News – Stonemaier Games


Progress Chart

Last Updated: April 24, 2024 (Subscribe to E-Newsletter)

Name Design Art Development Blind Playtesting Solo Design Graphic Design Pre-Production Components Print & Assemble Freight Shipping Launch & Fulfillment Retail Release
Libertalia promo pack green green green green green green green green green green yellow Q2
Expeditions expansion 1 green green green green green green green green green yellow red Q2
Rolling Realms Redux green green green green green green green green yellow red red Q3
Keep (Code Name) green green green green green green green yellow red red red Q?
Apiary expansion 1 green green green green green green green yellow red red red Q?
Crow (Code Name) green green green green green yellow red red red red red Q?
Vantage green yellow yellow yellow yellow red red red red red red Q?
Cape (Code Name) green green green green yellow red red red red red red Q?
Lost (Code Name) yellow yellow red red red red red red red red red Q?
Bone (Code Name) yellow yellow yellow yellow red red red red red red red Q?
Wingspan expansion 4 yellow yellow red red red red red red red red red Q?
Deep (Code Name) yellow yellow red red red red red red red red red Q?
Name Design Art Development Blind Playtesting Solo Design Graphic Design Pre-Production Components Print & Assemble Freight Shipping Launch & Fulfillment Retail Release

Icon Key

  • Design
  • Art
  • Development
  • Blind Playtesting
  • Solo Design
  • Graphic Design
  • Pre-Production
  • Components
  • Print & Assemble
  • Freight Shipping
  • Launch & Fulfillment
  • Retail Release

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897 Comments on “News

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  1. […] Blog Posts (Recent) […]

  2. I noticed the rolling realms content is not discounted in the EU store. The newsletter says all content is discounted through sunday. Is it correct?

    1. It’s discounted on the Europe store (I think it may only show if you switch to GBP, but it applies at checkout to all currencies).

      1. I don’t see a way to change currency. And at check out no discount is applied. The rolling realms content do not show a “sale badge” as all other items do. No problem, I think I wait for rolling realms redux release.

        1. Judith: I asked our web developer about this, and he confirmed that the discount is already applied. The promo realms normally cost 6 Euros each–their prices are manually discounted to 5.40 through Sunday. I checked this, and he is 100% correct. The price will increase back up to 6 Euros on Monday. You’re certainly welcome to wait, though I can’t guarantee they’ll still be in stock when Rolling Realms Redux is released.

    1. Date set to Q2 2024 so it means May or June, but my bet is we’ll hear more about it in 1-2 weeks max.

  3. Hi Jamey, just wondering if you have ever given consideration to making Bakelite encounter/map tokens for Scythe/Expeditions as an upgrade option to the standard cardboard ones. About to start a solo game of Scythe :-)


    1. Have fun with your solo game! We haven’t considered bakelite map tokens, but I can see what you’re saying–I really like the feel of the bakelite tokens in Libertalia!

  4. Hi! I was wondering if there is an update on Tapestry getting a reprint with all the updated rules.
    Thanks :)
    *a new fan of the game*

  5. Hi Jamey

    Libertalia is currently on sale, and I am keen to buy, but I keep holding off for this upcoming promo pack
    Mostly to save a bit on shipping.

    Will the sale end soon, or am I comfortable waiting?



    1. I put Libertalia on sale with the intention it would remain on sale through the initial launch of the promo pack, so you can wait to buy them together. :)

    1. Quite a bit, yes. :) The Libertalia promo pack is for the game Libertalia (while the Rolling Realms promo pack is for the game Rolling Realms).

  6. […] Blog Posts (Recent) […]

  7. So my understanding Tapestry is complete with all the expansions out. My question to the company is there any plans to create a collectors/complete edition with everything? As a newer player I would be greatly interest in purchasing a complete version of this excellent game with a box to fit everything nicely.

    1. Thanks for your question! We never do all-in editions like that; we simply continue to offer the core game and expansions separately so people can pick and choose exactly what they want. With the special insert we sell, everything fits with perfect organization in the original box.

      1. Thanks for the quick response! Just to confirm, will the game be getting any further expansions within the next couple years or is it considered complete while other games are being worked on?

  8. Hello, a big Expeditions fan here, mostly playing solo. I know you have a surprise in store for us with the first expansion, but I would really appreciate a few sneak peeks to tide me over! I hope it’s not just the addition of more mechs to play with more players. As a solo player, I would love a new campaign, more mech upgrades, or even completely new tiles to explore in the west and east! There are so many possibilities! Can’t you tell us anything, Mr. Stegmaier?

      1. If there are new mechs in the expeditions expansion will they also be available in metal format – love our metal edition

        1. Absolutely! There are two versions of the expansion: One with plastic mechs and one with metal mechs.

    1. I feel you, David. It’s already good game, but you can clearly feel the potential it can easily grow well and get even more depth and fun. Hope the time comes soon (it’s already assembling, so probably we can start hearing news when it gets shipped to distribution centers, hopefully even Q2, fingers crossed).

  9. As a couple from Zimbabwe and South Africa, my partner and I are so excited for a potential eventual release of Wingspan Africa! Our first physical copy of Wingspan is being delivered in the next week after many hours of digital play on Steam with both expansions! We cannot wait !

    1. Thank you, Cat and Shane! We look forward to exploring Africa, South America, and Antarctica in the remaining expansions for Wingspan. :)

  10. Hey!

    Looking very forward to the Expeditions expansion!

    I am not sure if you have said anything about this yet or whether such details are secret, but: will we get combat? It seems like a combat mechanism based on the Scythe dials and power would be quite simple to add! It would allow pushing opponents off tiles that they are blocking for multiple rounds. This has been an actual problem for us in 4 and 5 player games for the worker-production tiles.
    A defeat could result in returning to home-base or retreating to an adjacent free tile. As such, it would be a lot less punishing than in Scythe where the board is bigger and movement more limited—but still provide for nice player interaction!

    1. We tested player-to-player combat in earlier versions of Expeditions, and it just caused frustration. There will be no PvP combat in Expeditions, as players are fighting against and outwitting the corruption, not each other.

      1. Thanks for the quick reply! A shame it didn’t make it, but I understand if it wasn’t too popular, as fighting in Scythe was very high-stakes. Maybe other forms of player-to-player interactions will make it into an expansion :)

  11. I was hoping to purchase Apiary but just realized it is out of stock. I signed up for the back-in-stock notification, but I was wondering if the progress chart ever includes information regarding back-in-stock plans?

    1. Thanks for your question. We’re printing more Apiary, and we mention incoming reprints on the product page and in our newsletter, but not on the progress chart (that’s for new projects).

  12. Just got my Legendary box! Super excited but also kind of bummed. The corners are damaged on it. It’s not a huge issue as it is cosmetic and not affecting the overall function, but for the money it costs I was hoping there wouldn’t be any damage.

