Tapestry: Arts & Architecture Expansion – Stonemaier Games

Tapestry: Arts & Architecture Expansion

Tapestry: Arts & Architecture

  • Designers Jamey Stegmaier & Mike Young
  • Artist Andrew Bosley
  • Sculptor Rom Brown

Adds new miniatures, a new track, new capital cities, and more!

Expansion (requires base game)
90-120 mins Game Length
5 mins Setup Time
(with base game)
1-5 Players
Medium Game Weight
Stonemaier Champion

Become a Stonemaier Champion to save 20% on every webstore order.

Play Online via Tabletopia

Choose from a variety of new capital city mats, a new advancement track featuring new types of cards and tiles, plus more civilizations, tapestry cards, tech cards, and landmark miniatures/cards in this second expansion for Tapestry.


  • 1 game box (250x250x60mm)
  • 2 rulebooks (multiplayer and solo)
  • 1 Arts track (437x94mm)
  • 8 landmark miniatures
  • 5 new civilization mats
  • 1 science die (d20) – buy extras here
  • 6 advanced capital city mats
  • 20 masterpiece cards (57x57mm)
  • 20 inspiration tiles (4 per player)
  • 20 tapestry cards (57x87mm)
  • 11 tech cards (57x87mm)
  • 5 landmark cards
  • 1 reference guide
  • 25 player tokens (cubes)
  • 3 landmark tokens (for Arts track)
  • Automa: 16 cards & 1 tile


Release Details: Tapestry: Arts & Architecture became available to preorder from Stonemaier Games on December 1, 2021, with all preorders shipped in December from fulfillment centers in the US, Canada, Australia, and the UK.

Product Details: The SKU is STM152, and the worldwide retail release date was February 4, 2022.

Copyright 2019 Stonemaier LLC. Tapestry is a trademark of Stonemaier LLC. All Rights Reserved. This content is not authorized for posting on Steam.


When do I activate Masterpieces during my turn? 

Activate Masterpieces at the very beginning of your income turn.  You can consider this “step 0” of your income turn.

Will everything fit in the Tapestry box? 

If you remove the original insert, you should be able to fit all components (core game and both expansions) in the original box.

Are the core game civilization adjustments noted in the expansion?

Yes, we’ve included those tweaks (found here) on the back page of the expansion rulebook. Why not reprint the civs themselves? Because we’re going to continue to collect data about the game, and it’s possible—unlikely, but possible—that those civs might need minor tweaks in the future. Any adjustments we make will always happen at the beginning of the game, so it’s not something you need to remember after setup.

Why should I preorder from Stonemaier Games instead of waiting a few months for the retail release?

We offer delivery much earlier than the retail release date (shipped from a fulfillment center in the US, Canada, the UK, or Australia) and a guarantee that you’ll actually get a first-run copy in a timely manner, as we only sell products we actually have in stock. We also support anyone who wants to order the game from their retailer of choice on the retail release day.

What is the rulebook referring to on page 3 where it mentions covering tapestry cards?

This is referring to rare situations where you’re allowed to play a tapestry card on top of another tapestry card. We mentioned this confusingly in the same section as new tapestry cards on which you can place buildings. If you fill one of those tapestry cards with buildings, those buildings remain on the tapestry card for the rest of the game unless you’re able to cover it with another tapestry card, in which case you just discard the buildings.

Three of the landmark cards appear to have the shape of their landmark mirrored. Is this the case?

Three of the landmark cards in the Arts & Architecture expansion have a mirrored layout on the card (the miniatures are correct). While this is a mistake on our part, we believe the effect on gameplay is very minor. When a player chooses their landmark card at the beginning of the game they also place the matching landmark miniature on the card. This allows each player to easily see the layout of the landmark as it will be placed in their capital city when they accomplish the goal on the card. If we make a third expansion or an update pack for various components, we will include replacement cards in that expansion; for now, we’ve uploaded printable files here.

Is there an icon missing on the Oil Paint tech card?

Yes, the “you or your neighbors” icon is missing by mistake. This card operates like any other tech card–if you or either of your neighbors (the players directly next to you) have advanced into the 2nd tier of the Arts Track, this card is eligible to be upgraded to your top row.

Design Diary

November 12: Loose Ends, Rulebooks, and What’s Next

Before I jump in for the final design diary, I just want to thank everyone who has read along, liked, and commented on these posts. I love composing them, but not in a vacuum—it’s you who make this journey special. I’m grateful for your enthusiasm and curiosity, and I look forward to continuing that journey in the coming days and months.

There are 3 low-key components I don’t think I’ve mentioned yet:

–Arts track landmark tokens: By player request, in Plans & Ploys we added colorful tokens that you can place on the advancement tracks (1 per landmark) to indicate that the landmark is available; when someone gains the landmark, you remove the token. They’re completely optional, but we’ve included the 3 that go on the Arts track.

–Player tokens (cubes): Due to the extra token needed for the Arts track and various other additions that sometimes need extra tokens, we included 5 extra tokens for each player.

–Insert: For a component that we’re not sure if people even use, both Panda and me spent quite a bit of time trying to get this insert to work well. Not only does it need to fit all of the cards (sleeved or unsleeved), tiles, and landmarks, but it also needs different layers and grooves for the civ mats, capital city mats, and the folded Arts track itself. While you can’t fit the Tapestry expansions into the original box, I think it’s possible to recycle the original Tapestry insert and put the expansion inserts into that box. It’s a big box.

This brings us to the rulebooks. In proud Tapestry tradition, the core rulebook for this expansion is only 4 pages long. There’s a separate (also 4-page) Automa solo mode rulebook. Both of these documents are now available for download from our website: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ul6cx58iq52gvgs/AAAtvmk19vMKEetc_kJhw_7_a?dl=0. I’m very grateful for our team of proofreaders who helped make these rulebooks as clear and comprehensive as possible.

The multi-player rule video from Rodney at Watch It Played will also be available in the near future.

What’s next? Here’s a few key dates, and remember to sign up for the preorder launch notification here! It’s at https://bit.ly/3nfbK3L

–November 13: A few content creators may start to showcase objective content (unboxings, playthroughs, etc) on this date.

–November 16: Advance copy reviewers may start sharing their opinions on this date.

–December 1: Preorders open on the Stonemaier Games webstore. This is also when you’ll know the cost of the expansion (as you can tell from the contents, it’s a little more expensive than Plans & Ploys).

