Rolling Realms – Stonemaier Games

Rolling Realms

Rolling Realms

  • Designer Jamey Stegmaier
  • Artists Miles Bensky & Marius Petrescu

An infinitely scaling roll-and-write game inspired by all other Stonemaier games.

Base Game
30-45 mins Game Length
3 mins Setup Time
1-6 Players
Light Game Weight
Stonemaier Champion

Become a Stonemaier Champion to save 20% on every webstore order.

Select Realms

Choose your Realms for a game

In the early days of the coronavirus pandemic, a time of self-isolation for many people, Jamey created an infinitely scaling roll-and-write game to teach and play with people around the world via Facebook Live. You can play against Jamey using this series of videos on YouTube.

In Rolling Realms, players compete to earn the most stars over 3 rounds in a series of minigames (there are 11 different “realms” included in the game). This is a roll-and-write game, meaning that players will write on the game components using dry-erase markers.

Each turn, one player rolls 2 dice, and all players use the dice results on their realm cards to generate resources and earn stars. After 3 rounds, the player with the most stars wins!


  • 1 rulebook (8 pages)
  • 1 box (204x204x53mm, 0.65 kg)
  • 2 custom dice (25mm)
  • 6 dry erase markers
  • 6 erasers
  • 66 realm cards (70x110mm; dry-erase; 11 per player)
  • 6 resource cards (70x110mm; dry-erase)
  • 6 score cards (70x110mm; dry-erase)
  • 1 minigolf rulebook (8 pages)
  • 10 minigolf cards
  • 1 minigolf course log

If you have the Across the Realmiverse promo pack (available separately), you can use the downloadable sheet here.

Media and Other Links


A growing variety promo realms are shown here. A living rulebook of all realms is here.

These promos are available on the Stonemaier Games webstore, shipped from fulfillment centers in the US, UK, Canada, and Australia. All promo rules are consolidated in this living digital rulebook.

Release Details: Rolling Realms became available from Stonemaier Games since October 6, 2021 and it is now available from retailers worldwide.

Product Details: The SKU is STM450, and the worldwide English retail release date was November 19, 2021. It will be published in a number of languages (to be announced by our respective localization partners as they wish). There are also extra big dice created for Rolling Realms by Gate Keeper Games available here.

Donation Results: Thanks to the 1,975 people who signed up for a launch notification request, Stonemaier Games donated $1975 to the International Tree Foundation to restore woodlands, conserve habitats, and help communities that rely on forests.

Copyright 2021 Stonemaier LLC. Rolling Realms is a trademark of Stonemaier LLC. All rights reserved. This content is not authorized for posting on Steam.

543 Comments on “Rolling Realms

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  1. Jamey,

    2 questions. where is the promos areas for rolling realms on the web site. i don’t see the link anymore? unless i am missing something.

    also, a while back there were a couple of cards you were going to replace because of the coating. are you sending those out or did you. i missed out on them if you did. wanted to know how i get the replacement cards.

    thank you.


    1. I might be misunderstanding the first question, but I think what you’re looking for is this:

      If you bought the Parks and/or Biddy & Walter realm from us before June 2023, we would have contacted you in October with a promo code. If you didn’t get such a code, please find your order number showing those realms and send it to me at (I searched our US webstore for your email and didn’t see any orders).

  2. Love this game. Have bought every single expansion/promo from your site in the last few weeks, so I almost have the complete collection. Just waiting for it to arrive in Denmark now :D

    But my question is, Feast for Odin is sold out, is there any chance it will be back in store at some point, or a chance to buy one in Essen this year or anything?

    Thanks for another brilliant game.

  3. Hi! Love the game. Just a quick question, wasn’t sure where else to ask – I got the replacement pack for the Biddy & Walter promo which I really appreciate, but I’m now getting the same issue with the ink not erasing on my copy of the Parks promo. Before I order myself a replacement – do you know if the current version still has that issue? Thanks!

    1. Aidan: If there’s an issue with Parks, there’s no replacement for it, as every copy is the same. But the revised Parks and Biddy & Walter were made using the same method and coating, so they really should work properly now.

  4. As a huge Rolling Realms fan, I had an idea I wanted to recommend. While I really appreciate the living rulebook that includes all of the promo realms, I would love to see a promo database feature on the website or in the Stonemaier app that allows me to type in the realm name, and be provided the rules/explanation. With over 40 realms currently available, I think this might be the quickest and easiest reference for players when a question arises.

  5. Two minor pieces of feedback.

    I just received my new realms from the holiday bundle – great deal with fast shipping.

    I love the new packaging that debuts with Skoventyr. The top rip is much easier to open than the side rip.

    I did notice that the cards were in that pack in reverse order from the other 8. That only really matters for the bundle if people are sorting the cards out into player piles, but it’s worth warning people to distribute that pile in reverse order.

    1. Thanks for your interest in the promo packs! You can bundle any of them you want into the same order to save on shipping–that’s how bundles work on our webstore. If you become a Champion, you can save 20% on your order.

    1. Good question! We’ll see over the next 12 months if they appear from the big stack of promos we’ve made. :)

    1. There is! But it didn’t arrive in time to include in this month’s Apiary shipout, so it will be featured in a new batch of promo realms in 2 months.

  6. Hi, just a curious question about the sale of the promos. When they are released, the US shop has a discount price, but the Europe store hasn’t. Is that because of tax?

    1. Thanks for your question! They should have the discount–it’s a currency rounding issue. We’ll have it fixed in a few minutes.

  7. Hey Jamey, will the Parks realm be coming with the Oct 4 release? Or is that being delayed to Nov like the others

    1. The next batch of promos (including the reprinted Parks and Biddy & Walter realms) will be on our webstore in 2 months. Thanks!

  8. Hey Jamey! My name Michelle. I ordered some Rolling Realms packs (they arrived fast and intact) but I wanted to make you aware (if you weren’t) that the packaging seemed crazy wasteful. They came from Miniature Market in a box so big I thought I was getting a Kickstarter.

    1. I appreciate that feedback, Michelle. We’ve heard that a few times–it seems to be some employees of the fulfillment center but not others. If you happen to have a photo, could you send it to so we can share it with MM and hopefully cut down on this in the future? Thanks!

  9. I’ve been working my way through the mini golf solo game and have been doing pretty well so far. I’ve just completed hole 16: Pseudoku; I have to say what a fantastic design! It was really something different. Kudos to the designer(s). I really enjoyed using the same realm from from 3 decks. That was very clever and implemented so well. I managed a par 2. I didn’t have the best of luck on my first try as I rolled a lot of low numbers.
    Makes me wonder if there are any other realms which would work using 3 of the same…
    Hole 12: Expanding Horizon was also fun and different.
    The toughest hole for me so far was hole 3: Precision. Hole 9: Mirrors was also quite tricky.
    Looking forward to playing 17 and 18 soon 🙂 Thanks.

  10. Hey, I was just wondering if there’s a reason the “Expeditions” realm is just called “Expedition.” Sorry if you’ve answered this already, I was just wondering. :)

  11. Skulk Hollow

    After a pair is rolled and the guardian attacks, can we still mark a number in this realm on the current turn?

  12. Lost Ruins of Arnak

    I’m wondering why (or maybe it’s a mistake?) the arrows are backwards (pointing down) on all levels but the first. The bottom makes sense, you move upward, using the specified die. I’d expect the arrows to keep moving upwards. The fact that they don’t, makes the card confusing, IMO.

    BTW, we absolutely love Lost Ruins of Arnak so thanks for creating a realm based on it.

    1. Hi Tony! Thank you for your feedback, and thank you for playing our Arnak realm!

      I’m the developer for the promo realms and it’s not a mistake, but I can see where the confusion comes from. In order to save space on the card (this realm is very crowded as it is), we only included arrowheads on the bottom level. The other levels don’t have arrowheads, they just have lines and they are meant to go upwards, to “ascend”, like the rules say. What I’m seeing now (and can’t unsee ;-)) is that the lines depart from a triangular area that looks a bit like a wide, down-pointing arrowhead. It’s not an arrow—it’s just the area that looks triangular because of the slanted corners for the research and journal boxes.

      Sorry about the confusion. :)

  13. Hi Jamey, very excited for the new realms and I also picked up Risky Rewards! I love that this keeps growing and there’s always more to explore. I finally took the leap and became a Champion as well! Excited for the future. Thank you for all you do!

  14. Hi! I am taking in advantage the current sale for the Rolling Realms to get the promos I am missing but I don’t see Biddy & Walter between the available packs. Is it out of stock?

    Thank you!

    1. Biddy & Walter will be out of stock for a few months; we’re reprinting it (and the Parks realm) with a better dry-erase coating.

  15. I just purchased 4/5 of the new realms/expansions but forgot Roll Player. I’ve sent an email, is response rate usually quite good? Don’t want my order shipped before I’ve amended it! Thanks

  16. Love this game so much, the solo modes are very engaging. Looking forward to all future promos and the Redux.

    Exceptionally inconsequential typo spotted in the promos rulebook, [v3.1] page 3 under Architects of the West Kingdom, “cross of” should be “cross off” =]

  17. Hey all – are there plans to reprint some of the Rolling Realms promos (such as PARKS and Walter, etc.) that are sold out right now? Thank you!!

    1. Thanks Shawn! The good news is that those realms aren’t technically sold out; rather, we discovered an issue with the dry-erase coating on them, so we reduced the inventory to zero while we reprint them. We should have fully functional versions back in stock in 3 months, and we’ll let you know if you sign up for a back-in-stock notifications.

  18. I bought a copy of Rolling Realms on a whim not really knowing anything about it (but I love Wingspan and the digital version of Charterstone). I’ve played it so much since, both solo and with family, that I have also bought all the available promos – some of them really hurt my brain! In a good way, as it’s proof that my brain is still there.
    As others have mentioned, a couple of the cards have minor coating issues (Parks comes to mind) – but I bought some Reaeonat whiteboard markers online and they work great with all cards, and completely cleared up my smudged Parks cards.
    Very much looking forward to Redux and any upcoming promos!

    1. Thanks Stephen! I’m glad you’re having fun with the game, and I’m glad you found a solution for Parks (Biddy & Walter also has a coating issue).

  19. This is a bit long winded.

    I will say that when I first got this game last year it was not an instant hit for me. I was just getting into solo gaming and something didn’t click with the realms. I think it was because I was thinking the solo mode had to be done with the Minigolf and that didn’t hit with me the fist time I played it. At some point last April I found the facebook page where you just play a regular game but solo and I got the game to the table 4 times between April and Dec. Even at that point it still didn’t click with me.

    But that has changed big time in 2023. I have had the game to the table 18 times this year and have purchased many expansion packs, for base games I own and have joined you for several live playthroughs which have been very fun. Rolling Realms has shot up my “x” n write list and my overall top 9 list dramatically.

    I’ excited to get into the Realmiverse but in the directions I had one questions. Under Putting the Game Away it says we can save the game to resume later as described on the Campaign card or use the sheet from I am wonder exactly where that sheet is as I seem to not be able to find it.

    Also hae you seen any playthroughs of the Realmiverse online at all? I couldn’t find any when I searched.

    1. Thank you for sharing this, Ian! I appreciate you giving Rolling Realms several chances. I haven’t seen any video playthroughs of the Realmiverse yet, but I’ll add them to the media page when they appear.

      I’ll try to find and upload the sheet you’re referring to. Thanks!

  20. First of all: I’d like to say that this game is SO fun! My wife and I played with our family, and immediately went out to by a copy for ourselves.

    Unfortunately though the dry erase markers that came with the game don’t work :( we try them all every time we go to play and no luck

  21. Hey Jamey, I’ve bought every single promo pack for RR, and today I finally came across a set of cards that left permanent stains (PARKS) is this a defect you’re aware of and have others alerted you, or is it just me?! I’ve tried even cleaning products and no luck. Skulk Hollow and Trickerion are fine.

    1. Thanks for letting me know! I just played with Parks today and didn’t have any issues, so perhaps your cards are just missing the protective coating. Did you try all of your Parks cards to see if some of them work and others don’t?

      1. Hi Jamey.
        Unfortunately I have to confirm that also my Parks promo cards seem to have a different coating, it also fees less glossy than on core game and other promo cards.
        When I use the dry erasers on those Parks cards, they come off quite easily, but if you then look at the cards from an angle, the markings / stains can still be seen, even if I clean the cards with a drop of alcohol-based cleanser.
        I’m afraid that the stains “shadows” will become more consistent the more I play that realm.

        1. I’m sorry to hear that, and we’re seeing that quite a bit. We will remake that realm with proper coating and send them to all customers who bought them for free.

          1. Oh, that would be awesome 😃
            This is phenomenal customer service. I wasn’t expecting a free replacement I just wanted to know if there were a few “dud” cards out there and if that was the case, I would have just bought another pack.
            Stonemaier for life! 😄😄

          2. Hi Jamey.
            I regret to inform you that I’m experiencing the same issue with the cards from the Biddy and Walter promo realm.
            As I I seem to understand, you are aware of the issue which is impacting other promo realms as well.
            do we just need to wait for the new print to be available on the store or do we have to request replacements?