    1. Colin: I agree, and I’m really sorry about that. We have these Nesting Boxes packed to avoid that exact type of damage. Depending on the severity of the damage, we could issue a partial refund or even replace the entire box. Feel free to send some photos to

  13. I just received my copy of the revised civs and the FF expansion. This is great!

    One bit of feedback – take it for what it’s worth:

    Miniature Market did fulfillment, and they shipped these two fairly small packages in a large box (approx 12x12x10″) and packed it FULL of heavy duty bubble wrap. The completely unnecessary plastic waste from this basically negated the good work you guys did designing environmentally responsible packaging for these expansions.

    The shipment would have fit in a 2″ tall box and been fine with a little crumpled paper thrown in.

    I know you can’t please everyone every time, and I’m not mad about it. Just shook my head a bit and wondered if you can work with shipping partners to be more sensible with shipping.

    1. Thanks Dan! If you happen to have a photo of it, feel free to send it to us so we can share that feedback with MM.

  14. What will be the shipping costs for the Libertalia promo if I can’t order anything else with it? I have purchased the game directly from Stonemaier when it launched if this makes a difference.

  15. With the icons above for each game do they each take about the same time? Just trying to gauge how soon a game night come based on how many icons are completed.

    1. It depends on the game for most icons until we get to the assembly stage, then it’s pretty consistent.

  16. When I first introduced Wingspan to my friends, my one friend vehemently protested because “birds are stupid.” We all jokingly said if they game was dragons, he would have loved it. I can’t believe this is actually happening. So I am buying Wyrmspan and forcing him to play it incessantly.

  17. I’m sure Wyrmspan will further broaden the game base for Wingspan which is always a good thing, but can’t lie I’m a little disappointed to see resources going to this rather than expediting release of the rest of the Wingspan expansions. Would really LOVE to see the next expansion some time in 2024! The recent digital version of the Oceania expansion demonstrates what a great package of gameplay we have (hopefully Asia is just around the corner). The missing birds from Africa, Latin America and Oceania really stand out when playing the paper version. That said, I know how much work must go into each, particularly as well-balanced as they are on release. Thanks again for your hard work and keep ’em coming!

    1. Wyrmspan was designed by Connie Vogelmann (Apiary), with Elizabeth Hargrave (Wingspan) listed as Developer. Developers mainly just tweak, test, and proofread the already designed game.

      Elizabeth Hargrave is solely responsible for the design of Wingspan expansions, which has only been underway for a couple months now. The development of Wyrmspan was marked as complete back in March of 2023.

      It doesn’t appear that any resources were put towards this instead of Wingspan expansions.

    2. Our resources are going to both, not one over the other. Elizabeth is working hard on the next Wingspan expansion.

  18. Hi Jamie, What is your current position on your games being sold or allowed to be sold in Russia?
    Have you paused or exited this market?

  19. NINE new Rolling Realms promos?? Jamey, you’re killing me (in the best way possible).

    RR has essentially become the only game my group plays these days because there’s always new promos to try out. Please keep them coming (even though I’m dying over with all these cards!)

  20. Jamey, Hi! We’re watching your live streaming on YT, really enjoying them so we decided to subscribe to the newsletter. There’s a typo in “Latin America” :) .

    Cheers from Argentina!

  21. HeyJamey,

    I was wondering if there are plans for a fourth printing of the nesting box, and if so when might we expect that? Thanks for everything.

  22. Hi Jamey,

    I think the golden eggs look great and placed an order for them. I am curious about how the paint on the metal is protected to avoid scratching when kept in a container with other eggs, or if they are more intended as an item on the shelf?


    1. It’s a glossy, coated metallic paint that hasn’t resulted in any scratching that I’ve seen, though I’ve only seen the metal eggs come in contact with each other. They’re definitely meant to be used in games of Wingspan, but they are significantly heavier than the normal eggs, so they might need to be kept separate.

      1. Okay, thank you for the information and the extremely quick response!

        Very much looking forward to their addition to our games.

    1. Glad to see more Wingspan content is coming at some point. :)

      Along those lines, are there any plans to have the expansions on BGA?

      1. Thanks! Only the core game will be on BGA out of respect for the tabletop and full digital versions of the game.

  23. Received my copy of Apiary this afternoon and just finished a trial playthrough. Easy to learn and lots of meaningful actions and choices to make. Looking forward to sharing with my play group tomorrow night. Another winner in my books. Thank you Stonemaier team.

  24. Hi Jamey,
    I can’t seem to find the last mention of this (I remember reading something last month), but is there an update on the fixes for Parks and B&W promos? Thanks!

  25. Today’s newsletter announced Apiary and includes a tidbit about the FSC certification of environmentally friendly components. Despite seeing next to nothing yet of the gameplay, I want to buy this to support your efforts of reducing waste and harmful impact to our home planet. (And I want more publishers to do something(s) to at least try going that direction!)

    That, coupled with your lifetime service of free replacement components (without even having to be an S.G. Champion but just included with the game itself — wow!) make it clear: You guys are going above and beyond to make the experience of owning your products uplifting. Like the FLGS, Voss Media Board Game Cafe, you highlighted last week, y’all keep community in mind and heart. Thank you for that.

  26. Hi Jamey!
    I’ve only semi-recently been exposed to your YouTube channel and blog, but I’ve already learned a lot from what you’ve shared. I love the idea of being a board game designer, so I’ve already watched and read a lot of your material, and I’d like to thank you for all that you do! :)

    On your channel you have mentioned a few times that you are working on an open-world board game, which I am extremely excited for! I was just wondering if you have a rough estimate for when that game will be released or announced? Thanks!

    1. Joe: I’m so sorry I missed this comment last month! I don’t have an estimate yet for when the open world game will be ready, but I look forward to sharing it in our enewsletter when the time comes. :)

  27. I see some people are receiving their Expeditions. My family is so excited to receive this. My daughter is already plotting and planning how to take her parents down!

  28. Hi Jamey,
    Thanks for publishing such great games! Wingspan is my wife’s absolute favorite.
    I also teach board games to retired folks at a local game store. We call the group meetup “The Geezer Gamers” , they also absolutely LOVE Wingspan and it has become a regular request. Great idea on the reader friendly cards as reading small print is a common complaint from the geezers.
    I started teaching it to my grandkids, they love the art and are learning some things about the birds of this world. During one of the teach sessions my dinosaur curious grandson asked if there were any extinct birds in the game. “Im not sure” I said, but wouldn’t that be interesting?
    How about it Jamey an expansion pack of prehistoric and extinct birds? Natalia and Ana Maria could let their imaginations go wild illustrating, and I’m sure you and Elizabeth could come up with interesting mechanics for their powers.
    Thanks again for the hours of quality entertainment, keep up the good work
    Jeffary Sonnentag

    1. Thanks Jeffary! Extinct birds is our most common request for a promo pack. We have a bunch of ideas for it, and I think it’s very likely to happen someday. :)

      1. Jamey,

        Something you might want to try for extinct birds, perhaps as a new power type (Let’s say Grey power), is to remove the bird from the habitat for a one-time big bonus effect. That would play into the extinction theme while making players decide whether to keep the bird or make it “go extinct”, reducing the power of that habitat and removing the feathers that the bird has.