–December 2-10: Preorders ship to customers from fulfillment centers in the US, Canada, UK, and Australia.

–Late January: Worldwide English retail release date

I’ll post all of the reviewer content on our website as it’s released.

Thanks again for following along, and I can’t wait to hear your stories and impressions of the Arts & Architecture expansion in December and beyond!

November 11: Automa Solo Mode

Before tomorrow’s rulebook reveal, solo designer David Studley joins us today for his post about the robust Automa features in this expansion. The rest of this post is by David.

I’ve mentioned in other design diaries (for other games’ expansions) that working on an Automa expansion is often a casual affair, as the design challenges from the base game have already been overcome. Designing for the expansion usually provides few surprises and affords us an opportunity to get creative alongside the game designer(s). Certainly, the first expansion felt that way, as evidenced by Morten’s scenario campaign included in Tapestry: Plans and Ploys. For Arts and Architecture, we needed to spend quite a bit of our time just making sure that all the new material worked well against Automa.

As you’ve read over the past few days, Jamey and Mike added a lot of really neat stuff to this expansion, all of which we think solo players are going to truly enjoy! But, going from four to five tracks, really changed the way Automa viewed the game. Those of you already familiar with how Automa works in Tapestry know that one of her roles is to compete with you for landmarks and vie for the ‘first to complete a track’ achievement. For the base game, we felt that a single Automa wasn’t strong enough to accomplish that, but we didn’t want to add another full Automa to the game. Instead, we added the Shadow Empire, a second bot with a small subset of Automa’s rules, to ramp up the competition.

When we broke out the new expansion, it was clear that adding a fifth track diluted Automa’s and the Shadow Empire’s efforts, so we tried various approaches to build back that facet of the design without adding more overhead. We arrived at an approach we dubbed Shadow Empire’s Twin Impact (still sounds like a movie sequel to me) which can march along two adjacent tracks at once to keep you on your toes but keeps the rules simple and the workload minimal.

Through playtesting, it also became clear that players were having fun leveraging all of the new features in Arts & Architecture to increase their scores, so Automa needed to learn a few new tricks too. We built new difficulty levels for Automa’s income turns that you will use whenever you include the Arts track in your play.

With all that we still found some time to be a little creative and added four new Automa civilizations for you to compete against. Two are specifically for use with the Arts track, while the others can be used with or without. Here’s a peek at two of them, Connoisseurs and Influencers.

The Connoisseurs will pay you generously for your tapestry cards, but you must be careful not to let their collection get too impressive. While they advance aggressively along the Arts track, they are willing to pay you in coin for tapestry cards. But, you will need to leverage those coins because the Connoisseurs get VP for each one sold to them.

The Influencers challenge you to prove you can spot the trends and stay ahead of them. During setup and each income turn, you will pick a track that you expect to be furthest along when your next income turn comes around. If you are wrong, the Influencers get a few extra advances along the tracks.

In total, the Automa components for Arts & Architecture include 16 cards, 1 tile, and 1 rulebook.

On behalf of Morten, Lieve, Karel, and the rest of Team Automa, thanks for allowing us to participate in these design diaries. Have fun!

David can be found on Twitter @StudleyGamer and he actively participates on BoardGameGeek @DJStudley.

November 10: New Civilizations

As you can see from the various elements I’ve already revealed for Arts & Architecture, it’s already quite a bit expansion. But we couldn’t resist making it a little bigger by adding 5 new civilizations to Tapestry.

We used a similar method to the capital cities: We started out with around 15 civilizations, and during the playtesting process we removed those that didn’t work well, weren’t fun, or were too confusing.

The final 5 (one per player in a 5-player game) were the Collectors, Gamblers, Relentless, Renegades, and Urban Planners. I’ll briefly highlight the core concept of each:

–Collectors: The Collectors love variety, so they encourage players to place certain benefits on their civ mat instead of using them for their core purpose. They gain a resource for each type of component they collect (at the time of collection), and they gain VP at end of game for the size of their collection.

–Gamblers: Four times during the game, the Gamblers get to reveal 3 tapestry cards from the top of the deck and hope that one of them is a “when played” card. If so, they get to immediately play that card. If not, they just gain one of the cards into their hand. We experimented with more push-your-luck versions of this and they didn’t work as well.

–Relentless: The Relentless stems from some ideas I had about the appeal of winning streaks in sports. This civ wants you to gain buildings on as many consecutive turns as possible, so it requires some careful planning. If you’re able to pull off 5 turns in a row in which you gain a building, you gain 15 VP and another benefit (your choice)…and then you can try to start a new streak!

–Renegades: The Renegades’ mat includes what looks like a miniature advancement track with powerful benefits. To advance on this track, you simply need to advance on a real advancement track into a specific tier, and when you do, you can forgo the benefit and instead advance your Renegade track and gain its benefit.

–Urban Planners: This civ has a big risk/reward payoff. It includes 2 small benefits—an extra landmark card and the ability to place hold landmarks instead of placing them immediately—and the potential for up to 49 VP if you’re able to contiguously connect 7 landmarks at the end of the game (or fewer VP for 1/2/3/4/5/6 landmarks).

Huge thanks to Artur Carvalho for his deep dive into the playtest reports and Jeremy Kaemmer for his data analysis assistance. Jeremy analyzes all playtest data (and all data we collect about Tapestry on our website)—we really appreciate everyone who reports the winning civ every time they play! The last page of the rulebook includes the civ adjustments we made using that data.

As I’m writing this, I realized that I’ve been misstating something about the latest version of the Tapestry civ adjustments. There actually is one adjustment we made that wasn’t reflected on the adjustment document uploaded in March, as it wouldn’t have made sense then: Instead of gaining a boost at the start of any game, Historians now lose 5 VP per opponent if you’re playing with the Arts track.

Whenever I talk about civ adjustments, people ask if we will reprint any existing civilizations with their starting adjustments. We don’t plan to reprint the civilization mats, at least not until we’re sure Tapestry is complete (and even after that, we’ll need to collect more data for quite some time). Any of the 31 civs might need minor tweaks in the future, so it wouldn’t be wise for us to reprint the civs every time. Also, the adjustments we make always happen at the beginning of the game, so it’s not something you need to remember after setup.

Thanks again to photographer Tim Chuon for these amazing photos!

Which new civilization are you eager to try first? I’ll be back tomorrow to share details about the Automa solo mode for Arts & Architecture.

