full effect of the red portion but still want to do it so you can complete the quest for a trophy? Is that allowed?

    For example: Can I still “Eat and Run” on the “Apple Party” quest if my opponent only has one or zero pies? Another example: Can I still “Run Away with Prize” on the “Test of Strength” quest if I’m already at zero friendship? And another example: Can I still “Cheat a Little” on the “Lots to Learn” quest if none of my opponents have spells?

    Thanks for a great game!

    1. Hi Rex I’m glad you’re enjoying the game. :) In general, even the red options on quest cards need to have their requirements fulfilled whether they involve items that belong to you or not. The only exception is Friendship. You will still lose that friendship—it’s just that it doesn’t drop lower than zero. Hope that makes sense. :)

      1. It does make sense, and thank you! We do have a follow up question as well:

        If you have enough resources to cover the full cost, can you use a single make action to make multiples? For instance, for a single make action can you pay 4 gems to get 2 spell cards? Or for a single make action can you pay 2 apples and 2 gems to get both lightning bolt upgrades at the same time?

        Thanks again!

  38. I enjoy Scythe. I picked this up so I could introduce my family, including my two grandsons, to the mechanics of the game without overwhelming them. We played our first game last night (5 player), everyone loved it, and they all want to play again. My question then is would there be something in the works for the future? An expansion?

    1. It’s great to hear that My Little Scythe was a hit at your table! There is an expansion in the works, but there isn’t any news to share… yet.

      -Joe at Stonemaier

  39. Hi !
    Just to make sure. If I get a move improvement tile, let’s say wings of friendship for instance. The special move is to be used instead of a regular one or in addition ?
    And, other question. If I get the catapult, can I move one of my seekers to the castle and then send him the needed ressources for the delivery ? Or does he need to have the ressources with him to enter the castle ? Thx a lot !

    1. The special move replaces a normal move. For the castle, a seeker must have the resources before entering the castle space.

  40. The ”Friends in peril” quest card and The ”Send aid” option; ”Place 2 gems on a space occupied by another player. Gain 2 friendship and 1 pie” Is this 2 ”news” gems that should be added to the board or is this 2 gems that needs to be in possession of the player that has picked up the quest card? Thanks for a great game!

  41. Hi,

    I must say that you have made my daughter and me very happy :), this is such a great game.

    I would like to translate the rule book to Serbian language, so she can consult the rules when playing with her friends. What I can and cannot do, and can you provide the fonts used in the rule book?


    1. Thanks Dusan! You’re welcome to use the files you have available to you to translate the rules for your daughter and her friends. The only font name I’m aware of (that I think we used in this game) is Riffic.

      1. Hi Jamey,

        Riffic fonts are kind of hard to get. The fonts used in rulebook are Riffic Book, Riffic Light, Riffic Medium and Domus. If you can send me these fonts, it would be a big help.


  42. Hello,
    Can the Treasure Map quest be used to move an opponents Seeker to their home base if that is where their sibling is?
    Thank you in advance.

  43. And… Same question about “wings of frienship” improvement tile !

    And by the way, about the alchemist improvement tile : can I mix apples and Diamonds to make pies or fight cards ? Or shall I pay 2 apples OR 2 diamonds ?
    Thx !

    1. Stephane: Yes, you can move the resources with Mechanical Frog and Wings of Friendship. And yes, for Alchemist you can mix any 2 tokens.

  44. Hi ! About the “mecanic frog” improvement tile : if I move a seeker to another tile containing 2 ressources, can I bring ressources along with my seeker ? I assume that I can, as the balloon tile specifies that i can’t bring ressources along when i move straight to a quest tile. (sorry for the bad translation from french)
    Thx ! Great game !

  45. I’m uncertain about what a “turn” is, under “how to win” chapter.

    Does the Grand Finale start immediately after someone acquires 4 trophies, so after his turn, giving everyone else one more turn?

    Or do we go around the table until everyone had the same amount of turns, and then determine if the Grand Finale starts?

    Thank You!

    1. Laszlo: The Grand Finale start immediately after someone acquires 4 trophies, so after his turn, giving everyone else one more turn.

  46. If I upgraded my MOVE tile(let me can move to a space contains a quest token),may I move two seekers on two different quest space,or I can only move one seeker to do this?

  47. Can a player gain more than 4 trophies at the end of the game? Or does it freeze at 4 then move to who has most friendship?