    1. A promo pack (for wingspan) with fantasy birds would also be really cool. just imagine: a gripho, a phoenix, an owl from athena, cockatrice….

  29. Hello! Is there a deadline you have to pre-order by to get a copy in the first round of pre-order fulfillment?

    1. Thanks for your question, Jared. There isn’t a deadline; rather, in the US we sold out of first-wave Ironclad Editions, so any new preorders are for the second wave, which will ship in late August or early September.

        1. There’s no deadline or wave two for the standard version. You should get a shipping notice in July. Thanks!

  30. Hi All, I have the Wingspan nesting box and it’s dividers indicate more locations. Is are there more expansions planned? Thanks :)

  31. Hi! A question about the vision-friendly cards. The description says they’re “mechanically identical” to the original cards. That means physically identical, right?Iincluding the backing?

    I know you say they aren’t meant to be integrated with existing cards, but would I work/be super obvious if I did mix these in with my expansions?

    My base game is in a language I don’t speak, so I have pages of translations that I use when I play…. I don’t mind them but no one wants to play with me! This would be an incredible way to make my game a bit easier to work with.

    1. Yes, same size, same back, exactly the same in terms of gameplay. You can mix them in with other cards. :)

  32. After you finish Her Story, try Telling Lies by the same devs. Less mystery, more drama, and much higher production values.

  33. Hi Jamey.
    I’ve pre-ordered Expeditions back in February.
    After checking the shipping schedule, I’m going to ask if you could deliver an early copy for me to publish a video review on my YouTube channel ‘The Last Meeple’ (link down below). Mid July might not work out for me, and since everything is already paid for anyway.


    1. Thanks for your preorder! Your copy of Expeditions is currently on a boat, and we’ll ship it to you when it arrives at our fulfillment center.

      1. Hey Jamey,
        I also pre-ordered a copy. Can I have your cat and lifetime membership to the ambassadors club?
        Thanks Erik

        JK have a great day.

        1. My cats really don’t like to travel, and I’m also quite fond of them. But you’re welcome to be a lifetime Champion!

  34. […] Blog Posts (Recent) […]

  35. Urgh! SG Oz webstore checkout is out of action: “There was a problem with our checkout. Refresh this page or try again in a few minutes.”

  36. “Amulet of Bravado”? Now I’m currrious to see if Walter and Biddy really get their own card in Expeditions or if that is just another April Fools special. If it’s real, maybe they might be interested in offering a “paw-tographed” version of the card. ;-)

  37. I support vision friendly version of cards. Love everything Wingspan and that you are now tuning into eco-friendly as well as considering diverse needs.

  38. I think I read somewhere (or heard in a Youtube video) about you guys being developing an open world game. Is that correct? If so, I might add that I am very much interested in that. I love games like Xia or Mage Knight — that sensation of you deciding what to do and that being somehow useful to win the game is unbeatable compared to any other emotion when playing a game. Couple that with a good solo mode (which describes pretty much all of your games I played so far), and I can fell being treated with some tender and loving care :-D.

    1. Yes, I’ve mentioned that I’ve been working on a big open world game for a few years. It is about 50x bigger than Xia or Mage Knight. I look forward to talking about it upon release! :)

        1. It’s a very different game than those games, but I think that multiplier is pretty accurate. :)

          1. I think he (and I) took “50x” to mean 5000% (fifty times the size), while you meant 150% (50 percent more). I believe “x” usually expresses a multiplier in English…

          2. Nope! :) I meant what I said: 50x (5000%). 50% bigger is barely bigger at all–the game I’m working on has 50x more locations than those other games.

          3. Do you mean a randomized location pool that’s 50 times the size? I was thinking of overall physical footprint. And this is for a physical release?!

          4. All I can say for now is “the game I’m working on has 50x more locations than those other games.”

  39. Hi! Will there be any difference between the first or second printing of Wingspan? I’m asking if it’s worth to wait for the second printing.

    Thanks in advance

    1. Rasmus: Wingspan is now on its 25th printing, so there’s no need to wait for the second printing (we made that one back in early 2019). Ever since we added the swift-start guide later in 2019, there have been no changes to the game, though we did recently switch to more eco-friendly trays.

  40. Will the custom insert for tapestry be showing up on your store as well or just going live on foldspace at the same time?

  41. Hi Jamey. I have to admit, I was a little disheartened when I learned there wasn’t going to be a “special box for all tapestry”. After all, I always really liked this type of product and the coolest thing was that the boxes had a different art, announcing that that edition was the complete edition of the game, something that indicated on the outside that it was the definitive edition. on the other hand, I was happy to see that several people liked the idea of ​​being able to use the box they already had and I realize that their choice was correct. however, I would like to leave an idea: Maybe produce an official art to be placed as a back cover of the box, something that could be made available on the website for download and that customers could download, print as they prefer and use over their original box from Tapestry. this would be really cool because it would be ecologically safe, it would protect the original art of the game, it would renew the cover for those who need it (my tapestry cover is faded because of the sun) and it would fill that tapestry gap not having a different cover for its version complete (just like wingspan, scythe and Viticulture have). I’ve made clear back covers for my other games (like box sleeves, open top and bottom) and they protect the box very well. Please consider looking into this possibility.

    1. Hi Anne, thanks so much for sharing this idea! It hasn’t something I’ve heard before, but I’m happy to consider it.

  42. Not sure if its been answered, but I’m curious. In the December newsletter we lost the DIVE code name game entry and then in January a new entry called KEEP was added. Has the same game been renamed, or was an idea eventually dropped in place of a new one?

    1. Thanks for your curiosity! We don’t comment on codenames–they’re codenames for a reason–but you’re welcome to speculate. :)

  43. Hi Jamey,
    I see that both versions of Expeditions are discounted by $16 on the US store, but on the EU store I don’t see any discount. Is this intentional? Thanks!

    1. I’m sorry, DB–I missed this question when you posted it. The discounts are on the EU store too, though sometimes they’re only visible in British pounds (even though they’ll show up at checkout in Euros too). Also, keep in mind that VAT must be included in a product’s listed price in Europe, while in the US sales tax isn’t charged until checkout.

    1. Good question! It started out–and was, for a long time–a deckbuilding game (i.e., a game in which you’re drawing lots of cards). I just couldn’t find a way to make it work, so I switched to a more Concordia-inspired hand management system.