November 9: Landmarks and Landmark Cards

Last week when I revealed the new Arts track, I showcased 3 new landmarks. But those aren’t the only landmarks in the new expansion.

If you’ve played the first expansion, Plans & Ploys, you’re familiar with landmark cards. Here’s how I explained them last year:

“Each player starts with a different landmark card with a short-term goal, and when they accomplish that goal, they get to place that specific landmark in their capital city. These are completely new landmark miniatures, and the only way to gain them is via the corresponding landmark card.”

Plans & Ploys included 5 landmarks cards and their matching landmark miniatures. For Arts & Architecture, we could have just included a couple new landmark cards (and their minis) to mix into Plans & Ploys, but our philosophy at Stonemaier Games is that no expansion should depend on someone owning another expansion too.

Basically, in a 5-player game of Tapestry, you need 5 landmark cards in the expansion or you can’t use them at all. So Arts & Architecture also includes 5 new landmark cards and their corresponding minis.

I’m excited to introduce to you the Villa, Birdwatching Perch, Castle, Windmill, and Bridge. They join the Clocktower, Opera House, and Holocenter for a total of 8 landmark miniatures in Arts & Architecture.

Keen-eyed Stonemaier fans may notice a common thread among these landmarks: They’re each a 3D manifestation of a building found (or referenced) in one of our games. In fact, the Castle and Windmill reference multiple games: The Castle alludes to Between Two Castles and My Little Scythe, and the Windmill is found in Scythe, Viticulture, Charterstone, and probably others that I’m forgetting.

All of these miniatures were painstakingly sculpted out of clay by Rom Brown and then shipped from New Zealand to China for Panda to use for the plastic versions. Rom added a new twist on each of these landmarks, as most of them include single-plot shapes to fill areas in your capital city where only income buildings did the job. These landmarks are designed to fit precisely into the the size of the plots in the capital city.

These 8 miniatures bring the tally for landmarks in Tapestry and its expansion to a total of 33! While each player only has 1 landmark card, you can probably see why it was important for us to add tapestry and tech cards that gave other options for landmark placement.

Also, if you do have Plans & Ploys, we include a little note in the A&A rulebook that says you should shuffle together landmark cards equal to the number of players +1 for the opening draft. This gives the final player a choice between 2 landmark cards.

I look forward to seeing photos of the colorful capital cities you create with these new landmarks! Join me tomorrow for the reveal of the new civilization mats.

November 8: New Capital City Mats

It’s quite possible that the new capital city mats are my favorite part of the Arts & Architecture expansion.

Mike presented a number of “advanced” capital cities to me. He could have just created some new configurations, but instead he gave each capital city a completely asymmetric puzzle for a player to consider.

I’ll showcase two of them today, the Swamp and the Archipelago.

In addition to the normal red dots (impassable terrain), the Swamp adds lilypads. It reads: “Lilypads count as completed plots, but they may be built over. At the start of your final income turn, lose 2 VP per visible lilypad.” So, early in the game, lilypads are an asset to you—they help you complete districts, rows, and columns. But sometime late in the game you might want to consider covering them, lest you lose precious VP.

The Archipelago has far more impassable terrain than any other capital city. This is good for completing districts (in this case, islands), rows, and columns, but it makes for a very tight puzzle to actually fit buildings onto the available plots.

We actually started out with more capital cities than we needed (we wanted either 5 or 6), and during playtesting we removed some that weren’t resonating with playtesters. Mike explains:

“Some of the capital cities didn’t work out and had to be changed or replaced. The original design included a city that had no impassable terrain but you got to add player markers during income and a city with really difficult terrain but you got a bonus when completing districts.”

Originally I think we considered having players shuffle the advanced capital city mats into the general pool, but we decided on a different approach because (a) capital cities determine starting position and (b) some players may not want the extra challenge these cities present.

So during setup, after you have a capital city and a starting position, you move into the civilization selection step. It’s then that each player also receives an advanced capital city. You can replace the basic capital city or keep it—it’s your choice.

I love polyomino puzzles in games, and so I really enjoy the elevated asymmetry presented by these advanced capital cities. I think my favorite is the cavern, which you can explore in December after the preorder! :)

I’m excited about another big reveal tomorrow! I’ll see you then. :)

November 7: Tech Cards and Reference Guide

Before a major reveal tomorrow, today I’d like to share the 11 new tech cards in Arts & Architecture. Like the new tapestry cards, you can shuffle these into the deck of tech cards and never need to remove them—if you draw an Arts-related card in a game in which you’re not using the Arts track, you can simply discard it and draw again.

Eleven is an odd number, isn’t it? That’s because we originally designed 10 new tech cards, but during the design process, BGG user Scott Allen Czysz posted an idea for a duct tape tech card that was formed into a printable card by Julian Ridden) https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/2555123/article/36464769#36464769

Among all the other technological developments featured in Tapestry, how could I have forgotten duct tape?! Mike and I were inspired by Scott’s card and thus added the 11th tech card. It’s top-row benefit is the upgrade 1 tech card twice or 2 tech cards once each, ignoring all prerequisites.

Five of the tech cards feature a new mechanism that we spell out in detail on the card. Cards like Calculus and Microphone read, “If there is no landmark on this card, whenever you gain a landmark, you may place it on this card to immediately upgrade [this card]. The prerequisite for upgrading to the top row is that there is a landmark on this card.

So, say your Microphone is on your bottom row and you gain a landmark that isn’t all that useful at that moment to place in your capital city. Instead, you could place it on the Microphone and instantly upgrade it to the middle row. Later, when you gain a normal “upgrade” benefit, you can upgrade the Microphone to your top row because it meets the prerequisite of having a landmark on it.

Alternatively, if you’ve upgraded your Microphone to the middle row using a standard upgrade benefit, you can then place a landmark on it to instantly upgrade it to the top row. In fact, because the landmark is the prerequisite, that’s the only way to upgrade the Microphone to the top row.

All of these cards are explained on the double-sided reference guide included in the expansion (1 side for tech cards, the other side for the Arts track).

I look forward to seeing the clever and timely moves people make with these new tech cards. Let me know if you have any questions, and I’ll see you tomorrow with a major innovation that is new and yet seamlessly integrates into the game.

November 6: New Tapestry Cards and Cultural Consulting

With 20 new tapestry cards in Arts & Architecture, there are now 85 different tapestry cards across the core game and both expansions!