          3. Marco: Yes, we’re aware of the issue. Our manufacturer didn’t put the correct coating on that realm and Parks. They’re fine to use in the meantime, and when the reprint is ready, we’ll send all customers who bought them a promo code to get the reprints for free. We know your emails through Shopify, so there’s no need to request anything.

  22. what kind of material is that little dry erase cloth that comes with the markers? it works REALLY well and takes up so little space….

    1. On our manufacturing quote, it’s simply listed as “fabric”. I’m glad you like it!

  23. In your June Champions Update today you mentioned that Rolling Realms digital would be released on Steam July 5 (it’s been in my wishlist for months already, haha). So excited for it and can’t wait for iOS version too! That said, will the promo packs be free DLC, paid DLC or can we use our physical promo realms to get the digital version?

    1. Sorry I missed this yesterday, Tyler. All of our digital games are licensed, so they’re almost entirely independent of Stonemaier Games. In that way, it’s up to the developer as to whether (a) they’ll spend time adding promo realms and (b) if they’ll charge for those realms or offer them as free DLC.

  24. Hi Jamey! Rolling Realms is my 3rd most played game ever and my favorite Roll & Write by a mile! And it all started by your desire to unite people and bring them some joy during hard pandemic times… It reflects on the great person you are! I just saw on BGG the upcomming solo expansion Beyong The Realmiverse!!! That will push Rolling Realms as my most played game of all time!!! So I really need to know: When will we learn more on it? When is it scheduled for?
    Sooo hyped for this! Sorry! Keep doing all the great stuff Jamey!

    1. Thanks Pascal! Here’s the video with that information:

      A short recap is that the 4 new packs will be released at Geekway to the West in St. Louis this week, then on our webstore on May 31. Along with the Geekway release this week (probably Thursday/Friday), you’ll see the living rulebook updated to include information about them.

  25. Hi, as a solo/duo player on Rolling Realms would you look to do a single card mixed pack of the expansion cards? Or you you look to offer for download as I’d be happy to pay for a downloadable version & laminate them?

    1. I appreciate you asking, Kym, but the method we offer the cards for any player count is the promo packs as they’re currently made. You can pick and choose which packs you want based on your preferences and budget.

  26. Hey Jamey,

    I have all promo expansions so far and I’m just wondering for the future…

    Do you see the need for a bigger box for rolling realms at any point? As it is now, I may have to remove the insert after say 6-10 more promo packs so in a few years will it be necessary to produce a bigger box or have you given this any thought? :) just curious thanks!

    1. I think something like that would be helpful at some point! We’ve been aware of it and planning for a while. :)

    1. No, they will remain as separate packs. You can put multiple packs in the same webstore order, though.

  27. Might some future promo realms include some of my favorite games such as: Dune Imperium, Lords of Waterdeep, 7 Wonders and Dominion ?

  28. Sorry in advance for being snarky, but why in the name of Odin, isn’t the Realms Rulebook and FAQ formatted to fit in the Rolling Realms box?

      1. I love Rolling Realms and purchased the first 17 realms (11 base + first 6 promos). I’m glad to see that the rules are concise and fit neatly in the game box.

        1. Thanks Tony! Sardo is referring to the living digital rulebook that Karel updates every time we release new promos.

          1. Sorry Jamey, I got this prompt via email and didn’t realize the context. I follow now :) – have a Happy New Year! :)

  29. Finally learning Rolling Realms and enjoying it. On Charterstone, the rules say you cannot manipulate the di with pumpkins in order to note a number in the crates, however can you use pumpkins to manipulate a di to mark off crates for stars?

    1. Thanks for giving it a try, Adam! You’re right that it’s just the number you note that can’t be manipulated. For the purpose of marking a building or crossing off crates, you can manipulate/create that number as you wish.

  30. So first off, I love rolling realms. Great, easy, and most of all AWESOME game. It truly brings roll and writes to a whole new level, and each promo realm is unique and awesome in its own way. I am this game’s #4637 fan. That said, after many play-throughs of the game, the cards are beginning to retain residue from the markers, and they don’t look as clean and nice as they once did. Do you know of a way to get the realms back to peak condition? I know they can’t be washed with water, so I’m unsure what to do. I would love for it to look as nice every play through as it once did, though if this is impossible that in no way changes how I feel about the game.


    1. Malachi: Thanks for your question (and I’m glad you’re enjoying Rolling Realms). Both sides of the cards have a dry-erase varnish, so they’re build to be quite resilient. I just tried to use some all-purpose cleaner on a one of the cards I’ve used for 35+ games, and it cleaned the card quite well without hurting the integrity of it.

  31. Jamey, I believe SM receives public submissions detailing ideas for future realms/promos for RR. If so,
    1) How do I submit?
    2) Do these need to be finalized/fully explained/not just lightly detailed?
    3) If you don’t mind/are willing to state, how many such submissions do you receive and what percentage of them do you typically plan to proceed with?

    1. Thanks for asking! We don’t receive submissions for promo realms, but we do encourage people to post realms they’ve created (any playable state) on the Rolling Realms Facebook group and/or on BGG. We see what’s posted, and if we really like the realm and the design, if we haven’t already made that realm (keep in mind that there are over 30 realms we’ve made but haven’t revealed), and if the publisher of the game tells us it’s fine, we’ll contact you and proceed with the next steps. We’ve done that for around 5 fan-created realms so far.

  32. Hey Jamey i really liked the info about the new Environmental Wingspan with trays and the eggs and you said that you are happy not to make 1million more plastic games. Now those promo Realms are all in plastic right ? 15x 15.000copies ?!?or even more is a lot of plastic too. Here is a link from nsv a german publisher from the mind and the game. They have a series where small games are packed in paperbags . I think that would be a cool option for the realms. Maybe you can get one of the games to check that out ? The bags feel good and not cheap at all because they a stiched with threath. I know you want somethink link magic with the opening of the bag. Still thanks for all the joy you gave us by facebook live and 200 wingspan games and 15 of viticulture ;)

    1. Thanks Justus! We have looked into paper packs like that, though I think Panda wasn’t satisfied with them, so we’ve been using foil packs. I’ll follow up to see if paper is more viable now. The cards in Rolling Realms are paper, fortunately.

  33. I know there isn’t a new promo realm for Viticulture World specifically but will there be a new unrelated promo realm by the time Viticulture World is up for preorder?

  34. I wish there was details on how the expansion realms play like there are in the rulebook. Still not sure how to play Terra Mystica.

    1. I explain the rules for it every time I play it live in the Facebook group and on Youtube. Check it out! :)

      1. I have watched them, but once you start playing, with no closeup on the cards, I forget how they work.

    2. I find that the freight is costs more than the promo realms themselves individually. So i think I’ll buy them in 3s or 4s.

      1. It’s the parcel shipping cost (not the freight), but absolutely: We encourage people to buy the packs together or with other items, not by themselves.

  35. Just been reading the description of this game on
    The English is terrible, does not give a good impression at all.

    1. Thank you for letting me know. We do not sell our games on Amazon, so this description was created by a third-party vendor. I’ll try to fix it.

  36. […] you play it solo or during a game night, it also can be played over videoconference! Grab a copy direct from the Stonemaier Games website, from Amazon or your local game store. If you’ve been following Jamey Stegmaier and […]

    1. There are! Keep an eye on our newsletter for more details. In fact, the Libertalia realm will be released on the same day as Libertalia: Winds of Galecrest!

      1. And this is why Stonemaier is my favorite game publisher. You anticipate what we want and you deliver before we even know we want it!
        Oh, the excellent gameplay and fantastic components, too.
        And airships. Gotta remember the airships…

        1. Yeah, stonemaier is easily the best publisher out there. Out of curiosity though, why is the Terra Mystica promo a thing? And will you ever make other realms based off of non-Stonemaier games? If so, how will you choose which games are worthy of it?

          1. We’re bringing realms inspired by a variety of games (not just Stonemaier products) into the world of Rolling Realms–it’s quite expandable. We have a few dozen in the works, some selected by us and others inspired by fans (see the many fan realms in the Facebook group and on BGG), all approved by the publisher of the game that inspires them.

    1. Red Rising. I’m guessing that licensing issues prevent any specific mention of the book series outside the one licensed game.

      1. Here’s the note about this in the FAQ:

        Why is the Red Rising realm named “The Society”?

        While I was sure the Red Rising lawyers would eventually approve my request to use the name of that IP on a card, I figured that they would struggle to understand it for quite some time. Rather than deal with that, I just kept it simple and called it The Society (a reference to the dystopian societal structure in the books).

  37. In the scythe realm, do you mark the top row and the bottom row in the same turn? And if so, why does the bottom row also show a dice which you have to use?

    1. You can mark the top row and the bottom row at the same time with the die on the top row if you can pay the bottom row cost. Alternatively, you can mark the top row alone (gaining the benefit) or mark the bottom row alone (paying the cost). That’s why there are dice shown on the top and bottom row.

  38. Not sure if this really matters, but are the cards supposed to be 65x100mm? I measured mine and they were 70x110mm.

  39. […] my recent articles that I’m a big fan of Roll-and-Writes games, and just recently I picked up Rolling Realms – a Stonemaier (meta)game that distills elements each of the publisher’s games into […]

  40. I’m seeing Rolling Realms available at different retailers both large and small as well as online and in the store, but Game Nerdz (where I pre-ordered mine) still has it listed as ‘pre-order’ more than 10 days after the release date. Are some retailers just receiving limited quantaties, or are some of them still waiting to receive their shipment?

    1. Game Nerdz buys from distributors, to whom we shipped Rolling Realms quite some time ago. It’s possible they buy from Alliance, which suffered a ransomware attack a few weeks ago.

  41. Hello Jamey,

    I have enjoyed playing Rolling Realms on Facebook with you since I received my copy in the mail in October, so I decided to try the Solitaire Minigolf version. On Hole #3: Precision, the requirements for the Hole state: “You must score exactly 3 stars in 1 realm, exactly 4 stars in another realm, and exactly 5 stars in the last (hard: exactly 4, 5, and 6). This does not include any stars gained from resources.”

    My question is: What does “This does not include any stars gained from resources.” mean? Please provide an example of “stars gained from resources” for Hole #3. Thank you, Stan

    1. In all games of Rolling Realms, including the solo game, each unspent resource at the end of the round is worth 1/10th of a star. So if you had 10 extra resources, that would be one whole star (or 8 extra would be .8 of a star). For Hole #3, stars gained from resources do not count towards the goal.

      1. Thanks, Joe. Since I’ve never had 10 or more unused resources at the end of a round, I never considered this possibility. Thank you for the clarification, both for the multi-player and solo versions of this great game!!!

  42. Could you add a printable version of the mini-golf score sheet to the website? I would love to print extra copies.

  43. […] can pick up a copy of The LOOP through Pandasaurus Games directly, or look for it on the shelves of your Friendly Local Game Store […]

  44. Hi, just wanted to confirm, is November 19th the date that most retailers can expect to have it in stock, or shipping will begin to them. (anxiously awaiting my preorder!)

    1. November 19th is the date that retailers can hand a game to a customer or ship it to a customer. Retailers should hopefully have it in stock from distributors a few days before that so there isn’t a last-minute trucking rush.

  45. Where can I best buy this game? Its 10 usd shipping cost which is too much, is there any local retailers selling this game? I can’t seem to find any. I live in the netherlands by the way.

    1. The worldwide retail release date (see above page) is on November 19–that’s why you can’t find retailers who have it yet. We’re happy to ship to you from our UK fulfillment center, the cost of which is $10 as you noted (I understand if this price is too much for you, though we hope it is a fair cost, as it’s accurately tied to the postage, labor, and packaging costs).

  46. Over 300 FREE Board Games to Play At Home, Print-and-Play Board Games, Card Games & More | Tabletop Bellhop says:

    […] Stonemaier Games is offering a free print and play of a new game designed by Jamey Stegmaier, Rolling Realms: An infinitely scaling roll-and-write game inspired by all other Stonemaier games. […]

  47. For anyone coming to this page wondering if you should buy Rolling Realms, let me put your mind at ease. Rolling Realms is an excellent gaming value, as are all Stonemaier games that I’ve played. It’s a super-filler, more complex than a typical party game but much easier than the average ‘main course’ game. The price is surprisingly low for what you get, especially when you consider most roll-and-writes cost at least as much and only include dice and a pad of score sheets. There is a great deal of variety among the eleven realm cards, each with its own unique gameplay as well as its interactions with other cards. If I’m correct in my calculations, this results in 92,400 different unique configurations. It plays in a very reasonable length of time, and it’s just fun. Highly recommended.

  48. Quick rules question: if I gain a die by using resources, can I then play that gained die in a realm that I previously played a rolled die on that same turn? or do I have to use the gained die on the remaining realm that I didn’t assign a rolled die to?