      1. That’s really cool, I’m glad you were able to make it work eventually, even if it wasn’t how you originally planed. It looks like it’s going to be a great game!

  44. SUGGESTION : How about keep a history of code names you had with what game it was based on. When you change the code name to the game name, I forget what it was. Perhaps have a page with all code names and game related to it, so we can look back after you change it on status page.

  45. Hi Jamey,

    I’m a Stonemaier Champion and am trying to check out my cart for the Expeditions Pre-order, however I don’t see any shipping options to Singapore where I am based at. What should I do?

  46. Will local game stores that pre-order the ironclad edition now be able to sell it to customers before the retail release? I’m interested in pre-ordering through my local game store. Is the answer the same for the standard edition?

    1. They can sell to customers at any time, but they can only release products to customers on the retail release day.

  47. Any hint about which one of these is the cooperative open world exploration game? I’ve been hearing you talk about it for years and can’t wait to learn more about it! Could 2023 be the year?!

    1. The price for Expedition in the european Shop is 80€ while in the US Shop its 69$. Is this intended or a misstake?

  48. How are you enjoying Betrayal Legacy? I received a copy for Xmas before the pandemic and have struggled to table it since. Our family really enjoys Betrayal (have the base game + Widow’s Walk, and the Scooby Doo kids version).

  49. will the ironclad version also be available after the official launch or to make sure she thinks it’s better if i pre order?

    1. Anne: Your best bet is to preorder now, but we’re hoping to make at least one robust print run of the Ironclad version. After that, we’ll see if there’s demand.

  50. If we place a pre-order for Expeditions now, will it be possible to add Tapestry: Fantasies and Futures to the same pre-order when it’s available, in order to save on combined shipping? Or if ordering them at the same time is the goal, should we wait to place an Expeditions pre-order until the Tapestry pre-order is open? Super excited about both!

    1. You can if you want, but if you do, everything will ship together with Expeditions in June/July (whereas if you order them separately, the Tapestry expansion will ship in March).

  51. Hello. Will the combined rulebook for Tapestry + all its expansions be available separately from the 3rd expansion? The fantasy/sci-fi aspect of expansion 3 doesn’t appeal to me personally, but I’d love a single rulebook even if I pass on expansion 3.

  52. I know viticulture world just came out recently, but I’m not a co-op type of gamer, so any plans for another expansion (not co-op) for Viticulture in the future?

  53. Hi Jamey!

    When can we expect to see or know any information regarding the newest expansion for Tapestry? Can we have some new information? :D
    Tapestry is one of my favorite games ^^


  54. the idea of ​​the special tapestry insert, is it to be the same as the internal components of the nesting box? (dividers with handles, special artwork…)

    1. We’re definitely making a reprint–we wouldn’t accept preorders if we weren’t planning to make it. The MOQ is 1500 units.

  55. Just read through the latest newsletter, and something very interesting to me caught my eye: “Wingspan vision-friendly cards”! Can you elaborate on this? Last year I was involved briefly in a conversation elsewhere on this site, about how I add to our games in various ways to help my wife, who has vision issues, enjoy the games better. Like, tactile game pieces, sleeving cards to add Braille to them, and making embossed or Braille overlays for player boards.

    1. These cards are mechanically identical to Wingspan cards, but they are reformatted with larger, bolder text, the removal of text that isn’t necessary for the game, and bigger, bolder icons. They are not Braille cards.

      1. That’s good to hear. Doesn’t matter about the Braille, I know that would be seriously (prohibitively?) expensive to do! I just appreciate that you are doing something to increase accessibility! What you describe will help greatly, thanks!

  56. I’m having issues becoming a champion. My bank account was charged but I’m not seeing my subscription being reflected on the store. I did not receive a confirmation email either.

    1. Hi Ryan! I see you also sent an email. Dave will respond to you there. That’s the best way to talk about private order details.

  57. Will you please provide an update for the Viticulture Wine Create without the World Expansion. I already have the World Expansion and was really looking forward to adding the Wine Create to my collection.

    1. Definitely, there was an update in today’s newsletter: “The reprint of the Viticulture Wine Crate has completed production and should arrive in February. Be the first to know by signing up for a back-in-stock notification.”

  58. So am I understanding your comment below correctly… that the preorder today for nesting box is for fall delivery (3rd printing) and not 2nd printing in Q1? :(

    1. Yes, the second printing preorder was in mid-November for a small print run we had already started. We have not started printing the third printing–customers asked us for the opportunity to guarantee they get a copy by ordering before production begins, so this is that opportunity. We’ll begin production next week.

      1. Okay. I will wait patiently… or not. But I really do appreciate you making more and doing so in a way that gives everyone the opportunity to get one. Thank you.

    1. Thanks for your question! While we don’t spoil new projects in advance, Jakub is a talented artist and worldbuilder, and I had fun exploring his 1920+ world through Scythe.

    1. Absolutely! Make sure to sign up for a back in stock notification for the third printing, which we’ll open preorders for in January

  59. I completed the survey, but the response I wanted to give for the accessory or expansion I was most interested in was not an option. Had it been there I would have chosen the Tapestry Neoprene mat.

  60. Hi Jamie,

    Thanks again for the news update! Was really psyched about the tapestry playmat. Somehow I missed every bit of news on that so I ordered it right away as a Christmas present to myself :)

    What I was wondering after I ordered though, will the playmat be compatible with the upcoming expansion? Would be a shame if we could only use it for a short while before there are cardboard add-ons we need to put on there.

    Look forward to hearing from you :)

    Keep up the good work!


    1. Thanks Glenn! Absolutely–we wouldn’t release a playmat that’s incompatible with an expansion that’s already in production. :)

    1. Each is prepackaged separately, so please place separate orders. Thanks!

      Update: Our fulfillment centers say they can tape multiple tubes together, so it’s fine to put more than 1 in the same order.

  61. Why are customers ordering from the Europe store not getting the pre-order discount mentioned in the newsletter? The prices for Wingspan Asia are as follows, with discounts offered in all regions except Europe: US store USD 39 (40 €), Canada store CAD 49 (37 €), Australia store AUD 59 (38 €), Europe store 46 €.

    1. You’re paying the same price as everyone else. In Europe, VAT must be included in the listed price (taxes are added at checkout in the US).

  62. I appear to have missed out on the nesting box due to a busy day at work :(. Any idea of when the next print run would be available? I’d love to be able to play the Asia expansion when it comes out but am hesitant to just pre-order that if there will be a new nesting box print run soon.

    1. We’re working on a reprint to arrive in a few months, but it will not include Wingspan Asia and will be prepackaged, so if you’d like to get the expansion, I’d recommend ordering it now.

      1. Missed the nesting box. Was “only” 4:30 pm on the East Coast… That probably means it was a success so congrats to Stonemaier Games for that! Jamey, would you be able to comment on the timing of the new print of the nesting box vs. Tapestry expansion 3?