  48. Vincent: The most movement each Seeker has each turn if they’re carrying resources is 1 space. So if you move your Seeker onto a space with resources, that Seeker cannot carry those resources onto another space this turn (it stops there). It can, however, move to that next space without carrying resources.

  49. Hello

    When you choose to move. If you start on an empty tile you are granted 2 move points.
    If I stopped on adjacent tile with ressources, do I have to complete the last move point and collecting the ressource ?


          1. If you move one seeker (who is not carrying anything) one step, onto a hex with resources, can he use his second step to carry those resources out of there?

          2. Daniel: No, each seeker can either move up to 2 spaces without carrying anything or just move 1 space carrying resources.

  50. I play MLS with my son and automountie as a third player. I read rulebook, BBG forum and stonemaiergames Q&A, though still i have some questions and doubts. I would appreciate your assistance:

    1. Do I get it right, that Automountie earns trophy only for:
    – the first 8 pies collected,
    – the first pie fight she wins,
    – collecting appropriate number of quest tokens for the first time,
    – collecting appropriate number of gems for the first time,
    – collecting appropriate number of apples for the first time?

    2. What is the intended interpretation of the rule ‘Automountie returns tokens from the primary Seeker first (quests first, gems second, apples third)’. Does it mean that:
    A) Automountie cannot earn trophy i.e. for collected gems until she earns trophy for quest tokens?
    B) at first I check the number of quest tokens, and if it is insufficient, I check the number of gems. If the number of gems collected is sufficient, Automountie earns a trophy and skips the rest of her turn.

    Thanks in advance!

    1. Hi Anka

      You’re completely right that Automountie can gain a trophy when she reaches 8 pies for the first time and when she wins her first pie fight.

      Automountie doesn’t gain a trophy for X of a specific kind of token. She gains a trophy for X tokens which can be a mix of gems, apples, and quest tokens.

      So if you’re playing on normal difficulty and she has:

      – Primary seeker: 1 quest token, 1 gem, and 1 apple.
      – Secondary seeker: 1 quest token and 1 apple.

      Then she gains a trophy and pays all the 3 tokens of the primary seeker and the quest token on the secondary seeker, leaving her with an apple on the secondary seeker.

      I hope this clears things up?

      – Morten

  51. If my friendship is at 3 and I initiate a pie fight (therefore lowering my friendship to 2) that I subsequently win. I assume I am unable to claim a trophy due to my low friendship status. An I able to claim this trophy as soon as my friendship is up to 3 again?

    1. You’re correct that you’re unable to claim the trophy since you have less than 3 friendship at the time that you win combat. You cannot claim the trophy later.

      1. Regarding “You cannot claim that trophy later.” Does that apply to all trophies earned when under your friendship is under 3?

        Also, if I meet the requirements for a trophy while my friendship is under 3, do I then need to “re-do” all of the requirements once I am back about 3? Or do I only need to complete one more of the requirements for any trophy? For example:

        I’ve completed one quest
        My Friendship falls below 3.
        I complete a second quest (now I have two quests, but do not earn a trophy)
        My Friendship goes back to 3 (or more).

        How many quests do I need to complete to earn the Quest trophy now?

        1. No, you just look at the current game state. A combat victory is fleeting–there’s no way to track that you won a battle. For other things you can look at the board to see if you meet the conditions of a trophy. If you do, and if it’s on your turn, you gain it (1 trophy per turn).

          So, in your example, you need 0 more quests to get the trophy.

          1. Maya: You wouldn’t get a trophy for doing a delivery when you don’t have enough friendship.

          2. I had a situation where I had a pie fight and a quest on the same turn. Initiating the pie fight took me to 2 friendship. I won the pie fight but could not claim the trophy. The subsequent quest brought me up to three hearts again. Am I able to claim the trophy because it is still the same turn as the won pie fight, or not because pie fight trophies can only be claimed directly after a pie fight?

  52. If there are 2 seekers (same team) on a portal with no resources and another player with resources jumps on the portal, is there one pie fight or two?

    1. The rules make it sound like there would be a single fight, however the player with 2 pieces would be able to use 2 “magic” cards (extra pies).

      1. Hi. Love the game.
        2 questions.
        1) can you get 11 or more friendships, or is 10 the max?
        2) if you earned a spell trophy with three spells, can you then use those same spells on a quest (ie Dark Magic) – they have not been used in a pie fight.

        1. Thanks Alex! 10 is the max friendship, and yes, you can use the spells after you reach the 3-spell threshold (you don’t discard those spells when you get the trophy).

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