    1. My understanding is that it would have to be used in the remaining realm unless you can also pay three pumpkins at the same time which would allow it to be used in one of the previously used realms. I hope I got hat right, Jamey!

    1. Quick Couple of Questions:
      Will there be a Realm card for all future Stonemaier Games?
      Also, will there be a Realm for “Rolling Realms”? That would be very meta!

  49. […] can pick up a copy of Dinosaur Island: Rawr ‘n Write through Pandasaurus Games directly, or look for it on the shelves of your Friendly Local Game Store […]

  50. […] can pick up a copy of Rolling Realms through Stonemaier Games directly, or look for it on the shelves of your Friendly Local Game Store […]

  51. Really loving the mini golf challenges. Also really looking forward to future expansion packs. Could it be possible to include 1 or 2 additional mini golf challenge cards in future expansions that use the new realms?

    1. Currently the plan for the promo packs is just to feature new realms, but I think there will be some downloadable opportunities for solo fans. :)

  52. Is the fulfilment happening already? I got a UPS notice from Hubtrotter in Calgary for a two package delivery tomorrow and this is the only thing I’m expecting anytime soon!
    Same company that shipped Tinner’s Trail Kickstarter to me today… so it’s either Rolling Realms etc or a mistake lol

      1. Thanks😀 I just received a confirmation email from Stonemaier!
        It’s been really quick! I must be one of the first to get fulfilment!😀

  53. One of the realms is The Society. Is that an oblique reference to Red Rising, or is this referring to a new game on the horizon?😁

  54. It appears that each remote player will need a copy of the game in order to participate. Is that correct?

    1. Each player needs a copy of 1 set of realm cards, but not the entire game. So you could buy it, mail 13 cards to a friend, and play with them at any time. :)

  55. Once the retail version is out, Jamey will you play through a few games on YouTube so that those of us watching the video can follow along and try to beat your score, or the scores of other players? I think a lot of us enjoyed doing that during the print and play last year.

    1. I will indeed! I’ll use Facebook Live to do it live, and then I’ll post the video on YouTube. :)

    1. Out of the box, yes. While that has been determined to be by far the best way to play solo, other variants may be available later.

  56. Powers: “player(s) with the fewest birds in … gain …”. The german publisher (Feuerland) answered my question relating this powers: if a player has no birds in the referred habitat, this one is the one with the viewest and profits from the quoted power. Do you agree? (That would rule out that you have to have at least one bird in the referred habitat, instead it would be enough to have none.)

    Thanks and greetings from Oberhausen/Germany from Klaus, Konny, Iris an me!

    1. Sorry: my question refers to wingspan/Flügelschlag. I’ve made a mistake to post it here. It won’t happen again. Greetings and thanks anyway!

  57. […] Looking up details for Pendulum also nudged me towards Rolling Realms, a Stonemaier-retrospective roll-and-write game that mashes up elements from their previous games. […]

  58. Interesting box size, same as Welcome To! I’m guessing there will only be 9 realms then? Or maybe foldable wipeable boards?

    1. That is indeed a guess, and you’ll know the answer soon. You can see in one of the photos that the realms are on large dry-erase cards.

      1. Oh wow, I glossed over them thinking they were just standard size cards for a special solo mode or something, wow there are a lot, that’s exciting!

    2. From the box, in the top left corner you can see the same characters that are in Pendulum’s box and in the top center between the Euphoria and the Between Two Castles realms you can see a character with a Scythe just as the central figure on the Red Rising box; so my guess is that the game comes with 11 realms.

          1. True, though it’s a promo realm to be available on a future date (along with other promo realms).

  59. A couple years ago, I was lucky enough to grab a signed copy of scythe from the webstore that you offered for a short time. I was curious if you would ever do something like this again. I would love to grab a numbered, signed copy of rolling realms if that was at all feasible!

    1. Thanks Garrett! I learned from that experience that it’s extremely inefficient to open each carton, pull out the games, cut open the shrink, sign the games, wait for the ink to dry, and repack the cartons. However, I’m happy to sign anything people present to me at Geekway to the West or Design Day, and in the meantime you can buy a signed card (far more efficient) here:

  60. Hi Jamey! I am super excited for the Reveal of Rolling Realms in August! I was just wondering something about the game and thought I would ask since I don’t think it specifically cuts into revealing details for the printed version. Anyways, what is your plan for new games you release in relation to rolling realms? Will you release a new realm along with the new game? Will you wait until you have released X new games before creating a rolling realms expansion?

  61. I finally got a chance to check out this game this week. Alas, I discovered I do not own the necessary components to play a game. So I had to do some conversions: Worm = 1. Grain = 2. Cherries = 3. etc. ;P :D

    I am loving the puzzle of figuring out how each of the realms works best with each of the other realms. I also like how the mechanism for each realm fits with mechanisms and themes in the games they are based on. This is a game I will be able to play with other people face-to-face before other games I own are back on the table too, since it can be played outdoors with the participants sitting > 2 metres apart.

    Thank you for putting this out there, Jamey!

    1. Thanks Laura! We’re working on the printed version, which will still be outdoor friendly. :)

  62. Hey, I was wondering about Charterstone. Firstly, if you paid gold to get an extra die, which do you mark on the box? Secondly, when you are getting stars, do you still mark a dice on the top? Or do you just get all the boxes matching the die. Or is it you use the other die, and when you mark the die that matches, you can choose to gain the matching boxes instead of the bonus.

    1. If you paid gold to create an extra die, you’d mark either die (as the rules existed in v10). And for your second question, if you choose to mark all crates matching a die, you don’t mark a die on the top (it’s either/or). As the description says in v10, “Mark either a bonus OR all crates matching a die.”

  63. […] games has put out a free roll and write game that celebrates all of their different titles called Rolling Realms. The game has simple rules and a free app so you just need a set of dice and you’re good to […]

  64. […] Rolling Realms – A competitive roll and write game for 1 to infinite players. Check out a rules video to help you get started.   […]

  65. […] met elkaar kon spelen. Aantal spelers? 1 tot … – er staat niet echt een limiet op. Je kan het gratis printen via de website van Stonemaier, maar volgend jaar komt er ook een gedrukte versie van uit, waar een fijne, nieuwe solo-ervaring […]

  66. […] Rolling Realms (Stonemaier Games): Nine games on one page that highlight Stonemaier’s best work. […]

  67. […] Rolling Realms This downloadable page features 9 different games on one page. […]

  68. […] der Corona-Krise veröffentlicht hat. Daran wird ständig gearbeitet, so dass nun schon Version 10 heruntergeladen […]

  69. Review: Rolling Realms:: A lovely Stonemaier-Hodgepodge! (How to play & Review) – Indie Game News says:

    […] a free, Print & Play game by Jamey Stegmaier. The current version is v10.1, and can be found on Stonemaier’s own website. There is also a digital version of the game sheet available that lets you play the game in a […]

  70. Review: Rolling Realms:: A lovely Stonemaier-Hodgepodge! (How to play & Review) – Indie Games Only says:

    […] a free, Print & Play game by Jamey Stegmaier. The current version is v10.1, and can be found on Stonemaier’s own website. There is also a digital version of the game sheet available that lets you play the game in a […]

  71. Re: poll – i think you’re overthinking it. The retail version should contain a pad of paper and a rulebook/faq, and go for $5 to $10 MSRP. The goal should be to get it out to people who might not have stumbled upon it on their own (wider audience), or who might not have access or desire to print their own sheets. It should also contain a promo insert describing the games that the 9 realms are based on. And of course it should contain a link to print more game sheets if the players run out.

    I think an online version would be really neat also, similar to games like Fortnite or Apex Legends with 50+ players at the same time. People could drop in and play anytime and see how they score against everyone else in realtime.

    1. Hi Mark! We’re currently always planning on keeping printable version available, so it’s pretty accessible. And we’re talking about making a product that matches our typical production level, plus it’ll be expandable (for instance including Pendulum).

      And you have a great idea about an online version of Rolling Realms. We’re contacting a developer about that now! :)

      1. Thanks for the reply Joe! Yes it is perfectly accessible to us who know about it, but the average person wjo walks into a game store or buys games online isn’t going to find it. That is what I meant by accessible.

  72. Quick question… if you gain an extra die with coins, can you then use three pumpkins to adjust it and use it in an already used realm? Thanks for your help!

  73. Over 200 Tabletop Games to Play For Free At Home, To Keep You Busy During COVID Quarantine #StayAtHome - Tabletop Bellhop says:

    […] Stonemaier Games is offering a free print and play of a new game designed by Jamey Stegmaier, Rolling Realms: An infinitely scaling roll-and-write game inspired by all other Stonemaier games. […]

  74. Over 200 Tabletop Games to Play For Free At Home, To Keep You Busy During COVID Quarantine #StayAtHome - Tabletop Bellhop says:

    […] Stonemaier Games is offering a free print and play of a new game designed by Jamey Stegmaier, Rolling Realms: An infinitely scaling roll-and-write game inspired by all other Stonemaier games. […]

  75. […] Looking up details for Pendulum also nudged me towards Rolling Realms, a Stonemaier-retrospective roll-and-write game that mashes up elements from their previous games. […]

  76. […] Looking up details for Pendulum also nudged me towards Rolling Realms, a Stonemaier-retrospective roll-and-write game that mashes up elements from their previous games. […]

  77. Sorry, one rule I need clarification on. I understand I have to use both dice if I can, but Am I allowed to create a die with coins and use it in such a way that makes one of the rolled dice unplayable? For example: let’s say Scythe is one of my realms this round but I have filled it all. I roll 3 and 5, both of which are playable in each of the other realms. Can I create a 1 die using one coin, place it in one of the other two non-Scythe realms, making one of the dice unplayable, or am I required to use the 3 and the 5?

    1. Perry: That’s an interesting edge case, and I would probably say that if you create a die and in doing so make it impossible to use one of the rolled dice, that’s a legal play.

  78. Interesting that this game is gearing toward print copy, although I think even at the lower mark of $20, it seems to be pricey in compare to other R&W game such as Welcome to/Railroad Ink/Cartographer, since they all have unique custom dice/cards/art drawing

    Been playing this about 10 more time ever since Justin released the digital version (probably now I have about 20+ games in now) and I think after around 15 games, the mechanic starts to plateau, eventually it feels samey… especially mechanic wise for each realm. It feels like there need to be part of the game that is “not here” in each game, as of now, all 9 realms and each mechanic is always “here” each game. Interaction between each realm is also somewhat lacking, the only few one that interacts is “Between two city” and “Little Scythe”

    My suggestion is, if somehow each realm are “Dual sided”. Even if each side is only slightly different (-think Tapestry layout is different each side). This would kinda solve the first issue I mention, there’s a bit of the game that are missing each time, thus creating game very different each time. This also mitigate the samey’ness that will start creeping up after about 10 games.

    I also think more interaction between realm would hugely benefit the longevity of this game. As of now, it feels like the 3 realm per round is just 3 separate entity. I think if some realm can interacts more, it would adds more intricacy and allow more option. As of now, it feels like option is mostly one-path, you kinda know there is an optimal path each time (example, Tapestry you definitely want 6’s there, or how you want to use all the 1-coin power in B2C)

    Last suggestion I’ve found playing this game is that perhaps, like the dual-side realm idea, maybe even the pumpkin/heart/coin ability could be different each game too! Imagine one game the hearts now acts completely different, and the next game heart is something else… I am pretty sure by having different power ability, it will change up game massively

    anyways, thanks for this game Stonemaiergames, I think during the worst time of our era, this game (along many other free game from other people) help us keep our mind off just enough to maintain sanity

  79. Stonemaier Games Announces Pendulum; Viticulture Digital Now Available - says:

    […] Jamey Stegmaier posted a survey in early July 2020 to gauge interest for a more official, produced version of his roll-and-write […]

  80. Just played v10 and everyone enjoyed it. Question: are there realms where you can play 2 dice in the same realm, and if so which ones? Unclear for euphoria, b2castles, and my little scythe. If so, then it should clearly state in the rules on the page. Question 2: the euphoria doubles rule that lets you mark both sides. Does this use up both dice or just one?

    1. Mark: Thanks for playing! You may not use 2 dice on any realm on the same turn (that’s a global rule). In Euphoria, you are marking the same number twice, not using 2 dice.

  81. A suggestion for the retail version:

    – A set of 10 cards inside an envelope
    – You can write on the cards with erasable marker pens
    – One card has main rules on both sides
    – Other nine cards have a realm in each
    – On the other side of each realm card is a place to mark down your bonuses
    – When you play, you choose three realms and use the back of a fourth one for bonuses
    – The set of 10 cards costs only $3
    – You’d buy as many sets as you have players (eg. 3 sets if you’re a group of three, $9)
    – You must provide your own dice and marker pens
    – If new realms are added later, they can be just single cards that you can get as add-ons with other orders

    1. Thanks! That’s pretty close to what we’re looking into with our manufacturer (the card system). Though it would be playable out of the box with at least 6 players, including markers and dice.