        1. They’re completely independent print runs, and they’re both prepackaged and thus can’t ship together. Either way, they’ll release a few months apart anyway.

      2. Can you please explain what prepackaged means? How is that different from the nesting box that sold out today? I’m bummed I missed out on it too, but I did order the Asia expansion in anticipation of getting a box in the future. Thanks.

        1. Prepackaged means that the box is already inside a cardboard shipping box, heavily protected. Check out the unboxing on The Mill YouTube channel to see what that looks like. Both the first and second printing of the Nesting Box are prepackaged.

          1. Thank you! The video is fantastic. I’ll be sure to set an alarm next time the box is available. :)

  63. Will it be possible to get the nesting box in French?
    If it was just a storage box it would be a silly question, but since it includes the Asia expansion, I need it to match the rest of the collection.

  64. My wife and I still love Euphoria and its expansion – it is something we play at least twice (or more) per year. I have played Scythe and Wingspan – both are excellent. But, Euphoria is still the most “fun” to play and probably still, IMHO, the most innovative and creative of your line of games.
    Another expansion for Euphoria would be all right with us!

  65. Any chance that Champions that were unable to partake in the 10th anniversary incentives because of Hurricane Fiona could get a few days extension? My power and Internet were knocked out on Sept 23rd and not restored until Oct 4th. Undertstand if not, but thought I would ask.

  66. Is the swift-start tutorial in Wingspan Asia the same as the one included in newer copies of the Wingspan base game? If not, is there a way to get the original swift start pack? I remember seeing it for sale on your website but looks like it’s gone now.

    1. No, it’s a new swift-start guide specifically designed for Wingspan Asia. We do have the original for sale, just not publicly, as people were buying it redundantly. Can you contact Joe at so he can set up an order for you?

    1. We will make it again when freight shipping prices are more reasonable. Please sign up for a back in stock notification.

  67. Are there plans to reprint the Scythe spiralbound Complete Rulebook? Was hoping to snag it at 10% off, but I see it is out of stock.

    1. Thanks for asking, Frank, but there currently aren’t any plans to do so, as we have enough hardbound copies to last us a while.

  68. Slight issue with the webstore it adds a copy of Smitten alongside almost every single item in the basket. Only 1 copy is free but makes the basket not equal the price or item count you’d expect. So you can replicate I added the 6 Rolling Realm promos to my basket and went to checkout to find 5 copies of Smitten, 1 free 4 not free in my basket.

  69. Hi Jamey. I understand and respect your decision not to make a new big box for Tapestry and its expansions due to the poll results. However, I hope that soon you will reconsider and study the idea of ​​making at least in low print, (limited numbers as the metal wicks were) of this product, aimed at that minority that wanted a new box (and not an insert for the box original)

    I believe that the poll does not reflect the large number of people who would buy such a box, after all, I myself found this poll by chance and I believe that a large part of consumers cannot follow all the news or be aware of these polls. I’m a big fan from Brazil that I imported practically everything from Stonemeier Games and this has always been one of the products I most wanted SM to produce, I hope there is still such a possibility.

    1. Thanks Anne! While the poll played a factor in our decision, it definitely was not the other factor. We also considered shipping costs, environmental impact, utility, respecting customer’s budgets, etc. As I’ve said for years, the original Tapestry box is big enough to hold all Tapestry components; it just needs an insert designed to hold all of those components. We will not be making another box for Tapestry, and I hope people give the special insert a chance, as it solves the problem at hand.

  70. Happy 10th Anniversary! Will the 10% discount and free copy of smitten apply when the pre order for wingspan Asia and nesting box comes out?

    1. Thanks Cooper! The preorder for those products is a few months away–the 10% discount and free Smitten will be for the rest of September as soon as they arrive. Like any product launch, though, we’ll offer Wingspan Asia and the Nesting Box at a preorder discount (most likely in early November).

        1. We’re planning to share details about Wingspan Asia starting in early October. Our typical preorder method is that we do the reveal at the beginning of one month and then the preorder begins the following month.

  71. Hi Jamey, I have been trying to find a working link for the 2022 Stonemaier Champion t-shirts. I have been trying the link provided in the update #55 email from 9-6-2022. The email mentioned that the link would not work until after 9:30am today. I would love to grab a t-shirt before they are all gone. I have also reviewed your website but could not find any info on the t-shirts. Can you please direct me to the correct link? Thank you. All the best!

    1. Also, HUGE Congratulations on Stonemaier Games 10th Anniversary! What an amazing accomplishment! Thank you for creating terrific content for the game community.

    2. Sorry for the confusion, but as noted in the upper half of the newsletter, none of those products will be available until Smitten, Between Two Cities, and the Rolling Realms promos arrive in a week or so. We’ll let you know then, and sorry for leaving that artifact in the Champion newsletter!

      1. Jason, as noted directly above your comment: “Sorry for the confusion, but none of the links will work until mid-September: “To celebrate our 10-year anniversary and show our gratitude for you, here’s a summary of what we’ve prepared. These products and specials will be available starting in mid-September–we’re still waiting on a few shipments to arrive, so we’ll send the launch notification then.”

    1. We have a great group of blind playtesters around the world selected every year or so via a test sent to Stonemaier Ambassadors (which you can apply to join on our website).

  72. If you’re looking for more charities that really benefit birds in Asia the International Crane Foundation is a really great one!!

      1. As a proud member and regular visitor to the International Crane Foundation’s headquarters, I 100% agree that they would be a great charity to support. They are, in my opinion, one of the primary reasons the beautiful Whooping Cranes found in the base game are making a recovery as a species instead of on the list of extinct animals and they do amazing conservation work for all species of cranes around the world. Asia is home to 8 of the 15 species of cranes in the world, including the critically endangered Siberian Crane. Their website has a lot of good information on the wonderful work they do. Also, they carry Wingspan the gift shop at their headquarters (not that it would make any difference in supporting them but it was cool to see there during my last visit).

        I can’t wait for the Asia expansion and hope it and the eventual Africa expansion both have a strong representation of cranes. I know there are so many amazing birds out there but there is something special about cranes.

  73. Are there plans to bring Tapestry expansions to boardgamearena? As an owner of then in real life, I’ve never played them because I’m teaching new players each time and don’t want to overwhelm them. Would be nice to finally play them:-)

  74. Hey Jamey,
    I just read the Newsletter. I’m excited for Wingspan Asia! I have a question about Scythe Faction bags. On BGG Store they list Faction specific bags and have been out of stock for many months. Is this product connected to you in anyway? It seems to be the official factions, and wondering if these are available anywhere else.

  75. Did Design Day 2022 tickets already happen? I found the page that says tickets sold out, but not sure when they ever went on sale in the first place? Thanks!

    1. Indeed, they are sold out. Typically most of the tickets sell out to past attendees and those who were on the wait list from the previous year (you can get on the wait list by requesting a back-in-stock notification on our webstore).