As a designer, I often struggle with unique card design as we get deeper into a particular brand, but I had some great help in this case. Mike Young contributed a number of really neat ideas—including a new type of tapestry card—and Gheorghe Orbesteanu also shared some clever concepts that we iterated on.

I mentioned in an earlier post that you can shuffle all new tapestry cards into the tapestry deck. After that, there’s no need to ever separate the expansion cards (though they are marked with AA in the bottom right). There are 6 cards with an Arts Track icon displayed prominently on them; if you’re ever not playing with the Arts track and you draw a tapestry card with that icon, just discard it and draw another.

Mike has some additional insights about the inclusion of these Arts-specific cards: “Playtesters discovered that it was a little more difficult to get to the top of the Arts track than other tracks. There were no Tapestry cards that helped it specifically, and Science completely ignored the Arts. We compensated by adding a bunch of Tapestry cards specifically for the Arts track and adding a new Science die that has the Arts track on it.”

One core design goal we pursued with the tapestry cards in Arts & Architecture was to give players something else to do with buildings other than place them in their capital city. For at least some of these cards, Mike cleverly conceived of the idea of “continuous” tapestry cards that apply for the rest of the game (opposed to “when played” or “this era”).

For example, the Commercial Center card allows you to place income buildings and landmarks (they can extend off the grid) directly onto the tapestry card to gain instant benefits. Monuments is similar, though its ability doesn’t trigger until you completely cover its grid.

Also related to one specific card shown here (Space Race) is that Arts & Architecture is the first Stonemaier product for which we hired a cultural consultant to review the expansion content before production (March 2021) to ensure that we weren’t accidentally causing harm to anyone. Kate Edwards at Geogrify offered a great review of the materials and made one recommended change: The original Space Race card showed multiple rockets launching simultaneously, and Kate noted this looked like a nuclear missile range being launched. While rocket strikes aren’t a daily concern for me (and maybe not for you), unfortunately that isn’t the case for everyone in the world, and we took the opportunity to adjust the art to show a single rocket.

I’ll be back tomorrow to discuss the new tech cards!

November 5: Masterpiece Cards and Inspiration Tiles

Yesterday I revealed the new advancement track, the Arts Track. I didn’t, however, explain the new iconology on the track and what the new related components do, so I’ll dive into that today starting with a snippet from the rulebook:

You can see a number of references to the masterpiece tiles, which represent your civilization’s mastery of a specific art form. At various times you just can’t contain your sense of pride for, say, how good your civilization is at ballet, and you broadcast it to the world (gaining the benefit on the masterpiece card). This happens when you gain the Broadcast benefit and at the very beginning of your income turns.

Each of the 20 masterpiece cards is a 57x57mm square card (that’s a very specific size for a very specific reason I’ll explain in a moment). Similar to tech cards, there are always 3 masterpiece cards face-up on the table near the Arts track, and you can choose from them or the top card of the deck.

Originally, masterpiece cards were the same size as the tapestry cards, 57x87mm, which certainly would have been better for production. But during playtesting we realized that players didn’t have a good place to put these cards, and so they often forgot to gain the masterpiece benefits at the beginning of their income turns. So we switched to a square card that could fit on top of the Maker of Fire slot on your income mat, which is conveniently right next to the income track reminder checklist. The square shape allows them to stack, showing each card’s benefit (they’re cumulative).

In the rare situation where you have a tapestry card on the Maker of Fires slot of you income track, you can just set your masterpiece card(s) aside until you can cover that slot.

For me, any type of residual income in a tabletop game feels good, and I really like how Mike added a much wider variety of benefits through masterpiece cards than on the income tracks.

Speaking of income tracks, Mike’s other idea was to give players a way to permanently upgrade any of their 4 income tracks. That’s where inspiration tiles come in. Each player has the same 4 inspiration tiles, 1 for each income track.

If you gain the “Inspire” benefit (most likely from the Arts track), you’ll select one of your inspiration tiles and place it onto the matching area of your income mat. It leads to a brief fiddly moment when you need to pick up each of the buildings on that part of your mat and put them on top of the tile, but the payoff is worth it!

As you can see from these tiles, they improve every other space of the tracks. If I recall correctly, originally we tried to improve every space, but it just made these tiles too powerful. Playtesters loved these tiles, as they’re a really simple addition that gives you the sense of permanent progression.

I think that’s it for today! I’m happy to answer your questions, and feel free to let me know what you’d like to see next! I do plan to continue posting these design diaries over the weekend.

November 4: Mike Young and the New Advancement Track

When I finished designing the Plans & Ploys expansion for Tapestry, I was out of ideas. My tendency is not to add complexity to expansions, especially for a game like Tapestry that already gives players a lot to think about on every turn.

But sometimes a little extra complexity can be fun for those who know a game really well, and that’s exactly what I saw when Mike Young posted some initial fan expansions on BoardGameGeek. Here’s what Mike said about the inception of our co-design:

“I like to tinker with games. When I really enjoy a game, I will play it a lot. And then I start to think of ways I could play with the game structure itself. What design space could be explored? How could I add variety to the game while still keeping within the essence of the game itself? I’ve done this with a lot of games, and sometimes I publish what I’ve made to BGG as a fan expansion.

I posted the start of two fan expansions to the Tapestry forum and they caught Jamey’s eye. He was interested in them being the core of the second expansion, and wanted me to flesh them out a bit.

The problem was that I didn’t really have a group to playtest with, but Jamey could easily provide that. So he offered a partnership  to co-design the expansion. We’d build on the city mats and arts track, and he would leverage his vast army of playtesters.”

This is one of the threads Mike is referring to: https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/2386905/arts-track It featured an entirely new advancement track, an Arts track, that gave players a 5th option each turn.

Rather than focus on the original version of the Arts track (which has some similarities to the final version, but quite a bit changed during development and playtesting), I’ll jump forward to what the Arts track became: It’s a combination of some benefits that could have been in the original Tapestry game (like “gain any income building”) and a few new types of benefits that integrated seamlessly with the core game (masterpiece cards and inspiration tiles). Here’s what it looks like:

Tomorrow I’ll dig into exactly how those new cards and tiles work–today the focus is the Arts track itself.

One major element of the track is that it is a 5th track, not a replacement for an existing track. Tapestry already takes up quite a bit of table space, so I worked with artist Andrew Bosley to design a track that takes up exactly the amount of space necessary–no more, no less. It’s essentially the size of one of the original tracks, but spread over a single-fold board with wrapped edges. I’m really happy with how it turned out.