      1. honestly I really like the print and play, and the fact that it gets updated from time to time. Wondering how a ‘sand’ realm might work its way in – an ignored realm, or a ‘super round 3’ with 4 realms and more turns.

        Would love if the print n play was 2 files though – 1 sheet for the game, and 1 page for rules/faq

  82. Hi Jamey! What’s the tiebreaker in the case that two or more players tie for most stars+decimals? Thanks!

  83. Hi Jamey. Have enjoyed playing this game remotely with friends during lockdown. We laminated our sheets at v7 (the original v7!) so have been playing that version. However, we have been keeping an eye on the developments waiting for the definitive version! My favourite realms are Tapestry, Viticulture and Between Two Castles (I like the version where you can place two numbers in that realm). Just seen the survey on whether I’d buy a physical copy. Probably not. But I would pay a few dollars for a PnP definitive copy of the rules!

    1. V10 of My Little Scythe says “Gain 1 Star (a) if you’ve earned total of 7 pumpkins, (b) if you’ve earned a total of 7 hearts, and (c) per pair of matching #s between the areas.”

      So there are 3 ways to earn stars:
      (a.) When you’ve earned a total of 7 pumpkins, from any source, earn 1 star.
      (b.) When you’ve earned a total of 7 hearts, from any source, earn 1 star.
      (c.) Now looking in the My Little Scythe area, you have two hexes surrounded by numbers. As an example, if you cross off the 3 on the heart-hex and the 3 on the pumpkin-hex, you gain a star. This is a matching number between the two areas. You can earn more than 1 star in this way, with other number pairs (but you can’t earn more than 5 stars total in My Little Scythe).

  84. Sweetness! A digital version! Thanks Justin Dwyer (and Seth Jaffee for suggesting a roller)

    Haven’t check this place for awhile and I’m glad I did so. Played a handful more games today, since unfortunately we’re still under lock down here…

    Anyways, it’s more edvident that v10 Scythe is too easy now after playing today. The concept of gaining a bonus and using a bonus to gain a star seem to be flawed somewhat… I don’t think I ever just spend resource to cross off just the bottom row… I think maybe I did once only because I crossed off the top die# earlier because during that time I had nothing else to cross off

    …. Shrug

    1. I’ve tried doubling the resources needed for the bottom row (just to test for fun) but that turned out to be too punishing it seems like… Idk

  85. Brilliant!! Our family love Stonemaier board games and this has just made family Zoom calls so much better – thank you 👍🏼👏🏼😃

  86. Love the game! We had two questions after our inaugural playing tonight…
    1-In Between Two Castles, do you have to build the complete bottom row of each castle before putting anything on the next row up or just start at the bottom of each individual column in the castle and build up?
    2-Do you have to use both rolled dice each turn? For example, a 6 and 2 were rolled. My husband didn’t want to use the six, so instead bought a 1 with a coin….

    Thanks for your help!

    1. Thanks Trina! You don’t have to complete a row during the “building” process–you just can’t write a number in the second row until you’ve written a number in the square below it.

      If you’re able to use both dice, you must do so.

  87. That digital thing is awesome! I was talking about how I’d like to see that back when I was working my my custom realms for the game.

    Just needs a die roller, and if there are other fan-made or other custom realms, it would be neat to be able to include those.

    1. Hey Seth, I added the die roller you suggested. Thanks! I’d love to add custom realms and your realms as well if I can make the time for it too, but they take a bit of time since each one is unique.

  88. Hello! I love the new game! I love how you have incorporated the other games into it. I’ve watched the first video, and had printed off the first version. Now, I’m getting up to speed on version 10. I have a few questions. First, On Wingspan, is it only worth 3 stars? Second, Between Two Castles, only has 5 columns now. So, is it worth 5 stars now? Thanks!

    1. Wingspan has 6 potential stars–3 of the stars are now on the birds themselves. In Between Two Castles, you earn stars for rows, not columns (there are 6 rows).

  89. How can you gain 7 pumpkins or 7 hearts in My Little Scythe if there are only 6 hexes for each resource? Can a dice created by paying a coin be placed on an already crossed off hex?

    1. Adam: The 7 pumpkins or hearts you score via MLS can be gained in that realm or any of the other two realms for that round. And no, if you cross off a hex or square, it’s done.

  90. The download button doesn’t work on the laptop, and when I used my phone, I just printed a blank page. Nothing happened when I clicked on the Jaffee Realms link, either.

    1. Hi Brian! It seems to be working for me. I just replied to your Facebook message and tried to send V10 to you that way.

  91. Hi Jamey,

    as we love the game, my wife created a German version these days. :)

    As discussed with your staff, we put Rolling Realms V9 German on the website of our boardgame club with a backlink to this page. It can be downloaded here (German website):

    Please feel free it add it to your download folder if you like!

    Best regards

    Erlangen Officer
    Ali Baba Spieleclub e.V.,

  92. Tried 5 full game of v10 (thanks to BGG’s interactive pdf for quick gaming)

    Wingspan is now a little harder, and scythe now a little easier. Scythe definitely is now more refine

    Wingspan actually gotten harder because earlier version, the 7 bird and 12 bird can actually be mark off just by two dice. Especially how the 7 bird can easily sum to 7 with just two die, or mark it with a single #6 then add a single coin #1 to it, super easy… Now Wingspan requires total of three dice. A lot more difficult since I now need six exact die to gain 6-stars here

    Scythe is pretty easy… Each # mark off gain me a resource, and I just need to use a different resource for that star… Basically to gain 6-stars here all I need is to mark off six times… Compare to the like of Wingspan (require nine dice) six dice is easy… In fact I think scythe is now the easiest and lowest dice requirement for six-stars. Every other realm need about eight to nine dice

    1. I meant “I need nine exact dice to gain 6-stars”

      Typo, when I am referring on the new wingspan

    2. Thanks for offering your feedback! I appreciate that. However, just to note, you weren’t playing Wingspan correctly before. You needed to *complete* a bird (fill in all 3 numbers) AND have those numbers add up to a specific number to score 2 stars. That’s still the case now (except you only get 1 star for that accomplishment).

      1. Darn it. Been playing Wingspan wrong… No wonder I always feel Wingspan was a little easy. But now it make sense, good to know, thanks.

        Also, I see the update to Little Scythe is changed from 7+ resource to now exactly 7 resource (on the star requirement) it play much better now, because it’s actually pretty difficult to get both pumpkin and heart to exact 7

  93. Jamey, the new rules for Scythe (v10) are not clear to me. If you mark a top row number, do you get the bonus plus have the option of paying the bottom price to gain a star? If so, then what are the bottom row numbers for?

    1. You have 3 options:

      1. Just mark a top number and gain the bonus.
      2. Just mark the bottom number, pay the cost, and gain a star.
      3. Mark a top number and gain the bonus, then pay the cost to mark the bottom and gain a star.

      1. So does that mean that it would be possible to buy a star twice from the same column, once using the top number and once using the bottom number?

  94. Is there an updated FAQ or is the v8 applicable to v9? There are a few things that confused me there. It sounds like you can use both dice in Scythe if you’re doing the same column? For instance if I roll a 1 and a 5, I can cross off both the 1 and the 5 in the first column?! (as long as I can pay the heart).

    Charterstone – I can’t create the die to cross the numbers off!? That’s what I’d been doing until reading that FAQ. That’s a bummer!

    It also sounds like you can uses the bonuses as many times as you can afford them and can do some funky stuff… My daughter (I let her) asked if she could create a 1 with a coin, then use 2 pumpkins to turn it into a 2, then use 3 pumpkins to lower it back to a 1 and put it in a realm she’d already used that turn… It seems that if you can afford it, you can do it?

    Is there somewhere where you have some better written instructions that clears all this up? Just because the FAQ is a version old and I haven’t found any real written instructions yet; just your video and the BGG rules forum (which is kind of dead and hard to get answers on).

    1. In Charterstone, you CAN create a die to cross numbers off. It’s just that the number you write in the crate must be a rolled die, not a number you create.

      Per Scythe’s instructions in v9, you can only use 1 die per turn there.

      Yes, if you can afford it, you can do it.

  95. Hey Jamey! Forgive me if any of these questions has been asked before, but before I do my livestream of Rolling Realms this evening, I wanted to ask a quick rule clarification for v9. No worries if you don’t see this in time.

    – In v9 Scythe, can you cross off the upper or lower space of a column you have already crossed off the other box for? For example, if I’ve crossed off the 5 in the bottom left corner to get the star by spending a heart, can I later cross of the 1 in the top left to get the coin? I didn’t see you do this in the playthrough, and don’t want to assume, though my guess is that you can?

    – Can you remind me what happens if you cannot place a die? Do you get a resource of your choice, or was that a fan suggestion that was rejected? I remember hearing it discussed in one of the later videos, but I haven’t found the question since.

    – Lastly, if I have six hearts, can I use the same die twice in one turn? (Playing along with your v9 video, I messed up round three, could only use one die in turn 8, and used six hearts to then use the 6 again in each of the other two realms.)

    Many thanks,


    1. I can add amendments for any mistakes I make to the Klingon subtitles of the video when I upload to YouTube.


    2. Thanks for your questions! My answers are below.

      1. Yes, you can do that in Scythe.
      2. Currently you just lose that die.
      3. Yep, you can do that! You just can’t reuse the same realm twice in the same turn.

      1. One last thing, if I may. I just printed out a fresh v9 sheet, and the coins behind the squares in Tapestry and on the lower boxes of Scythe did not appear. (I wasn’t near my printer when I played along with your v9 video, so I’d drawn the grids out myself.) All other coins appear to have printed correctly. Thought you’d want to know.

        1. Thanks for the heads up. Did you download it as a PDF and print it from Acrobat? If you’re printing from the preview, some layers may be lost.

          1. This has been my experience. You have to print from Adobe Acrobat for those coins. 🤷🏻‍♂️

          2. Ah, noted. I printed from preview. I haven’t had the problem with previous versions – just this one. I will use Acrobat moving forwards. Thanks, Jamey.

  96. I wanted to give a huge thank you to Stonemaier games for creating this amazing game. I reach out through Facebook to Stonemaier and asked if our Scout Troop could modify the score sheet to make the names more scout friendly and to use with our scouts as we are having virtual meetings these days. I received an immediate, “Go for it!” from them.

    We have play the game many times with our Troop and the scouts & adults really enjoy it. Today, the entire Atlanta Area scouts were holding an virtual campout with activities and we led two sessions with live play along of “Scouting Realms”. I’ve posted the video to our FB. & Youtube pages.

    I’d love to send Jamey & Joe a Troop t-shirt, just need the sizes and an address to mail them to.

    Thank you for making great games and for being great people! I’m a fan for life and will be adding more of your games to my collection.

    -Rudi Shumpert
    COR Troop 2319
    Marietta GA

    1. That’s really cool, Rudi! Thank you for modifying and sharing the game with your troop and others. I appreciate the offer to send a shirt, but the knowledge that people out there are enjoying our games is more than enough of a reward for us. :)

  97. Hi Jamey. I am in the process of doing a Chinese translation of this. Hope that’s ok with you guys.

    Anyways, upon translation, I’ve come to realize that there is a lot of confusion on ability that create virtual dice (bonus dice, extra dice, whatever)… Even in here I read comment over and over again on how they i’re confuse on interacts with the game.

    For example, I see players ask if they can actually pumpkin-modify a roll of #2 #4 into a sum7. Not for the coin-sum7 ability but just so they can turn a #2 into a #3 for writing it down. I think your answer was yes how you can modify it but just cannot do so then use it coin ability.

    Another one is there’s many players (including myself) thought to use modified die, or extra die to cross off crates in Charterstone. Which of course, we cannot.

    Then there’s the whole modify into pair so you can mark both number in Euphoria… Which again, we cannot

    I was thinking. Wouldn’t it be an easy fix if you restrict all those confusion/interaction to a single “original die” wording?

    So heart ability can say “if original dice shows pair to reuse a die” or in Euphoria “you may mark both #s (if original pair is rolled)”…

    The same is true for Charterstone, you can now use phrase like “mark either a bonus (note the other original die on the crate) or all crate matching an original die”

    This might self explain a lot of ruling just with one additional word (or any easy to understand word) . Plus there won’t need to have an extra rule of “dice can’t adjust into pair or sum7” in the bottom right corner

    Or unless I am getting this all wrong, we simply can’t adjust die if it ever creates a pair/sum7, even if we not using those ability? I think I may have accidentally adjust number into sum7 without knowing

  98. Couple of questions regarding v9:

    Euphoria- if you roll doubles and mark both sides you are still only using 1 die right?

    Scythe- can you mark the bottom row or top row in whichever order you want? I mean you don’t have to fill in the top before filling in the space below to collect a star?