  76. Praying for a Red Rising expansion! Lots of scope with all the newer characters from the book series. Please :-)

      1. With the announcement of a book 7 on the way, is the plan to now wait to see what book 7 has in store? Or will book 6 still be the point where you could decided if an expansion would be worth it?

  77. I think you can now safely update the ‘Viticulture Expan.’ text to ‘Viticulture World’ ;)

  78. i am wondering if it is possible to make an insert for the existing tapestry box that would hold everything including a future expansion…maybe something along the lines of folded space or meeple realty?….when i bought tapestry i also purchased the broken token insert, it was beautiful, but sadly, no longer functional due to expansions. any one of the after market companies should be able to create an insert to fit the existing box.

  79. I followed the link in your newsletter to the digital games list, then to Tapestry. The page says that George and the Goat is working on it and to join the Facebook group, but after going there it states since January he isn’t working on it anymore. Maybe the page on your website could be updated with current information?

    1. Thanks John! I’ve updated that page to show that it’s now Mindgate Studios who are working on it.

  80. Excited as always to see more Tapestry content. I’d definitely echo the earlier comments about welcoming a big box option that could fit all of the games together. With a third expansion, bringing four boxes along to every game night is getting quite cumbersome.

    Eagerly looking forward to more news on the third expansion next year!

  81. Has SM ever thought about making a big box for tapestry and its expansions that fit the inserts of landmarks miniatures? The expansions even fit in the original box, but they are very “tangled up” it would be nice to have a box where you could put the original (or new) inserts because they are very beautiful and great to view and select.

    1. We have! Currently we don’t have such a box in the works, but we’re thinking about it. :)

  82. I’m looking forward for the 3rd Wingspan extension. Will it be available to purchase in french on your website? Thank you.

    1. We only sell English-language products, but you can buy French versions of our products from Matagot.

  83. When is viticulture world going to release for champions including the wine crate? Can it be pre-ordered. I also assume everything for viticulture world will be in the wine crate except the box? How long will orders take to ship once they are placed?

    On a side note, just want to say how much I love viticulture and wingspan and I’m really looking forward to the bird box. Wingspan was my first game from Stonemaier and the production quality is still the best I have seen. Really fancy trying Scythe but I think it’s too heavy for me.

  84. Not directly related to the newsletter but: Will the “Wine Crate” also be available from localized retailers or can I only get it from your store once it releases? I don’t have anything Viticulture yet but after playing it a lot on BGA I want to get it into my collection, and the Wine Crate would be a great way to have a complete game.

    1. For the next 12 months, the Wine Crate will only be available directly from our webstores in the US, Canada, Australia, and Europe. After that, if freight shipping prices have improved, we will try to release the Wine Crate (without the expansion inside) to retailers.

  85. Has anyone ever asked for a card shuffler for Wingspan? LOL Especially with an additional expansion, any possibility of some options to remove some cards for variety and shuffle-ability?

    1. They have! :) We looked into it and even tested a card shuffler, but I don’t think it’ll work as a solution. You can play Wingspan with any combination of decks if you feel like separating cards, but my go-to recommendation is that if you play Wingspan with the same person/people a lot, set aside the cards used in the last game and only shuffle/use cards that weren’t used.

  86. Hey Jamey
    Few questions
    I read somewhere that the Nesting Box first print will come with the 3rd Wingspan expansion.
    If that is true will the expansion come in it’s own box and then we can repackage it or will the components be loose in the Nesting Box?

        1. I’d recommend looking at Etsy. There are a number of third-party accessory companies that make great dice towers for Wingspan, including Tower Rex (who actually designed the Wingspan dice tower; in appreciation of their design, I agreed that we would only make the cardboard version of the dice tower).

  87. Hi Jamey. My wife and I love many of your games. Our favorite is Wingspan. Have you ever thought about doing an animal or fish version similar to Wingspan. Personally I would love to see an animal/mammal version. I can picture the awesome pictures and variety already. Thanks.

    1. Thanks Jim! We have indeed thought of lots of different versions of Wingspan we could make. :)

      1. I would love to see something about moths & butterflies or bees with the issues of depletion of pollinators! What a great educational tool, just as Wingspan is for us with birds! We need to know in order to help feed, protect, & see them thrive! : )

  88. […] Blog Posts (Recent) […]

  89. A bit saddening that despite a massive progress in work for Wingspan expansion it’s date has moved to q4 ;( on the other hand I suppose a Polish translation will be there for me around Christmas :) cheers to all Stonemaier from Poland!

  90. Hola Jamey…
    I see the Euphoria expansion not available… ay idea when is going to be reprinted.
    And also, are there any plans to have another expansion for Euphoria :)

    Saludos from Mexico

    1. Thanks Adrian! Currently we don’t have plans for a new expansion or reprint, but if we get enough back-in-stock requests, we’ll definitely reprint it!

  91. Hi Jamey! I just ordered the only disc available in Europe. Will the others be available in Europe? I’m a big Stonemaier and disc golf fan, so I’d love to get some of the other ones!

      1. Great! Here’s hoping a Corkscrew and Wingspan come over here. And where is the Euphoria disc? Made an overstable midrange?

  92. PLEASE: Anymore informations you can tell US: ***THIRD Wingspan EXPANSION !!!..? though our Two Kids enjoy Electronci WINGSPAN,& I passed on THe **IOS, EUROOEAN , 80 Bird expansion !, Thanks so much., Interestingly, Daughter has Print Edition also! We do find NECTAR ETC SEEMS to enrich: Bird Talk, etc.

  93. I have a lovely pic of our cat, Bush, sitting in our Wingspan box. He is a winner…and loves boxes and we love Wingspan, getting together to play at least one day a week or more! We are hooked! Such lovely & realistic colors, great info about birds…so that we learn, & much, much more to like here! Thanks for making this beautiful, challenging & always different game! : )

    1. Bush sounds adorable, especially in a Wingspan box! I have a post on the Stonemaier Games Facebook page where you could share the photo in the comments if you’d like. :)

  94. Hi Jamey, I have a couple of questions if that’s OK. All your fantastic board games have such amazing graphic design/artwork by such talented artists such as Beth Sobel, Andrew Bosley and Jakub Różalski to name a few.
    Q1. How do you decide which artist to go for for each game with such gifted artists? Does the theme of the game guide you?
    Q2. You teamed up with Elizabeth Hargrave for the brilliant Wingspan. Designer David Turczi seems to be smashing it in board game design world at the minute. Is there any possibility of a collaboration al la Wingspan for a future board game between SM & David? That would sure to be another worldwide smash.
    Keep up the phenomenal work! :-)

    1. Thanks Mark! Here are a few articles about my methods for choosing artists. Really, it just comes down to whose art I think is the best fit for each game.