Mike and I debated what to do with how the science die interacted with the Arts track. On one hand, we could keep the original science die and justify it with some sort of reasoning about science not impacting the evolution of art. But that isn’t actually true, and I love custom dice, so instead we created a new 20-sided die that includes an even distribution of all 5 tracks. Here it is, compared to the original die (which you don’t use when playing with the Arts track).

One important note about the Arts track is that you’re not required to use it–it’s a modular element in this expansion (though if you don’t use it, you can’t use the masterpiece cards or inspiration tiles). You can still permanently shuffle in the tapestry cards, tech cards, and civ mats into the core game materials–as we say in the rules, if you’re not playing with the Arts track and you draw a card with an Arts track icon on it, just discard it and draw another.

One subtle benefit of adding it in higher player-count games, though, is that it gives everyone a higher chance to get advancement landmarks for their capital city. The Arts track landmarks are the clocktower, opera house, and holocenter.

I’ll be back tomorrow to talk about the masterpiece cards and inspiration tiles, but I’m happy to answer questions about what I’ve shown so far! Also, big thanks to Tim Chuon for all of the fancy photos you’ll see in these design diary posts!

November 3: Facebook Live and the Box

This first design diary post is more video than article, as I (Jamey) answer a number of questions about the expansion in today’s Facebook Live video. I talked the most about the box itself, highlighting the following:

  • Tapestry: Arts & Architecture is a co-design between me and Mike Young, who inspired the inception of the expansion by creating and posting a new track on BoardGameGeek in 2020.
  • Both artists (illustrator Andrew Bosley and sculptor Rom Brown) returned for this expansion.
  • The expansion box (250x250x60mm) is bigger than Plans & Ploys.
  • My girlfriend, Megan, appears on the left of the box with a kiwi by her feet.
  • The background of the box features several buildings from other Stonemaier games.

You can see the rest in the video, and I look forward to discussing the new track tomorrow!

181 Comments on “Tapestry: Arts & Architecture Expansion

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  1. On the Collectors civ card the third requirement shows the landmark icon that appears on some of the tech cards. Are you simply putting a landmark on the civ card to complete this?

  2. […] 2″ on each dimension), plus 100 smaller income buildings. Subsequent expansions have nearly doubled the landmark count. Tapestry now has PLENTY of landmarks. In fact, it has so many that they are […]

  3. cette extension sera t elle rééditée en français ,car beaucoup de personnes la cherche , après avoir découvert le jeu..

  4. […] was soon after the release of Arts and Architecture, and I was beginning to think about what I could offer for a third expansion, when Jamey contacted […]

  5. Hi!

    Two questions:

    1. About architects civilization and the caverns card.

    The architects civilization states that instead of scoring 1 point for each row/column the city map should be scored with 2 for each complete row/column if the row/column consist of only one income building type. But, the Caverns city map doesn’t score rows/columns, only rows with 2 points for the six first and 3 for the last three.

    Is the correct interpretation of architects civilization that we should score 3 vs 4 points for each row instead?

    An additional (also affects non-A&A games) the civilization states that when you have a complete district with income buildings of one type you’ll get two resources unless the district is landmark only which in turn gives you only one resource. How does this apply to rows/columns with landmark only do you get the extra point or not?

    2. About the A&A reprint

    In the first print of A/A the landmark cards vs the buildings shows the wrong layout. Is this corrected? If so, is the card or the buildings corrected?

    Is there any overview over changes between the editions?

    1. Thanks Rune! I’m going to double-check with my co-designer on the first question. As for your question about the landmark cards, here’s the answer from the FAQ on this page:

      Three of the landmark cards appear to have the shape of their landmark mirrored. Is this the case?

      Three of the landmark cards in the Arts & Architecture expansion have a mirrored layout on the card (the miniatures are correct). While this is a mistake on our part, we believe the effect on gameplay is very minor. When a player chooses their landmark card at the beginning of the game they also place the matching landmark miniature on the card. This allows each player to easily see the layout of the landmark as it will be placed in their capital city when they accomplish the goal on the card. If we make a third expansion or an update pack for various components, we will include replacement cards in that expansion; for now, we’ve uploaded printable files here.

      There are not multiple editions of Tapestry or the Tapestry expansions.

      1. Hi,

        Thanks for the answer, totally forgot checking the FAQ… Sorry about that. Also, thanks for clarifying that updates are done in future expansions (as you already have done with space tiles which I forgot).

    2. I heard back from Mike about your first question:

      “The points for rows and columns are determined by what is printed on the Cavern Mat. The Architects say “row/column is worth 2 not 1;” since nothing on the Cavern mat is worth 1, the Architects cannot make them worth 2 instead. As for rows/columns of only landmark, the Architects do not give the score bonus. It says “min 1″ on the card.”

  6. Hi Jamey,

    I see here in the comments a few updates on the status of this expansion getting back in stock. Was this information available anywhere else on the website, or just in this section?

    If the latter, might I suggest for future reprinting situations that you include somewhere an easy-to-find place to more conveniently check on the status? (e.g. ‘gauging demand’, ‘planning printing’, ‘printing’, etc.)

    If not, I’m curious to know why. Thanks!

    1. Hugo: That’s a great question; currently I don’t have a great way of conveying the status of reprints. If it’s a product that has been out of stock for a while, I will mention when it’s getting close in our newsletter, but perhaps there’s another place I can share that information. What’s the most intuitive for you? The website (where you are now) or the webstore?

      1. I’d say the website. My thought process is that I go to the website for information, the webstore when I’m ready to buy something.

        Maybe a chart like the status chart in the newsletter section?

        1. Where on the website did you look? It sounds like you came to the Arts & Architecture page, so for products like it, I could just note that information on their respective pages.

          1. That sounds simple and effective. Just explaining below the “Out of Stock” notification would do the trick, I’d think.

    1. Production for it is now complete; it will arrive in early 2023. Make sure to sign up for a back-in-stock notification!

      1. Ahhh thank ya sir. We can certainly wait that long for the second expansion. Only 4 games in now. So picking up the first expansion.

  7. +1 to doing a reprint. :) I added a back in stock request, too!

    I recently started playing Tapestry and enjoy how it’s competitive without being confrontational. (Sythe is a fantastic game, but the combat always stresses me out.)

  8. Hey Jamey!

    Any chance of another run of the A&A expansion? Recently got into Tapestry and would desperately love to add this!