    1. Correct, you’re only using one die per realm, including Euphoria and Charterstone.

      As for Scythe, you are correct that you can mark the top or bottom in any order.

  99. In v9, it’s no longer possible to earn 6 stars on Between two Castles, right? (considering we can’t use both dice on the same realm no more).

    1. I believe you can if you use the pay 3 pumpkin to adjust a die and then use it in a realm you already used this turn.

  100. Hi Jamey, been following this game since day one, think I first saw it on Facebook. Anyways just want to say thanks for doing this, and all of your play-through on YouTube. We can all use our time doing personal stuff, but you choose to use the time to give us this game. Appreciated.

    Anyways, here some feedback after many games of many different version:

    This is probably everyone’s favorite, and probably one that hit the mark right from version 1. Both #6 and #2 is so strong in this realm, but that’s fine since #5 and #6 overall is strong in every realm. A good design, since coin ability can’t easily mount to higher #

    *Between two City*
    I liked how star requirement is different here. I’ve yet to earn a perfect 6 stars here, but someday I will and I’ll probably do a dance when it happens. Coin ability that make a bonus #1 can be very strong here, but it’ll still take some time to get there. And because of how star is earn here, powerful bonus #1 doesn’t feel too strong. It’s good!

    This realm was one of the weakest prior v9. The old strict 4-8 star requirement really pull the game down. Now at 4-10 feels very good. Because of this range, there can be a lot of coin #1 play in between roll. Even an early crossed #1 can still gain 3 star on one side (ie: 1-3-2-4) doing so gain a coin first for future use… I do think, like someone mentioned, each side probably should restrict to max 3 stars.

    The newest version is so-so. It requires a lot of resource here. Even though the top row can grant some quick resources, ultimately I feel the concept is there but it’s rather blend, it feels like there isn’t much brain-power needed here, but I get the point, Scythe requires resource management and it shows in this realm but it just feels like half-baked still… Shrug

    Another oddity, why does it even matter if the top row and bottom row have mismatched die number? Since now we can only use one die here? Plus I’ve recently found out that the very first 1 die cross-off will give a coin resource, which I still find it odd how we can coin ability for a #1 and get that same coin back

    A simple but yet very interesting realm. Less is more is what they say. I really like how the realm give us a push-your-luck feels, either start with a low# and get those quick resoure but risk not hitting the mark, or start with those precise high# but ensure we get to finish off birds with bonus die.

    *Between two Castle*
    A decent realm, not the most complex, also one of the easiest. If you think about it, its kind of feels like Wingspan but without a “bust” limit. Just start with high# and you pretty much will win this (especially capping the top with coin #1 ability) What this realm set itself apart is how you do not get resource until the later half of the rounds. If you ask me, I like older version of the left-castle shape more, but easier realm might not be a bad idea, I suppose.

    I’ve been playing this wrong up to recently. I’ve been using an adjusted die to mark off the crate! Gosh darn it! I think a very easy fix is to add the word “unadjusted” to the line of those quick text. Something like “mark off crate with an unadjusted die”

    Overall, one of my favourite realm as well, especially with proper rule. It feels super satisfying when I gets to cross off multiple crate! But sometime you might want to settle with many different # crate to be safe. Love it.

    *My Little Scythe*
    v9 now feels super easy. I always get 6 star here, always lol. Not only because how it’s super easy to get 7+ pumpkin/heart, since I am already getting them by crossing off # here. It’s also very easy to get rest of the 4 pairs. Using two coin already get you one pair of #1, and you don’t lose any resource doing so (use two coin and gain back a pumpkin + heart) I think some improvement is needed if you really want a polish the realm here… Also kinda boring here, zero thinking

    The realm with the most work done. Now it’s super satisfying, my top3 favorites now. Storing grape feels tight, each #grape feels just as important. Using those low# grape just to top-up your wine order feels perfectly executed. It is also very balanced between easy to difficult, with luck, you can fill all the order with some high rolls, but even with bad luck, we can still strategically fill orders with resources. Kudos with the latest thematic design.

    1. My favorite realm, from top to bottom:

      Euphoria (for those double cross-off!)
      Between two City
      Between two Castle
      My little Scythe

      1. Final note, when I mentioned how Scythe and Little Scythe don’t require brain power, it’s not necessary a bad thing. Not every realm needs to be super thinky imo. There is entertainment in game like Bingo, just mindless cross-off fun

        Both current Scythe kinda feels like Bingo to me. Maybe perhaps a direction such as that is good? More. Variation between realm is always a good thing lol

    2. This is great, Kevin! I’ll keep this in mind as I approach what I hope to be the final version. :)

  101. Thanks for posting the link to my custom realms! I am not 100% happy with all of them, so i might tweak the file over time, but I’ll be sure to use the same filename so the link won’t break :)

    It was very interesting working on modules for this format.

    If anybody decides to try the Jaffee Realms version, I’d be interested to hear how it goes!

    1. Hello Seth.
      I’ve tried going through you’re own version of the game, and I’m lost in several realms.

      Below are my questions :

      – Crusaders : I’m not sure I get the mechanics right. When I roll a 1 or 2, I cross out one of the corresponding boxes and get the reward ? So first a heart, then a star, then a star ?
      Then for 3-4, The first one allows me to circle a building ? What use are the colors in the background of the circles ?

      – Eminent Domain (I absolutely love that game btw) : 1-2-3 allows me to circle a planet in corresponding column ? 4 gets me resources based on the different planets I have (nothing to pay in exchange) and 5 is the same based on same planets ?

      – Embark : I just don’t get it. What are the values that I’m to write in the squares ? How does 1 work ? Really confused there.

      – Terra Prime : Still confused. The way I get it is that I can circle one of the symbols in the chart (according to its value) or make an action, of which strength depends on the amount of symbols previously circled ?

      – Harvest : On 1-2-3 I mark a square and get the corresponding reward ? 4-5 marks up to three boxes at once but no reward ? 6 gives stars but prevents returning to that field ?

      – Bomb Squad : If I get a 1, I mark a box from the top two cards ? Or use it with all boxes marked to get 2 stars for the top two cards ?

      – Ground Floor : Love that one, simple & elegant.

      – Kings of Air & Steam : that one seems a bit easy, you just need to get a set value to get a star.

      – Isle of Trains : Great idea ! Can I cross either box with a 1-2 (two coins or two hearts) ?

      Thanks !


      1. Hi Seth and Arnaud,
        Likewise we tried to play Jaffee Realms but found there to be too many ambiguities in the rules for us to do so. Could we please have some further guidance?
        Thanks for creating and sharing this game!

        1. I apologize, I did not get any notification of these replies! I’ll respond to the specific questions as a reply to Arnaud Gompertz

      2. Arnaud, thank you for trying out Jaffee Realms! Unfortunately, I did not get any notification of your questions, or I would have responded sooner. I will answer your questions to the best of my ability:

        – Crusaders : I’m not sure I get the mechanics right. When I roll a 1 or 2, I cross out one of the corresponding boxes and get the reward ? So first a heart, then a star, then a star ?
        Then for 3-4, The first one allows me to circle a building ? What use are the colors in the background of the circles ?

        You are exactly correct. The colors in the circles are because in Crusaders, there are 3 types of enemies, and the tokens are those colors (the brown token gives you a building when you defeat them, the other two give you points). Other than a link back to the Crusaders board game, the color in the background of the circle is no relevant.

        – Eminent Domain (I absolutely love that game btw) : 1-2-3 allows me to circle a planet in corresponding column ? 4 gets me resources based on the different planets I have (nothing to pay in exchange) and 5 is the same based on same planets ?

        I’m glad to hear you like EmDo :)

        You are exactly correct. I just noticed that is says “Survey (1)” when it should say “Survey (1-3)” in the text.

        – Embark : I just don’t get it. What are the values that I’m to write in the squares ? How does 1 work ? Really confused there.

        When you use a die in Embark, you write the number of that die in one of the boat spaces (and collect the resource of the boat, if appropriate).

        When the boat fills up, it travels to the island and unloads, so you can cross off spaces on the island.

        A 1 lets you get an additional resource of that boat when the boat fills up, but you don’t get to cross anything out on the island.

        A 2, 3, or 4 lets you get the resource when you write it down, and cross off boxes when you get to the island (“score it’s boxes”) – each boat only goes to 1 section of the island, so if you have a 2 and a 3 in the same boat, you can only cross off (score) one of them.

        A 5 does not let you get a resource when you write it, but counts as wild on the island.

        A 6 is like a 2, 3, or 4, but only if there’s another 2, 3, or 4 on the same boat (it copies a value on the boat when you go to “score” it).

        – Terra Prime : Still confused. The way I get it is that I can circle one of the symbols in the chart (according to its value) or make an action, of which strength depends on the amount of symbols previously circled ?

        Yes, that’s exactly correct!

        – Harvest : On 1-2-3 I mark a square and get the corresponding reward ? 4-5 marks up to three boxes at once but no reward ? 6 gives stars but prevents returning to that field ?

        Correct on all counts!

        – Bomb Squad : If I get a 1, I mark a box from the top two cards ? Or use it with all boxes marked to get 2 stars for the top two cards ?

        That one is a little weird… you have the first part right: Use a 1 to mark off (and collect) a resource on each of the cards with a 1, OR use a 1 to cross off one of the cards with a 1 that has both resources crossed off and get 1 star for that.

        I am not sure I like that one very much, to be honest :/

        – Ground Floor : Love that one, simple & elegant.

        Thanks! The board game is good too, and just got re-released in a new edition from Spielworks :)

        – Kings of Air & Steam : that one seems a bit easy, you just need to get a set value to get a star.

        Well, you need to circle the die before you can cross it off to get a star. You fly the airship N spaces, and as you go you collect resources and circle dice below. Once a die is circled, you can use a die to cross it off and get a star instead of advancing the airship more.

        – Isle of Trains : Great idea ! Can I cross either box with a 1-2 (two coins or two hearts) ?

        Sure thing!

        I was going to have this one be slightly interactive (though it would still work even if you played solo) – when you “load an opponent’s train,” you get resources, and they (all opponents) get to circle a good from the card game (or instead, you could “load your own train” and get 2 goods and no resources). But one of the tenets of Rolling Realms was to keep interaction out of it, so someone could play along after the fact (given the die rolls), so that got changed in the end.

        So it looks like you mostly had everything right. I hope these answers help you out!

  102. Played Tapesty, Wingspan, Euphoria. Rolled 3 6. Used 6 at Wingspan, 3 at Tapestry. Used 1 coin to use a virtual die of value 1 in Euphoria. Can I use 3 hearts to make another virtual die of value 3 and 2 pumpkins to modify it to value 2 and 3 pumpkins to modify it back to value 3 and use it in Tapestry, where the rolled die was used?

  103. Buenas tardes… Hablo desde Colombia- Bogotá.
    Mi nombre es Andrés y quería darte las gracias por compartir tu juego. descargarlo atravez de internet para jugar con mi familia en tiempos de cuarentena… Logré traducirlo al español y nos encantó… saludos … Y Garcías.

  104. One other question, are we still allowed to use 2 dice in Between Two Castles and Scythe or are they restricted to one die now like the other realms?

  105. Just finish playing a game of Charter Stone + Viticulture + Euphoria (want to get the feel of the new v9 change)

    Definitely Euphoria feels very easy now, as someone mention earlier. I manage to get 4 star just by using one of the side, I just mark a #4-3-2, then just use a coin to add that last #1

    A specific coin I got for free from Viticulture. I use a coin to circle a grape and get back that coin as bonus… This made me think having a coin bonus on a #1 die result is kind of an easy chain lol (I’ve realize the same can be done on Scythe #1 coin bonus too…)

    1. Thanks Kevin! I wanted to add a little bit of flexibility to Euphoria, but perhaps I’ve made it too easy. And that’s a good point about Viticulture. The downside is that the 1 and 2 grapes are less valuable than the higher numbers.

      1. Are you still allowing only 3 stars per side in Euphoria (I know that was because of the math before), but if you put that cap on each side it will make it a little more of a challenge while still giving the flexibility.

  106. Hi! Awesome game !
    Quick question about using 3 pumpkin…
    I dont get how it works. Can you give me some examples of how to use it on different realms ?
    Thanks a lot !

    1. So, if the dice show a 5 and a 6, you could use 3 pumpkins to turn the 5 into a 4 or 6 or turn the 6 into a 5. You could then use the modified die in any of the three realms (even one that you’ve already used this turn, which breaks the standard rule in Rolling Realms).

  107. Hi!
    Quick question about rolling realms: do we get extra dice when using pumpkins: does it adjust an existing die or does it create a new die with the adjusted value? I.e after using 2 pumpkins do I have 2 or 3 dice?

  108. It seems that one MLS and Euphoria you can now score more than 6 stars – I know you aren’t allowed to fill them in, but personally, I feel that the design isn’t as “perfect” because of that (and that Euphoria might be really easy to get 6 stars on without a ton of luck / manipulation / die creation). Can’t wait to play v9 though and try it out!