      I’m glad to see that David is doing so well! We don’t have any projects in the works with him. He does a lot of solo work, and we’re already incredibly happy to work with the Automa solo team.

      1. Thanks for the interesting articles Jamey, I shall look forward to reading them.
        The Automa Factory are genius. The solo modes for your games are super slick. It’s great that you always a solo mode for your games.
        Loving Red Rising & Rolling Realms BTW great fun!

  95. Hello. I would Love to hear some News about the Viticulture Expansion, Just played it Yesterday again and it is so great.

  96. Who do I contact if I am having trouble logging in to my Champion account to place an order? It says my account is not found, Thank you.

  97. Do we have a guarantee that the wingspan expansion will come out this year? I’m considering becoming a Stonemaier Champion, but that would only save me money if the third Wingspan expansion comes out this year, because I’m defiantly going to buy that one.

    1. We would love for you to become a Champion, but we can’t make those kinds of guarantees. If you became a Champion today, your membership will last 12 months (not just this year, 2022).

  98. How far behind is the Viticulture Expansion 3 from Libetalia, in therms of games being on the boat heading our way? Is production complete for the expansion?

    1. We typically don’t talk about our next project while something else is in the spotlight. Right now, Libertalia: Winds of Galecrest is our focus. But the Viticulture expansion will be coming soon after. And to more directly answer your question, the Viticulture expansion is on a different boat, arriving after Libertalia. We’ll be able to be more specific when it gets closer.

  99. Hello,

    Noticed when I signed up for the pre-order launch notification for Libertalia, it says the pre-order date is February 2nd instead of March 2nd. 😁


  100. Jamey,
    Is there still a “big box” coming for Wingspan or is the box available on Meeple the end-product of that development?

  101. Just to let you know the newsletter date for Libertalia signup is wrong. It reads “preorder launch notification on this form by January 14” :)

      1. This is from a Linux PC running firefox. It’s readable on my phones (though very different from how it used to look.)

  102. Finally played Tapestry for the first time, and it was on BGA. Had some fun and now looking to get a copy. Is Arts & Architecture the final expansion for the game? Are there more already in development?

      1. Thank you for the reply. In all honesty, I want more tracks, that’s the most fun part. More tracks, and maybe even more variable tracks to change it up.

  103. Hi there Jamey!

    Will the Viticulture expansion be launched in other languages simultaneously to the official english launch? I guess it depends on regional language publishers so, in fact, the real question is: are other language publishers already working on that expansion, or do they begin working on the translation when the product is launched in english?

    1. Our localization partners begin working on translations as soon as our digital files are 100% approved by the printer. So after that it’s just a matter of how long they need to translate those files (typically 2-3 months); that’s why you’ll typically see localized versions 2-3 months after the English release.

    1. We haven’t revealed how the expansion works yet, but we’ll explain it in a few months. At that time, if you subscribe to the e-newsletter, you’ll get a notification saying that the preorder is available, and within a few clicks you can preorder the product on our webstore (followed by shipping a week or so later).

  104. Gotta love cryptic updates :)

    I’m going to make a total shot in the dark that the old game in a new world is a Napa Valley themed expansion for Viticulture.

  105. What’s the relationship between blind playtesting and development? I mean if the playtesting reveals an issues, does development have to be reopened?

    1. Development is taking a designed game and enhancing it in terms of fun, balance, replayability, and intuition. Blind playtesting is part of the development process, so development doesn’t officially end until blind playtesting is complete.

      1. Thanks. That what I presumed. But in the Wingspan row above, development has finished but playtesting hasn’t.

  106. I’m sorry, did I miss the announcement of the code name Sail game? The image above states has the announcement column as green. Not sure why it’s green if it hasn’t been announced yet.

    1. We haven’t announced it, and there is no announcement column in the progress chart. We typically announce new products when the “freight shipping” column is green.

  107. Hi Jamey! How can one get involved as a blind playtester? Would love to help if you need!
    (Melbourne Australia)

  108. Any thoughts on adding extinct birds into wingspan? Seeing a dodo would be wild! Happy Holidays, we absolutely love all your games!

  109. I wish every game publisher would provide such an insight into currently active projects and upcoming games/expansions. Extremely helpful ! Keep up the good work !

      1. I am super excited to see what Sail is about…. Especially seeing as it seems so close based on the tracker. One question – is that the open world game you’ve been hinting about?

        1. I appreciate your curiosity, but I don’t talk about codenames. You’ll know what they are when I officially announce the corresponding product. :)

  110. I just got the update by email and I am curious about the mention of the new d20 science dice. What is that dice? I probably missed something. Would that dice not be included with the new tapestry expansion (maybe for people who want more than one) and whats new about it?

    1. There is a new science die included in the expansion (it includes icons for the new Arts track). If you’d like extra copies of that die, we have a limited supply that will be on our webstore, and we’ll make more if necessary.

  111. We introduced our friends last night to Wingspan, and I commented that I was not sure if there would ever be another expansion, and if there were, what could they possibly do? Well, I just saw the Nov. E-news and was thrilled to see another expansion coming!

  112. Desperate to know more about the Viticulture Expansion … What will it be? What will it be?
    Of course I realise these things are on a schedule. Is there any information already out there that I’ve missed?

    1. Nope, you haven’t missed anything. We’ll announce it when we announce it. :) Stay tuned to our enewsletter!

  113. I am wanting to purchase Viticulture Essential edition, but thought I would get Tuscany at the same time. Any idea when it will be available?

    1. We’ve been waiting on the container of Tuscany to arrive for nearly 45 days now–it has arrived at port, but the ports are very busy. So it could be days or weeks.

  114. Just watched your YouTube video going over the new tapestry expansion. I know this game is being balanced constantly. With the addition of a new track, and given that some civilization become stronger or weaker based on competition in any given track (I.e. futurist and the chosen if I can recall correctly) will there be separate starting changes based on if you are or aren’t playing the expansion for those civilizations?

    1. Korbin: We thought about doing it that way, but we thought it would be easier for players to have a consistent set of Tapestry adjustments to apply to any combination of expansions/modules. The data supported it, so that’s what we went with. Those adjustments are the ones we uploaded a few months ago.

  115. Hi Jamey, I noticed in your ‘Work in Progress’ infographic that Art is the second step in your timeline. This comes as a bit of a surprise to me – I would have expected it a little later, maybe after development? Is this just due to the lead time in getting art produced? Similarly I would have expected Graphic Design to come a bit sooner, potentially before blind playtesting. I guess there is no ‘perfect’ time to do these things…having art and graphic design done before blind playtesting could make that experience better (?), but any changes realised due to the playtesting could just result in more costs in changes to art of graphic design.