    Brian :)

    1. We’re currently gauging demand. If you haven’t already, please make sure to make a back-in-stock request on our webstore. :)

  9. Hello, one of the benefits on the track is “score one VP for each of your income buildings” are we scoring the buildings that are out on the Capital City ? Or on our player board? Thanks

    1. You don’t technically have any of the income buildings on your player mat–you haven’t gained them yet. So you’re only counting income buildings on your capital city (or any other places they might be after you gained them, like on tapestry cards).

  10. Hi Jamey,

    I am currently waiting for the german version of this expansion. I asked Stonemaier Games’ german partner, Feuerland Spiele, wether they can provide any information about the planned release, as I was unable to find any information regarding this topic whatsoever. They replied telling me that they need to wait for Stonemaier Games’ next print, because the german version will only be produced simultaneously.
    Long story short; do you know what time around another print of Arts&Architecture will/could happen?

    Best regards

    1. Chris: If we start a reprint of Tapestry A&A in the next few months, it would be available for purchase in March/April.

  11. I have been playing Tapestry regularly for over a year now and I really enjoy the game for it’s simple yet very entertaining and flexible gaming. I have also bought the Plans&Ploys expansion and then the A&A expansion when it was released. And I can really encourage anyone that has the Tapestry board game or are planning to buy the game to buy both expansions as well since they’re adding more versatility to the game.

    Focusing on the A&A expansion all of the new fun arts track, the new landmarks with their special space requirements, the ability to upgrade the income mat, all new civilizations, capital city maps, tapestry and technology cards really brings in a new dimension to the game and is worth every cent it costs. We was a bit worried that the new capital city maps would make the old ones obsolete when playing, but that’s not true; they both give and take as well as the original ones which makes them good and bad depending on your strategy of the game.

    However; not all are great with this expansion and it is a bit frustrating that this seemingly simple things actually has happened, and that is:
    1. The back color of all types of cards (tapestry cards, technology cards, landmark cards and civilications) are different in Tapestry and the expansions! I find this very irritating since you can when picking cards sort out which expansion they are from. It shouldn’t be that difficult IMHO produce expansions with the same coloring.
    2. Seriously; why are the art track cards in proprietary square format? I want to protect all cards using sleeves, but there isn’t any sleeves for these cards available for me, why couldn’t the like all other cards in Tapestry use standard format?

    Other than these negative things, I do find this expansion really entertaining and as said almost a requirement if you enjoy Tapestry :)

    1. 1. It actually is incredibly difficult to perfectly match card backs. Our manufacturer tries their best, but the ink and the conditions change every time, so very small variations are normal. It does not impact a game like Tapestry at all, as you can only see the back of the top card of the deck, and even if you’re still able to discern the expansion, it doesn’t impact your choice.

      2. They’re square so multiple cards can stack vertically on the Maker of Fire space on the income mats. Seriously.

      1. 2. Ok, so thats the reason, still think they could be standard, we’re stacking tapestry cards there already in some situations :)

        Thanks for a great game :)

        1. Point 2 – use standard sleeves then a guillotine to chop the top of the sleeve off. Just done this and all come out exactly the same size using the guides on the guillotine.

  12. Crowdfunding Talk! with Jamey Stegmaier from Stonemaier Games – Tabletop Crowdfunding says:

    […] I don’t know when this will go live, but we do have our preorder for Tapestry Arts and Architecture right now. We just launched it yesterday and we started shipping it today. It’s our new […]

  13. Tapestry card “SILK ROAD”—”Advance directly to the first space of the next tier on the arts track. Gain either the benefit (…) or the landmark (if available).”

    If I have not yet made any moves on the arts track, does this send me to the first space, or the fourth space?

  14. Hi, do you know if there is a french edition of the expansion Arts and Architecture ? It is because I had the base game in french and I would like to continue in th same language.
    Thank you in advance

    1. Currently there isn’t, but if you tell our French partner, Matagot, that you want it, that may increase the chance that they’ll make it. :)

  15. When you do your income turn, do you gain the benefits from the masterpiece cards before the civilization benefits now?

  16. Is there any place with the icons on the masterpiece cards that are explained? I find the icons on them are not clear what is to be done?
    Thank you

    1. I’m sorry for the confusion. All of the icons on the Masterpiece cards are mentioned somewhere in the rulebook or the original reference guide. If you can’t figure one out, just take a photo of the card and post it in the Tapestry Facebook group and we’ll let you know what it means.

      1. Thank you.
        I think to have al the icons for easy reference would be a good idea since there are sop many games today and it is hard to remember. TO have it for quick easy reference would make the game flow easier (So I would think).
        Thank you

  17. Are there plans to reprint the tech card and the landmarks that had errors (as mentioned in the FAQ above)? And, should they be reprinted in the future, will current owners of the expansion be eligible for replacements?

    1. The errors aren’t gamebreaking, so we have no plans to reprint them. If we make a third expansion and we’re able to include them in that expansion, we’ll do so.

      1. But not in Dutch … So when will it be available in the Netherlands in Dutch? And I’ve asked 999games already, no info from them

  18. […] Find more about Tapestry: Arts & Architecture by visiting Stonemaier Games online on Facebook and Instagram, Board Game Geek, and their website! […]

  19. Hi Jamey and Stonemaier Team, first off I’m a big fan of your games (I own Scythe, Wingspan, Viticulture, Tapestry, and several expansions to those games)! I also love your philosophy when it comes to diversity, inclusion, eco-friendliness, and accessibility within Stonemaier games. I had a question about how to treat the three advance spaces on the Science Track when using the Arts Track (Physics, Neuroscience, and Quantum Physics).

    Since the research die was updated with an Arts face to advance on the Arts Track, is it right to assume that we can also advance on the Arts Track (or Regress when on Neuroscience) on these three science spaces?

    1. Thanks Aramis! That’s very nice of you to say.

      Please continue to follow the icons exactly as printed on the board–we balanced the expansion based on players not needing to remember anything like that. So if a benefit says, “advance on the military, exploration, or tech track,” those are the only tracks available.

    1. You’re right! Australia/NZ loves Arts & Architecture! I’ve just checked with our warehouse and after hearing back, I’ve added 6 more copies of Arts & Architecture to the store right now. Go ahead and order one if you’d like. :) I’ll work on getting more copies shipped there, but the restocks will take some time to arrive. Thanks for your interest!

  20. Any update on Canada shipments ? I feel like it’s going to hit the store in the USA before we get it over here :(

    I understand it’s out of your control though.