  109. Hi!
    In My Little Scythe v9, you can only win 5 stars :
    – one if you have 7+ pumpkins
    – one if you have 7+ hearts
    – three for the 6 matching pairs
    Is thaht right ?

    Have a good day, and thank you!

    1. Wording certainly confusing, I believe it’s suppose to be;

      Gain a star if you have 7+ pumpkins, also gain a star for 7+ hearts, then gain a star for each matching pairs between two area.

      You gain a star for each pair, so you can gain up to 6 star already if you have the full “6” pair

      1. It’s confusing though, the v9 says “1 point for each set of matching pairs”.

        A set of pairs is two pairs, so the above calculations seems correct.
        3 points to be gathered from matching pairs.

        1. You’re right, that is confusing. I’ll change it to “per pair of matching numbers between the areas.”

  110. This is awesome. I followed along your v8 video but playing v9 myself and i gotta say i am completely confused as to the scoring in my little scythe. Also there needs to be some indicator on the score sheet of which realms can play in twice.

  111. Hello

    Thank you for this excellent game!
    I have done more than 20 games with the children, they love it and so do I.

    A date for the V9?

      1. Yesterday !!! :-)))

        Curious to know the modifications and test.
        I changed the variant of KevOne. And that’s good.

        For the rest, the children and I are waiting for the news.

        1. I think I found a time I haven’t used yet: 11:00 am DT on Monday! :) That will be the next one.

  112. Hi Jamey. For Euphoria, have you thought of using 4-9 for star (instead of 4-8)?

    Having this range allow for just bit more combination, at current moment of 4-8, you can only have super strict die placement, and you must start with a #4 in order to have any success.

    With 4-9 range, you can now start with either a 4 or a 5 (somewhat 6 too), and still have chance on 3 star per zone. Still with strategic die input

    With 4-9, you may now have;
    (we can also do 4-5 but forgo a perfect 3 star, which is still an option nonetheless)

    1. I am aware currently you can start with #5 too, but is super limited because now you are stuck only able to place #1 plus #2 (I’ve been using a coin on it after #5, which kinda dumb/boring)

  113. It was nice to see that others liked the idea of having repeating powers in Wingspan.

    Now I got the inspiration to take that even further and made a fan mockup here:

    In this version, you have three actions to choose from:

    – Play a bird – to do this, you must use an even number die (2, 4 or 6) and pay the cost in the upper left corner
    – Gain food – take this action with odd numbers (1, 3 or 5) and choose a bonus from the tiny birdfeeder! :)
    – Lay 1 egg – use a die of any number that isn’t already used to mark eggs

    This adds a new interesting thing to take into a consideration: are the dice even or odd?

    When you play a bird you activate it’s power and also the powers from previously played birds. This feels similar to Wingspan, even though in the real game playing birds is the only action when you DON’T activate brown powers. ;)

    The three powers are all quite cool – which one do you want to activate the most during the game?

    Scoring is very simple: Like in the big Wingspan, one egg equals one point = star.

  114. My kids and I just played along with you and agree with a couple things you noted about the realms. Today was tough, but that’s part of the fun of the game!

    I agree that My Little Scythe could be 12+ for sum like you said, but I would make the resources 8+ (2 full rows in the resource section). Also, maybe make part (c) be 1 star for 2 matching numbers and 2 stars for 3 matching numbers.

    What if Euphoria was changed to be 1-4 is a heart or pumpkin, 5-9 is a star, and 10+ is a coin? I don’t know how others play, but the higher numbers just tend to get ignored there for us. This would give a little more flexibility in what you choose to use there, but still only allow for 3 stars on each side. Thanks again!

    1. Mihir clarified that it actually should have been *exactly* a sum of 8, and you gain the star during the game when you accomplish that goal. As for Euphoria, I’ll take a look at those numbers to see if they work!

  115. Hello.
    A question regarding stars at the end. Each unused resource awards 0.1 star. Does that include resources from all three rounds, or only those from the last one, since they don’t carry from one round to other ?

    1. In the first round, if you have 12 stars and 3 extra resources that round, your score for that round will be 12.3. So if your scores over the three rounds are 12.3, 10.1, and 15.2, your final score is 35.6.

  116. Hi, is the amount of useful recources in each round limited to 12 pcs each?
    We’ve just played Between two cities + Scythe + My little scythe and this combo generated a lot of resources, so we had to use one extra line.

    1. Yes, you’re limited to 12 of each resource per round, and resources don’t carry over from round to round.

    1. It’ll be Friday, April 10 at 11:00 am CDT (St. Louis time) on the Stonemaier Games Facebook page.

  117. Hi again!
    In My Little Scyhte, if you have earned more than 9 pumpkins, you get a star? Or you have to have exactly 9 pumpkins?
    Thank you again!

  118. Hi!
    In the new My Little Scyhte, you can gain more than 6 stars if you validate the conditions (a), (b) and (c) (with 2 sets of 2 matching pairs).
    I suppose that you “only” gain 6 stars ?
    Thank you!

  119. Just a few thoughts on v. 8 and the fan realms from looking them over.

    I like your new version of Scythe having a cost associated with gaining the star. It feels more like the original game with the top and bottom actions.

    I really like the new My Little Scythe. It gives more focus to what you are doing and gives you more to think about when playing there.

    I really like your original version of Wingspan, but I also like Kevin’s version with the chaining like the original game. What if you combine the 2 versions into 1? Have your original cards that require an exact sum and the chaining of Kevin’s. There would be a requirement though that to place the final box (and gain the previous resources again) you would have to exactly equal the sum on the card. No going under or over the total.

    I’m going to reserve my thoughts on the fan versions of Scythe for now. I want to look into them a bit more first. They all look fun though.

    1. Sorry for the duplicate post. I thought my original post was deleted by my computer before it was submitted.

    2. Thanks Rob! I like your idea of combining the two Wingspans! I might try that on Friday. :)

  120. Initial thoughts on the new realms from looking them over.

    I like your new version of scythe with having to pay a resource to get the star (I agree with Josh about the clarity of the cost). I like having that cost associated with gaining a star.

    I really like the new My Little Scythe as it gives a focus/goal to numbers you’re looking to use.

    I also really like your version of Wingspan as you have to try to get an exact sum for the stars, but I also like the idea from Kevin’s Wingspan of chaining bonuses. What if you combine the 2 into 1 version? Use your version of wingspan cards with the 2 bonuses and a sum to reach, but you can chain them like Kevin’s gaining the resources from the previous boxes. However, in order to place the final number (and gain the previous 2 resources) you must have the exact sum. No going under or over. Just a thought.

    I want to look into the other versions of Scythe as there is more to unpack with them. They all seem to have interesting ideas, but I’m going to reserve my thoughts for now.

  121. In the Scythe world, for the bottom areas that cost one resource to award a star, it might help to have some indicator for cost vs reward. At a glance it looks like the bottom numbers give both a star and a resource, rather than costing a resource.

    A suggestion would be a) making it a smaller resource icon with dots around it, similar to how it looks at the bottom of each page or b) a smaller icon with a translucent, red / (slash) over it or (X) around it.

  122. Hi Jamey and everyone, I will try not to write a novel here but here it goes. So my name is Benjamin, my wife and I got into deeper board gaming a few years back and we really liked vilticulture, unfortunately with 2 young kids we don’t have much time to play this awesome game.

    So a friend showed us Rolling Realms and it was our first roll and write experience. We really liked the game, the style, and the idea of multiplayer scaling gameplay.

    I was trying to make a cooking game with different gameplays for a very long time but it never really went anywhere and seeing Jamey’s take on the roll and write style, it gave me a few ideas and decided to make my own.

    So, if any of you have the time and will, you can try it out. Like Rolling Realms, the game is free for everyone and it is made for everyone confined at home and stuff. Here is the link, and also i’m french Canadian so you can tell me if I made any mistakes in the english rules!

    Thank you, and again, Amazing game Jamey!

  123. Loving this! Played solo and with friends over zoom. Good work!

    Question: what am I missing in Euphoria? It seems like you can only get a maximum of two stars for that realm.

    1. The way to get 6 stars is to first use a 4-value die (1 star), then a 1 or 2 value die (i.e., 1+4=5, so that’s in the star range), then 2 or 1 (total sum 8 for the last star).

  124. Hey Jamey, two things: I’m still very slightly confused on Charterstone here, you use both die and if I had rolls 6/2 5/1 4/2 3/2 2/1 1/1 and then rolled a 1 and a 2, I could get 3 stars and 3 stars from each of those rolls, right? (obviously 8 “perfect” rolls like this would be v weird, just making sure I understand the mecahnics).

    Also, thoughts on a b/w/grayscale version for those of us with b/w laser printers only?


    1. You can only use 1 die per turn in Charterstone, so you could knock out 3 stars with that roll, but not 6.

      I only have a color version in InDesign–does it not print well in B/W?

      1. I’m sorry, I did intend that you would need two cross-out rolls, so 3 + 3 stars. But the odds of getting all 8 to play well out of 9 is probably low. haha.

        For B/W it’s mostly just that the shapes kind of fall off what they are. but since we can just look at the color image, nbd. (I ended up with a laser printer by chance and never had a reason to upgrade haha)

      2. I don’t know if my previous comment didn’t post, so if this is a dupe, my bad …

        I gathered that I would need 8 total rolls in my previous example, so 3 & 3 on the scoring. Just wanted to clarify that one thing. As for the image in B/W, could just be my printer. I tried attaching a URL, so if it doesn’t post this comment again, then I give up haha

  125. In each of the minigames, whenever you have an icon that represents a requirement for a specific die roll, you use an icon of a die with that value (eg. a space that requires a rolled three in Charterstone shows up as a die with 3 pips). Except in Viticulture, where the grape value is just shown as a number. Because everything else was using the same symbols to represent the same concept, initially the different symbology for Viticulture made me think that it was representing a different concept. But no, its the same as a die icon. Maybe the Viticulture numbers should be die icons?

  126. Can the shapes for Tapestry have some overhang off the grid like the rule in Tapestry where you lose some squares but not all. This allowed buildings to still be placed in the full game, am I safe to assume the same here?

  127. Just an observation in Euphoria. If you want both stars then you can’t take 2 of the smaller resources 🤔

  128. Hi Jamey!

    My girlfriend and I have not missed a single session of Rolling Realms since the third one – and we keep enjoying it every time 🙂
    It’s a very good game, of course, but something in seeing a game as it develops makes it really fascinating for us!

    After the latest iteration of Scythe yesterday, I suddenly got an inspiration for my own version – and I’d really love it if you could check it out and maybe consider testing it. I made it in PowerPoint, so it doesn’t look great, but we managed to playtest (and tweak) it a few times and it worked well in any combination we tried😁

    I uploaded the files to Dropbox:

    And even if you decide not to pick it, thanks so much for the creation of this game!

    1. Thanks Nikita! I appreciate you adding your own ideas to Rolling Realms. This is a really cool idea, and I’ll definitely consider it for testing!

    2. I really like the idea of Juuso Vainio, maybe you missed it, so I copied it again for you to look at this idea:


      How about a totally different approach that links more closely to Wingspan the game:

      Two rows with five squares each:

      Fill squares from left to right. Numbers in a row must all be the same. Eg. if you start a row with a 5, all numbers in that row must be five.

      Each square has one symbol: hearts, pumpkins, coins and stars.

      The big idea is that when you gain a bonus, you also gain all bonuses left to it – just like in Wingspan the game! :)

      Example: One row has symbols in this order:
      Pumpkin – coin – heart – star – star

      First you mark a 3, gain a pumpkin. Then you mark another 3, gain a coin and a pumpkin, etc.

      If you fill the whole row, you gain 5 pumpkins, 4 coins, 3 hearts and 3 stars in total for that row.

      Example 2: Second row has symbols in this order:
      Heart – pumpkin – star – coin – pumpkin

      By filling the whole row, you’ll gain 5 hearts, 5 pumpkins, 3 stars and 2 coins in total.

      This gives you a lot of bonuses but is difficult to fill because of the same-number-in-one-row requirement.”

      I really like it because this represents wingspan better in my opinion.
      Anyways, Great job Jamey!

      1. My wife and I just played it this way, ended up being in the same round as Between Two Cities and Scythe. I figured you have to allow two dice in that realm otherwise it would take 10 turns to finish. I was able to mark the bottom row as a 1 and use coins continually to finish that row, which was awesome. But gaining 10 pumpkins, 8 hearts and 6 coins is way more than you’d ever get from any other realm – almost maxing out pumpkins and hearts in that realm alone. I think what could even it out would be
        blank – pumpkin – blank – star/heart – star/coin
        (max 3 pumpkins, 2 hearts, 1 coin)
        blank – heart – blank – star/pumpkin – star/coin
        (max 3 hearts, 2 pumpkins, 1 coin)

        Making the most pumpkins and hearts 5 each and 2 coins. Just balances it out a bit more.