    1. I’ll be sending an update next week, which is when I expect to get more news. I’m not sure much is going to happen this week, but if anything does happen, I’ll be sure to send out an update immediately. At the moment, I have no new news to report.

  21. I think I found a slight mistake in Arts and Architecture. The bace shape of the castle doesn’t match its card shape.

    1. That’s right! The card is mirrored by accident. Here’s how we mention it in the FAQ (on the above page):

      Three of the landmark cards appear to have the shape of their landmark mirrored. Is this the case?

      Yes, three of the landmark cards in the Arts & Architecture expansion have a mirrored layout on the card (the miniatures are correct). While this is a mistake on our part, we believe the effect on gameplay is very minor. When a player chooses their landmark card at the beginning of the game they also place the matching landmark miniature on the card. This allows each player to easily see the layout of the landmark as it will be placed in their capital city when they accomplish the goal on the card.

  22. Hey SM, quick question.

    When are Masterpiece Benefits gained specifically? It says beginning of your income turn but other components such as Civs also say beginning. What happens first? Thanks :)

    1. Couple follow up questions actually:

      1. Do you get the Masterpiece Benefits on your final Income Turn?

      2. If a Masterpiece Benefit causes you to gain another Masterpiece, do you immediately gain that Benefit also because it’s happening in the same part of your income turn?

      Hope all of that made sense. Thanks again :)

    2. Here’s how we say it on page 3 of the rules: “Masterpiece card benefits are gained at the beginning of each of your income turns. Additionally, when you gain the Broadcast benefit, you may gain the benefit of 1 of your masterpiece cards.” The income turn portion happens before you go through any income steps (see your income mat–the first step there is to use civ abilities, so masterpieces happen before civ abilities).

      As the rules say, you get masterpiece benefits on each of your income turns, so that would include your final income turn.

      Yes, if you gain a masterpiece card at the beginning of your income turn (before you use civ abilities), you trigger its benefit.

      1. If you are the first of your neighbors to enter a new era you will gain 1 – 3 any resource (depending on the era). This is gained AFTER Masterpiece benefits? 😊

        1. Yes, absolutely. Check out the order of operations in the core game rulebook–that bonus happens during income step 2, while Masterpiece benefits trigger before income step 1.

  23. Sorry if this has been addressed elsewhere, but will you be producing a “legendary” box to hold all expansions? Similar to what was done for Scythe.

        1. If you’re looking to do that, I’d just recommend keeping the inserts we included with each of the expansions. They’ll fit into the core game box (if you remove the core game’s insert) with plenty of room to spare. :)

    1. We’re trying to keep Canadian customers updated by email–if you haven’t received those messages, please check your spam folder. I just heard from the freight company today that the container still appears to be stuck in the backlog due to the mudslides.

  24. Out if curiosity, why did you decide to place your European store in the UK? It seems like a hassle to have a store in one of the few major countries in the region outside the EU, so the vast majority of games ordered from the store have to clear customs on their way out, delaying delivery.

    1. That’s a fair question. :) The reason is that we’ve worked with Spiral Galaxy for many years now, and we know them to have high-quality packaging, excellent communication, great customer service, and speedy shipping. Brexit was extremely unfortunate, but we made the choice to stick with a great company rather than rolling the dice with a fulfillment company we haven’t worked with.

  25. Hello friends at Stonemaier Games! My husband and I are playing with the A&A expansion tonight. We’re wondering how to treat the Riverfolk civilization starting bonus (4 VP for each district with at least 2 impassable plots) with the Archipelago city mat. Thanks in advance!

    1. Thanks Olivia! That’s one matchup that just doesn’t work well. In that situation, you would probably just choose a different civ or to keep the basic capital city (or draw another advanced capital city).

  26. Hello. I’m a Korean player.
    I purchased the A&A extension this time. Can I know when the delivery to Korea will take place?
    I’m really looking forward to it, so I’m really curious when it’ll come.

  27. Hi,
    Perhaps you are going to leave a printable file on BGG of the “you or your neighbors” icon so that we might adjust our misprinted Oil Paint tech card?

  28. […] can pick up a copy of Tapestry: Arts & Architecture through Stonemaier Games directly as of December 1, or look for it on the shelves of your Friendly Local Game Store […]

    1. We’re waiting on an update. The container of Arts & Architecture was being held back by the mudslides in that region. Hopefully that clears up soon and we’ll have an update (or packages will start shipping) this week!

  29. Shipping notice received. Should be delivered by end of day here in the Seattle area. Really excited to get this on the table!

  30. Ordered within the first five minutes of launch, eagerly awaiting shipping notice from the European store.
    This is going to be great!

  31. I have pretty much everything Stonemaier….so, yes, i was disappointed at not getting the dice…

    1. If you order Arts & Architecture, you’ll have the new science die, so you’ll continue to have everything from Stonemaier. The die is included in the expansion.

  32. Hi I am wondering what is the benefit of ordering from SM games while the price is higher than some online stores.. comparing even including the champion discount…looked at ploys expansion and rolling realms

    1. You’re welcome to buy our products from your preferred source. We try to offer reasonable, competitive prices on our webstore (particularly with the Champion discount). If you order from us, you know you’re getting the authentic version of the product in a timely manner.

      1. what would be the time difference between the pre-order and the retail release ? And what are shipping costs to Quebec J3Z1J5

        1. If you preorder from us today, you’ll receive the expansion in a few weeks. If you order from a retailer, you will receive it after the January 21 retail release date. As for shipping costs, it depends on the weight of your order–please put items in your cart and you’ll see the cost.

  33. I have 4 extra sets of dice for the base game. I was surprised that I was able to add only 3 science dice to the Arts and Architecture Preorder. I suppose it doesn’t matter since I had to refresh the checkout page, the dice sold out and were removed from my cart. I’ll be back when more dice are in stock, it doesn’t make sense to me to finish the order if I can’t get the extra dice at the same time as the expansion.

    1. Our default product limit is 3, but you’re right that it should be 4 for this product.

      As for whether or not it makes sense, you really only need 1 die to play with the Arts track, and that die is included in the expansion.

  34. Ordered! Super excited to get this new expansion to the table – it looks terrific! I’m sad that the extra dice were sold out instantly though – I guess I’ll just have to pass the one around until more come in stock. Thanks for an amazing game Jamey!

    1. It’s on the Europe store; it’s just that we did not have many dice, so they’re already sold out. Please request a back-in-stock notification so we know how many more to make.