        1. Hi Kevin, I tried your latest version, nice!
          It still gives a lot of resources (6 pumpkins and 6 hearts). I now play this where you must pay the resource in the third column.

          So in the row with pumpkin-star-heart-coin, when you get the third number you pay a heart to get a star and a pumpkin and when you get the fourth number you pay a heart to get a start, pumpkin and a coin.

          Maybe you can try this as well?

          1. Yeah, it looks like my count was off and it does give 6 of each.

            I updated the pdf (same link

            Check it out – we think it plays a little better. 4 pumpkins, hearts and coins, and 6 stars without having to pay anything (a mechanic that’s already used in Scythe).

            If you still think it’s too much, it might be good to move the pumpkins and hearts to the second column – meaning no bonus for the first column and only getting 3 of each.

  129. For charterstone: if I create a “virtual” die with coins, and use that for the bonus, can I chose which of the two (real) ones to note down in the bottom row?

  130. Nice to find a FAQ :)
    There is a mistake in Between two Castles : “columns give stars” instead of “rows give stars”.

    1. Thanks for the catch. I fixed that and a couple of spots I thought could’ve been worded a little better. Please post if you see anything else.

  131. Hi Jamey, excellent work on Rolling Realms (as always, by the way). Have you thought about an App? I reckon most people would enjoy it…
    Anyways, again: congrats on all of your well deserved successes.

    1. Thanks Leone! An app is well beyond my technical capabilities–I made this game purely to help people connect in this time of self-isolation. So it’s something I’m spending just a little bit of time and resources on amidst all my other responsibilities at Stonemaier Games. :)

      1. Yeah, that is basically what I am working on (as you can play it in the browser – and thus also in the browser on your phone)…

  132. Hi, awesome game, working on bringing it into the browser for people that are isolated without a printer ;-) You mentioned there would be an InDesign file in the folder, but I don’t see any?

    1. You can open the PDF in Adobe Acrobat and write on the file that way. Can you check the folder again? The InDesign file is the zip file there.

      1. Yep, now it is there (before it took me to instead of dropbox?) Awesome, now I have the proper graphics as pngs with proper background transparency (before: extracting jpgs via pdf -> graphics tools ;-) )… Cool, thanks for the very quick reply!).. If I would want to send you a link to a prototype (in a few days) without making it public here, where should I sent that?

        1. Thanks! The best place to share custom iterations is in a Rolling Realms thread on BoardGameGeek, as this is a public project. :)

  133. In Tapestry, I am playing in black and white and when I filled the squares. I have difficulty to know what is the bonus when I complete a big square.

    1. My girlfriend Jenna came up with a great idea… she put the initial h,c, or p… in the filled in square to remind us of what was behind what we filled in. H = heart, C = coin, P= pumpkin. This helped cause we had the same issue.

  134. Hi Jamey – In V7 of Scythe, it says all options remain available throughout the game. Do you mean for that round and then you score the stars based on the number of unused resources at the end of the round?

  135. I love the new idea of the new Scythe update! Fits very well with both games. I also see it as a huge advantage when paired with My Little Scythe – but I haven’t played it yet.

  136. In Charterstone, can you create a dice with coins (x coins) and then use an original dice and note the created dice in the crate, or does it have to be the other rolled dice? My family played v7 yesterday and had a large debate about it.

  137. HI Jamey,

    I miss the dots on Tapestry. The theme of the game come through more!

    Other than that I like v7 of Rolling Realms! happy Scythe is back to the original and interested in trying new Viticulture!

    When is the next Facebook live playthrought?

    My wife and I have been enjoying this so much!

    Thank you,

    Kyle from the Canadian Arctic!!

    1. You can still see it–it will remain forever on the Stonemaier Games Facebook page and on YouTube.

  138. On the v7 Viticulture, once we have grapes, when we combine the sum of a die and a grape to fill a wine order, do we then cross off that grape, and are unable to use it again?

  139. Hi Jamie,
    I’m Simon from the Youtube Channel Le Passe Temps. I’ll be glad to play the game with my french community. i’ve sheduled a Youtube/Twitch live tomorrow afternoon.(+ / -700 viewers)
    Do you allow me to translate the paper sheet ? I’ve already translated the rules in french (for 7th version)
    I will work tonight on a tabletop simulator adaptation also. First for myself to broadcast a clearer view of my paper sheet. I’ll send you the link after that if you’d like to make suggestions, improvment and why not, release it on the steam workshop.
    Waiting for you feed back :)§
    Thanks – Simon

  140. Is it a rule that you MUST use both the dice that turn? Or can you chose not to use one or both for that turn?

  141. Hi !
    During a turn with Euphoria, I got a double 6.
    Can I use 2 pumpkins to adjust a die to 5, and mark two 5s ?
    Thank you !

      1. Thanks Kevin! I like it, but if you add interaction to this game, it doesn’t work as intended. Clever idea, though!

  142. For the record I figured it out how to complete all the squares in the least amount which happens to be 9. (2 6s,1 5, 2 3s, 3 2s, and 1 1)

    And to be clear on viticulture if my first turn I take grape number 1. And then on my second turn I can use that grape and any number (even another 1) then take wine glass, 10,11 or 12. If so why do the wine glasses need to be number 10,11,12. I haven’t played Viticulture (want to real bad though) does it have to do with the game?

    1. I think the number on the dice plus the sum of the numbers on grapes you use has to equal 10. 11 or 12 to claim the glass

  143. In Version 7 a few questions:

    1: Is it possible to get 6 stars in Tapestry? (I feel there needs to be some different sizes for 4,5,6 like the L in Tetris or the long 4)
    2:Do the dice need to be that exact combination for Scyth to get the good and Star? Or can you get the good and later get the Star?
    3: For Viticulture does the grape and the dice need to add to the wine glass? If so the only way to get 6 stars means you has to have had the 4,5,6 and later roll 3 more 6s.

    1. Yes, it’s possible! Just difficult. :) I’m open to changing the shapes (only 1 per number, though).

      You can get the resource now in Scythe and later get the star.

      Yes, it’s *at least* 1 grape plus 1 die.

      1. I’m still a little confused on Scythe. Do you need both numbers in a column to gain the star? Meaning….if I roll a 4, could I put it in the bottom of the first column and take the coin, and then later if I roll a one, I place it above the 4 to take the star? I guess I’m a little confused on the use of “bonus” in the explanation.

        Thanks for putting this together Jamey–my wife and I had a great time with our first play through tonight :)

    2. I get 6 stars nearly every time, or at least 4. I only use threes, fours, sixes, and one one. Every time.

    1. Fan vote!
      Dots vs “greyed” squares? My vote is the dots! Matches the Capitals in Tapestry better

      1. I think I preferred the dots too, Davis. If others agree, I’m happy to return to them! :)

  144. Wow! Miles did phenomenal on that box art! And Jamey, well done creating a game like this for times like this and making it available for free. I hope you continue to do the playthroughs for a while. Thank you for what you do for us.

  145. Quick question on v6 : scythe, the +1 and +3, do we add that value to the dice or it means the next dice must be +1 or +3 than the previous one?

    1. If you choose that bonus when you place the number, you add that amount at the end of the game to score stars for sums.

  146. The new V7 Viticulture looks great. Seems like it will be a lot fun.

    If you are doing a new Scythe it would be awesome if you can come up with a nice way to include a mech. I just had them at the end of the hex path at which time you had to compare power (dice values and bottom power bonuses if chosen) to gain stars.

    +1 vote for a mech :)

    1. Thanks! I do like the idea of somehow adding a mech, as it’s such an iconic element of Scythe. I’ll think about that. :)

  147. Jamey had an idea
    Have you thought of having the 9 realms as standard size cards you could sleeve and shuffle
    Then draw at random and have 3 slots on a scoresheet you place them on. Which also has all the rules and extras on.

    You could then have the variants of each realm or add new games as and when you think them up


    1. Terry: Indeed, in the off chance that we print this game for real, we’ll do something like that (see the game Silver and Gold).

      1. For what it’s worth…I’m a big fan of roll-and-write games as well as Stonemaier Games, and I would totally purchase a printed version of this game! :-)

    1. Thanks Jeremy! I like the idea of adding the “produce” action to Rolling Realms. Have you tried it?

      1. I have. It’s key to save up resources when playing it so you have to make the decision to use them for scythe or as other bonuses elsewhere. It’s also nice that the produce action effectively gives you pumpkin bonuses within scythe.


    Adding the bonuses in little squares was a great idea but it made the board look a bit cluttered.

    How about putting the bonus symbols in the place of the dots? Bonus symbols would be in little squares which count as filled squares.

    When you fill up a big square, you get the bonus based on the symbol within that square.


    How about a totally different approach that links more closely to Wingspan the game:

    Two rows with five squares each:

    Fill squares from left to right. Numbers in a row must all be the same. Eg. if you start a row with a 5, all numbers in that row must be five.

    Each square has one symbol: hearts, pumpkins, coins and stars.

    The big idea is that when you gain a bonus, you also gain all bonuses left to it – just like in Wingspan the game! :)

    Example: One row has symbols in this order:
    Pumpkin – coin – heart – star – star

    First you mark a 3, gain a pumpkin. Then you mark another 3, gain a coin and a pumpkin, etc.

    If you fill the whole row, you gain 5 pumpkins, 4 coins, 3 hearts and 3 stars in total for that row.

    Example 2: Second row has symbols in this order:
    Heart – pumpkin – star – coin – pumpkin

    By filling the whole row, you’ll gain 5 hearts, 5 pumpkins, 3 stars and 2 coins in total.

    This gives you a lot of bonuses but is difficult to fill because of the same-number-in-one-row requirement.


    Before you made the castles smaller, I was thinking something like this:

    Instead of gaining stars for completed rows, you could gain a star for each filled square in the castle that has less.

    This would fit nicely in the theme on Between Two Castled the game (you must make both castles good). This requires that both castles have at least six squares.


    Instead of earned-but-unused resources being 0.1 points, why not make stars worth of 10 points and unused resources worth of 1 point.

    If you gain 9 stars and have 11 unused resources, your score is simply 90 + 11 = 101.

  149. Hi !
    Question about Viticulture V7 :
    “use the sum of 1 die and at least 1 grape”. 1 allready circled grape, right ?
    Thank you !

  150. @Jamey – The new rule for Euphoria (if doubles, mark both)… it’s not clear in the text, does that count as using both dice for the turn? I suspect you don’t mean it to (i.e. if you roll double 4’s, you could use one “4” die to mark both 4’s in Euphoria, and use the other “4” die in another realm). Is that correct?

    Also, a quick question about the new Viticulture (apologies, you probably explained this in the video, but I haven’t had a chance to watch that yet):
    Is each gray box an action? So you can use a “3” die to EITHER:
    (a) mark off 3 grapes OR
    (b) Cross out 5, 6, or 7 grapes to fill a cup (only 1 per action) OR
    (c) Cross off a wine cup to gain a coin and 2 stars

    Then, if my other die is a “6,” I can use it as well to repeat that same action (a, b, or c), right?

    If I repeat (a), I guess I get 6 grapes?
    If I only have 1 wine glass, and I choose to sell it with my “3” die, then I guess I just don’t bother repeating an action with my “6” die (I can use it in a different realm)?

    So to max out Viticulture’s Stars, you need at least 9 actions (3 or more to get 18 grapes, 3 to fill wine, and 3 to sell wine), and this should be doable since you get 9+ actions (9 turns, plus sometimes you can use both dice in one turn)… I’ll note that if you don’t roll at least one 6, then you cannot max it out, and if you roll exactly 1 six and it’s early (you don’t have enough grapes yet), you maybe still can’t.

    1. Seth: In Euphoria, you’re only using 1 die, but you can potentially cross of 2 numbers with it if the rolled dice show doubles.

      Each of the 3 gray boxes in Viticulture is an action in v6. Let’s revisit it in v7, though, as I think the current version is a bit confusing (it was a fan-created realm…not that many of my realms haven’t been confusing too!)

      1. Good idea. I like the idea of it (grapes->make wine->sell wine), but it didn’t sound quite as elegant as some of the other ones to me

      2. Does the note at the bottom mean you can’t use pumpkins to make a 5-6 into a 5-5 to mark off two 5’s in Euphoria? if not, why the extra restriction?

        1. That’s right, you can’t do that. You just look at the rolled dice. My thinking is that you only actually need 6 dice to get all 6 stars in Euphoria–anything else is a bonus, so I don’t want to make it too easy.

          1. Hmm… interesting.

            It’s true, only 6 dice are needed, though they are pretty specific (need 1-2-4, 1-2-5 or 1-3-5 on each side)

            Irrespective of that, I might suggest that the rules might be cleaner or easier to grok if pumpkins actually change the die face altogether, but that might just be me :)

          2. You said before : “If, say, a 1 and 5 are rolled, you could spend a pumpkin to write down a 6 instead of a 5. However, doing so would not create a sum of 7 that you could use coins for.”
            So, I was thinking : you can use pumpkin to make a pair or a sum = 7, but can’t use the bonus that need that condition.
            Am I wrong ?