      1. Darn, kept refreshing and it was immediately sold out. Well, minor issue and I’m still eager like nothing else this year for this expansion. Tapestry is by far my most played solo game.

      2. I signed up for the back in stock notice, but I feel like your data collection needs to know how many dice I would like to order. I ordered 4 extra sets of the original dice, and would like to do the same for the new science die. This is so that everyone can have their own dice at the table. So count my request as four. :)

        Yes, people can share if needed, but this game is large on the table and it is much more convenient to have your own set of dice with everyone so spread out.

  35. this suggestion is purely aesthetic….unless you have further expansions planned this game could really use a tapestry “legendary box” with a dedicated insert, maybe a collaboration with any of the wooden insert companies out there. having everything in one box is always a benefit.

    1. Currently you can fit everything in one box if you remove the original insert (the expansion inserts should fit).

  36. Just wanted to confirm the time for the prerelease tomorrow. Is it really 9:30 CDT or should that be 9:30 Central Standard Time?

  37. Hi.

    Will I be able to order other products from your website with this preorder and have them all shipped together? Namely the other tapestry expansion and some for Scythe.

    1. Yes, everything we offer on each of our regional storefronts is in stock in the corresponding fulfillment centers (or will arrive within a few days), so everything will ship together.

  38. With the new European store launch, will us Danes need to pre-order using that shop, or should we still place our order here?
    I would prefer to place my order in USD, as the exchange rate is far better than for EUR and GBP.

    1. Mikkel, if you live in Europe, all orders will need to be placed on the Europe webstore from now on. Euros are used for that webstore, but we’ve adjusted the prices there for Euro.

      1. Great, thank you. There’s no page yet on the European store to pre-order this expansion, but I’m sure it’ll be there before the 1st of December.

        Regarding the exchange rate, it seems a bit off for a few items – but I assume it’s difficult to match everything, and with the GBP-EUR-rate fluctuating it’s no easy task.

  39. Looks awesome! Suddenly though, I don’t want to play another game of Tapestry until I get my hands on this. I usually wait a few months on new titles for the price to come down a little bit and/or until I can support my FLGS, but I think you’ve got me converted to a pre-orderer on this one.

  40. Hi Jamey ! In the rule book says that masterpiece cards are resolved Athens beginning of each income turns . That means just before the civ mats right?

    1. Super stoked for this expansion. Just finished watching Rodney’s video, and the game content looks amazing. Thank you Jamey for continuing to design fun games along with great additional expansion content—can’t wait to play!

  41. Wow! Just wow. Jamey, this is what an expansion should be. You guys really created something special here and i’m so excited to get my hands on this. Tapestry was great, Plans and Ploys made it even better, and this… well Holy Cow! This will really take it to the next level. If the upcoming Viticulture expansion is anywhere near as cool as this my socks may literally be knocked off. You hit it well out of the park! Nail. Hammer. Head.

  42. Hi Jamey, In regards to the new rule book under the new tapestry card section, it says that once a tapestry card is covered you discard all the buildings/landmarks on it and those buildings/landmarks are no longer scored when scoring your capital city. My question is what’s the reasoning behind this choice? As a player, wouldn’t you want to cover all four squares of the commercial center for example? Or was the card designed to have that negative effect from the start? Idk if I’m asking my question correctly but it just seemed a bit strange to have a negative effect associated with something that a player might want to use resource buildings for. Looking forward to any clarification you can provide.

    1. Matt: Sorry for the confusion–we cover this in the FAQ above. This is referring to covering the tapestry card with another tapestry card.

  43. Hey Jamey, The new expansion looks awesome so far! I’m looking forward to it. Tapestry is a fantastic game. You mention a grand total of 31 landmarks now…. With the Monolith and Stadium wouldnt the total be 33? Thanks for making such wonderful games!

      1. I love that clock tower from Pendulum!! Can you tell us if the Bridge, Holocenter and Opera House are from any games? Maybe I have to try more Stonemaier games.

        1. The bridge is a nod to the cover of Between Two Cities, the Holocenter is on the Euphoria box, and the Opera House is from Charterstone. :)

  44. For the tech cards that require landmarks, after upgrading to the top slot, is the landmark then freed up to use elsewhere?

  45. […] facilities. In the event you want a notification so you do not overlook, there’s a place to sign-up on their web […]

  46. You mentioned that they are landmarks inspired from other SM games! I’ll love to see them in the next post! I think you even mentioned a building that we wouldn’t recognize yet, does that mean you are teasing a future game? I already love this expansion!

    1. In this case, no. The purpose of the mat in the base game is to clarify exactly how the landmarks fit onto the capital city grid, while it’s very clear with these landmarks–they were designed for a precise fit.

  47. So Exciting! I see some new Tapestry cards and a Civilization in the latest post! I think the arts track is a must for me because I have to get the Pendulum Clock tower! Great job! Can’t wait to see what’s in store for the capitol cities!

  48. […] You can find links to design dairies (as they are released), reviews, etc on the Stonemaier website HERE. […]

  49. Hey Jamey! I was wondering if people will be able to order multiple copies of the science die? When I pre-ordered the base game (when it first came out), I ordered 4 extra dice sets so each player would have their own; it would be nice to have that option again if possible. Can’t wait to get this to the table!

  50. I recognize the first two landmarks from Pendulum and Charterstone but what is the third one from? Euphoria?

  51. […] at fulfillment centers. If you need a notification so you don’t forget, there is a place to sign-up on their […]

  52. […] at success facilities. When you want a notification so you do not overlook, there’s a place to sign-up on their web […]

  53. […] at fulfillment centers. If you need a notification so you don’t forget, there is a place to sign-up on their […]

    1. We cover import costs when the games enter the UK. The UK isn’t in the EU, but you would have to pay VAT either way.

    1. We’ll be revealing more details about what’s in the expansion before the preorder, but I can say this expansion won’t include 6 player support.

    2. Joe is correct. We have no plans to add to the length and downtime of Tapestry by adding a 6th player–it’s already pushing those boundaries at 5 players.

    1. That’ll be up to 3rd party insert designers, but if you remove the plastic insert from the base game box, everything should fit in the single box.

  54. Oooh, I wonder how this arts track relates to the fan one which I know you know about, given how well you engage with the community. I would not be the least bit surprised if you had worked with the person who made that track. Given Fenris and My Little Scythe, you do have the ahem _track record._

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