  151. I really like the feel of the new sections, especially Viticulture as it feels like the game. I also like the changes to Tapestry with the alternate bonuses for the different squares.

    One suggestion would be to maybe have an order to fill in the bottom instead of just any die. You could have it be a 2, 3, and 4 order so using a 2, 3 or 4 die would allow you to cross off one of the filled glasses (or it could be any combination of 3 dice, I just thought using 3 that weren’t used for the wine glass fill up. Maybe change the glasses to be 4, 5, and 6 and the orders could be 1, 2 and 3.

    For Scythe I like change as you have to work for the stars a little more. What if you have the top row be lower numbers for the total and the bottom row be higher numbers? Have the top be 14+ for 1 star, 10+ for 2 stars and 6+ for 3 stars. You’d have to complete all 4 boxes still but the goal would be different for each row kind of showing you have to be more efficient to get the stars on the bottom. Just a thought.

    Thanks again, this game is very fun!

  152. Just for sure, if i use both dice in Between two castles(left+right), and then i pay 3 pumpkins, i can mark # in any of these castles again, right? So analogically, if i use 1 die in the left castle, second die in another realm, i can spend 3 pumpkins and mark # in the left castle again. Playing well? TY

  153. Can you fill more than one wine glass per roll
    For example I have 4 grapes crossed out. Then roll a 5 + 6., so put the 5 in grapes twice meaning I have 14 so enough to cross out 2 glasses

    1. I tried printing the v6 Rolling Realms in black and white just now and I don’t see any “ghosting.” Sorry I can’t be of much help.

      1. No problem, Thank you. It’s weird. The the icons have a weird ghosting – like the images were cut out and pasted on but the whites around the images are not an exact match for the background so you can see it. Another example is, in Viticulture, I can see the instructions for Between Two Castles behind it. It’s like there’s a layer behind it that’s not properly hidden or something. ¯\(ツ)/¯

  154. Hi Jamey,
    Thanks for giving this to us.
    A small question, not sure if you can help.
    I’m planning to play this with a few friends on Zoom or Skype. Sadly they do not have printers. I do have a printer, but the coloured ink ran out and I can’t get a new cartridge for it at the moment. So I was thinking about either building up a google sheet or bash up a quick website that can function as a sheet. Would you have any objection if I were to share this?

    1. Robbert: You could do that, though please know that it will continue to evolve. I think an easier way is to just have people use Adobe Acrobat to play along–you can write on top of a PDF in Acrobat.

  155. Hi !
    Thank you again for this awesome game :)
    4 questions on viticulture 6.1 :
    1) can a die gained with X coins can be use to mark a Grape for each die pipe ?
    2) can I adjust a die with 2 pumpkins and then mark a Grape with this adjusted die ?
    3) the second die must be a 6 to repeat an action. Can I adjust a 5 to a 6 to repeat an action ?
    4) “repeat an action this round” means that if I get a 6, I can perform 2 different actions ? 2 identical actions ? or 1 action and an other one that I made earlyer this round ?
    A big thank you !

  156. I noticed some bad grammar on my part last time! I’ll repost your answer to my questions here. Thanks for the answer!!!

    1) can i pay to adjust a die more than just 1 if i have enough pumpkins to do so (pay 6 to +/- 3).


    2) If i create a die to place in charterstone can i choose either rolled die to place in the crate?

    You may! :)

  157. Euforia, pair rolled. If i choose to use a die in one area, do i have to or can mark identical # in second area? Text indicate that i should, but in video you say you can. How is it? Thank you.

    1. I would say it should be your choice to note both numbers in the case of a rolled pair in Euphoria.

  158. If i understand well, i can for example cheaply buy 1# for 1 coin, then spend 3 pumpkins to elevate to 2# and then use this gained and adjusted die in a realm where another die was used, e.g. in Tapestry. Am i well?

  159. Thanks for this game. I will definitely try it soon :). Could you publish here or on BCG a change log to track what changes from one version to another?

    1. Damien: I talk about the changes in the videos, though it’s a bit cumbersome to type it out every time. :)

  160. Hey Jamey, Thanks for making this fun game to play during this time! It’s fun and an easy game to play with friends over video chat. I have a couple questions for you though after playing (forgive me if you’ve already answered them)

    1) Do I have to play both dice or can I choose to not play one

    2) Related to that, can I place the dice and use resources in any order? For example, say I roll a 3 and 5 and by placing the 3 in a realm I unlock a coin that will let me get a 1 in Euphoria, which would give me a star, but the only realm I can legally put the 5 is Euphoria. Can I choose to make a 1 to get a star and not place the 5 at all?

    3) Can I use a die I created in a realm that allows multiple dice per round? If I place 1 die in between 2 castles and 1 in Wingspan can I create a third die and place it in the other castle? Or in Euphoria create a die that matches 1 of the 2 I rolled and place 2 of the 3 dice there?

    4) Can I pay 3 pumpkin to adjust a die 0 and place it in the same realm I already have this turn or do I have to adjust it +/- 1 in be eligible to be placed?

    5) The last one is a suggestion and not a question, but I saw a user state they think the Between Two Cities realm should only be eligible for stars equal to or less than the amount of numbers placed in that round. I really like that suggestion because without it that realm tends to get ignored even though the bonuses are there. At least those at our house tend to ignore it. We only place there if the die has no where else to go.

    Thanks again for creating this fun roll and write! We really like it here.

    1. Thanks Rob!

      1. If you’re able, you must play both dice.
      2. Yes, in any order.
      3. Mostly yes, but Euphoria looks specifically at the rolled dice, so no on that part.
      4. There is no 0 face on a d6, so you can’t adjust a die to a 0. :)
      5. Thanks!

      1. 3: In version 5 you declare that reused or gained die cannot be used in the same realm as rolled dice. So this answer should be NO in my opinion

        1. Jorge: The answer is yes, as some realms allow you to combine dice or use more than 1 die in that realm. But if a realm only allows 1 die, you can’t use another die there in the same turn.

          1. Thanks for the response Jamey. I have a couple more for you:

            1) Can i pay pumpkin to adjust the number that is being place in the crate below my chosen die in the Charterstone realm. Ex. Say i roll a 1 and 5 and place 5 there, but need the number below to be a 2 can i pay to do that?

            2) If i pay 3 pumpkin to place a die in the same realm i did before could i place it on the same side in Between Two Castles or Euphoria as the first die?

            Thanks again!

          2. Rob: (1) No, you’re just looking at the other die and noting it–it can’t be adjusted; (2) yes, it’s placed as if you haven’t already done something in that realm.

          3. If i pay 3 hearts to reuse a dice, can i then pay 3 pumpkins to +-1 and then play it in a realm in witch i already played ?

          4. “If i pay 3 hearts to reuse a dice, can i then pay 3 pumpkins to +-1 and then play it in a realm in witch i already played ?”

            Yes, you can do that.

          5. Sorry 2 more for you:
            1) can i pay to adjust a die more than just 1 if i have enough pumpkins to do so (pay 6 to +/- 3).
            2) If i create a die to and place it in charterstone can i choose either die to place in the crate?

          6. No worries! Comments don’t nest well this deep, though, so can you post the new comment at the top instead of in this thread? :)

            1) can i pay to adjust a die more than just 1 if i have enough pumpkins to do so (pay 6 to +/- 3).


            2) If i create a die to and place it in charterstone can i choose either die to place in the crate?

            You may! :)

  161. Can I reuse dice multiple times in a turn when i have hearts for that? If yes, can it be applied on the same die, or i can reuse each die only once? Thank you.

    1. Jorge: Yes, you can reuse dice multiple times if you can afford it, but you can still only use each realm once per turn.

      1. Does that count even if a realm allows multiple dice? Like Between Two Castles, can I use one of my reused dice or coin #s in the second castle in that realm if I’ve already played in the first one? It used to say that in the rules, but now it doesn’t and I wasn’t sure if that was because it was implied and you were saving space or what?

  162. Second game, v5. Everything fine now, rules are clear.

    Just one thing – I am wonder if anyone else have it: We experiences sore eyes in the end and we think it is because of graphics in scoring area. To be clear, it is something with dots around pumpkins. They are unpleasant for our eyes.
    Just 5 cents. :) We will play it anyway

    1. Thanks! The reason for that is that it’s a guide for you to circle the pumpkins you earn (then cross them out when you spend them).

      That said, I’m not a graphic designer–I did my best to make this in a way that functions, but I know it doesn’t look good. :)

  163. For Between Two Castles, “those below” means in the same column directly below or all columns in the levels below?

  164. Can a placement in Tapestry extend off the edge of the grid (like in the actual Tapestry game)?

    1. Good question, but no, the entire shape must fit for you to use it (thus giving purpose to the smaller shapes).

  165. I made lengthy post on Youtube and I don’t want to overwhelm this page. I would suggest checking it out. I hope my thoughts may help improve the game. Even if I appear harsh, it’s all because I wanna help make the best game possible. Good luck!

    1. Thank you! I’ve read it, and I appreciate the feedback. You can see how the feedback is impacting each iteration. :)

  166. You said you wanted to add pumpkins into tapestry somehow. How about for completing the big diagonals. Or 1 for each of the big corner squares 🤔

  167. Add pumpkin bonus to Tapestry by gaining hearts for filled BIG squares with dots and pumpkins for those without. Could be represented graphically by placing the icon in the center of each square.

      1. Text could resemble that of BTC “Gain bonus for completing each BIG square” and then just rely on the icon in the center of the square to dictate the type of bonus gained.

  168. I introduced this game to my roommates and at first they were intimidated, they said the sheet felt cluttered. After walking through with them the first game, they felt better with it. Overall, it’s a extremely fun game, great for our stay-at-home order. I guess the feedback would be to move the rules, instructions for each world, and pay bonuses to a different sheet, leaving just the play area, resources, and scoring on the second page. It does make it two-sheets, but if rules are revised, they only need to print off the rules sheet.

  169. If this is a repeat question I apologise, can gained resources be used throughout the game or only in the round in which they were gained?

  170. Another question: If I use both dice in one realm (ex. Euphoria or Viticulture as a sum) can I use second die in another realm or not?

  171. Hi Jamey, are those two dots in last column of Tapestry by design? There is none in penultimate column, so it looks like a little bug to me :)
    I play it that every dot is a star if it is covered by full row or column. I hope that’s right.

    1. There are 2 dots in each of the 3 big columns of Tapestry, which is correct. I’m not sure how you’re playing, but the correct way is to fill in all of the non-dot spaces in a big row or column to score a star. If you watch my playthrough on YouTube, I explain it there.

      1. A-ha! I didn’t get that I should not draw over the dots! It is much clearer now, thank you!
        I think it is the same for Between two castles – one should not draw number over gates, I hope :)

        Anyway, really nice game!

  172. Hello Jamey, So, in each game all players must to choose the same 3 realms, or each player may choose different 3 from others?

      1. Hmm, is it good for player’s freedom to choose own strategy? Because if all players have the same three realms, and use the same dice result in each turn, maybe then they haven’t enough flexibility in game. My opinion. All players then can play exactly the same decision and put die result on exactly same realms. Or I misunderstand something??

        1. It’s like any other infinitely scaling roll-and-write game: Yes, all players *could* do the exact same thing. But that’s not what happens, as there are so many choices regarding how you use the dice and the bonuses you earned. The balance of the game hinges on all players using the same 3 realms at the same time.

          1. OK, so the game works just like That’s Pretty Clever. I’ve just translate it in Croatian for our quarantined people. Stay good and make many good games. :)

  173. On your YouTube feed you seem to be using 2 earned pumpkin for a Star. Is this correct as cannot see that ruling on the printed version(4)?

      1. Quick question, in charterstone, can you mark a bonus with a dice, and pay 1 coin to use a 1 value die on the crate ? Or can you just write “real” die on the crates ?

  174. In the Charterstone square, can I score multiple stars on one die if the number matches multiple crates that have the number on the die but have not yet been scored?

  175. Hi, many thanks for this game. Could you send me an editable format (I prefer the PDF) to translate it into Italian? Thanks, I’m waiting for feedback.

    1. Because it’s a living game, I’m just providing the same English PDF for everyone. But I think there might be an Italian translation already available on the Stonemaier Games Facebook page (look in the comments).

    2. Hi! Thank you for a new game to play with my game group via video chat this weekend! Have one rules questions. As of now, and I understand this could change, am I allowed to adjust a die into a sum 7 or double as long as I don’t spend coins or pumpkins to take advantage of them being a sum 7 or a double? Or can I never under any circumstance adjust the dice into a sum 7 or a double? Thank you again, looking forward to playing with you today on Facebook.

      1. Thanks Perry! If, say, a 1 and 5 are rolled, you could spend a pumpkin to write down a 6 instead of a 5. However, doing so would not create a sum of 7 that you could use coins for.

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