    1. Cam: Establishing the art fairly early in the process is one of the perks of being both a publisher and a designer. :) I find that it really helps me with the design process, tying theme into the game from the beginning. Also, it means that when the game design is done, the art is also done (instead of pressing an artist to rush through the art to keep the game moving forwards). Graphic design, though, is something that doesn’t take as much time (not even close compared to art), but it can be a waste of time if integrated too early.

  116. Hi I recently purchased Scythe. I have greatly enjoyed playing it using the autmota. I was unpacking the blue faction for the first time tonight, and i discovered that had only five blue stars. Any chance of a replacement star being mailed to me? if so, i would be thankful.

  117. Really looking forward to seeing what’s coming up in the Tapestry Expansion – definitely my fiance and I’s go-to game!

  118. Hey Jamey,

    First of all, thanks for the awesome games man! Keep it up! Just wanted to ask, any updates on the upcoming games, like code name Sail? Please let us know, thank you.

  119. Hello,

    Any chance the September newsletter will be released today before the weekend starts? Been checking daily hoping for some info on the new Tapestry expansion!


      1. Lol maybe I should reconsider my aversion to email lists. Thank you for updating this page and for the quick reply. I hope you have a great weekend.

  120. Hi Jamey,

    You said in your recent news letter that you would be celebrating your company’s 9th birthday on September 10th and also that you founded in 2011. So is it your 9th or 10th birthday approaching? Have fun celebrating either way.


      1. Jamie, any chance for a Wingspan ‘Legendary’ box? My components feel a bit disparate at this point. Always look forward to the upgrades!

  121. Jamie – I have not seen a recent update on the status of the Scythe complete rulebook reprint. When will these be sent out – still waiting on mine.


  122. I have 2 questions
    (1) I have not preordered games from you yet but I really love tapestry and I see a new expansion coming out. How do I preorder that expansion.
    (2) It looks like Tapestry is getting constant adjustments. Are you planning on continuing the print out adjustments or will there be a supplement pack with all of the civilizations reprinted?

    1. Thanks Korbin!

      1. We open “preorders” on our webstore as soon as we’ve received the first printing of the product in our fulfillment centers in the US, UK, Canada, and Australia. At that point in time, you’ll see the product appear on our webstore, and you can place an order for it there. If you would like a notification for new preorders, please sign up to receive our monthly enewsletter.

      2. We don’t plan to reprint the civilization mats. Why not reprint the civs themselves? Because we’re going to continue to collect data about the game, and it’s possible—unlikely, but possible—that those civs might need minor tweaks in the future (and thus it wouldn’t be wise for us to reprint the civs every time). Any adjustments we make will always happen at the beginning of the game, so it’s not something you need to remember after setup. You don’t need to reference our website for these adjustments–just print the 1-page civ adjustment guide from our website or use the guide included in the expansion (another will be included in the second expansion).

  123. Hey Jamie,

    I know that Scythe is pretty much done at some point, but prompted by a discussion on the Scythe subreddit, I wanted to drop by an ask if you’d ever consider printing a version of the modular board that is the same size as the Scythe large board. I would buy that in a heartbeat!

    1. Thanks James! You’re correct that while we’ll continue to reprint everything related to Scythe, we’re not making new stuff for it. The modular tiles would be so big that they wouldn’t fit in the box, which I don’t think people would be happy about. :)

  124. Hi Jamie! Does the Wingspan Expansion3 be coming this year, or will it be announced at least, or it’s being late? Thank you :)

    1. You can see it on the chart above–it will hopefully be ready sometime in 2022. When it’s ready, we’ll announce it. :)

  125. Regarding the Wingspan Oceania reprint availability noted in June 2021 update- it says “We will also have all of our other expansions back in stock in June as part of this preorder, including […] Wingspan European and Oceania […].” Does that mean those are still technically pre-orders as of today, or are the items ready to ship? Debating options to purchase – I have hold orders available at other online retailers and wondering if it makes sense to purchase here, there, etc based on availability. Will this reprint of Oceania make it to retail? Thanks!

    1. Trey: They’re incoming, but we only sell incoming products if they’re arriving quite soon (this week and next week). It should be available with retailers in early July.

  126. Responded to the survey. Been in the board game and disc golf hobbies for about the last 12 years each. I haven’t been impressed with the disc golf board games that have been coming out so I would love to see you do the sport some justice. Please keep considering doing something someday!

  127. Been with you since the KS Viticulture days and they only comment I have is that your email format for updates is a little uncomfortable read on mobile. I’m guessing a lot of people consume emails this way and yours do stand out as different from the vast majority of others…. any chance of revisiting the format / font size used here?

    1. Thanks Jamie! I’ll take a look on my phone to see what it looks like, and I’ll look into some improvements.

  128. Will the tuscany restock happen at the same time as between two castles preorder? I’d like both, dont want to miss out on either (im afraid tuscany will go out of stock quickly), and would like to save on shipping if possible. Thanks!

  129. So I got bored and started looking through old newsletters and saw that sometimes projects that were farther ahead or green in a certain stage, sometimes go back some stages or revert back to red (like code name cape has before). What is this sort of thing usually do to? A scrapping of a major part of the game, or could even a slight tweak cause it?

    1. Typically if that happens, it means that we decided to rework something that we thought was fine.

  130. Hey Jamey. I’m new here, my wife and I are big fans of Tapestry (we play 3-4 player game every other night with our family). We can’t wait to hear about the new expansion. (Btw my high score is 530 with Heralds and 6 other civs. in a 3 player game).

      1. So then — nothing changed in the last month? I just compared the March and April graphics and the only thing different as far as I can tell is that the Viticulture and Sail items swapped their positions. If that is truly the case, fine… but I would have thought that Red Rising, if nothing else, would have a month listed over the year, or the last two dots shifted to GREEN and YELLOW.

        1. That’s right! Sometimes not much happens. Even Red Rising’s retail release date is up in the air, as it depends on how fulfillment goes.

          1. Though I should note that freight shipping is very weird right now, and it’s possible that not all retailers will have their copies in time for the retail release date.

    1. We will put a small quantity of upgrade packs on our webstore when Red Rising preorder fulfillment is complete.

  131. I noticed the Wingspan box & organizer dropped off the Works in Progress chart. Any news or progress to report on that project?

    1. We’re still working on it! Because it’s an accessory, it isn’t something we typically track on the chart. I should have the first sample in a few days to showcase in the Wingspan FB group.

  132. So seems no substantive updates have been made on Wild, which popular theory is your take on a Sandbox Breath of the Wild type game.

    Any updates on that one? Is it still moving forward? Have you hit a roadblock?

    As a Zelda obsessive, I’m very excited to see your take on the genre.

  133. Your updated date says DECEMBER 6, 2021. I know 2020 dragged on waaaay too long, but that still seems really fast to wiz through 2021. ;)

  134. I think a comment field would have helped with the survey. Some of the questions didn’t really have all the options, e.g. I didn’t really buy games this year because I’m not seeing anyone in person to play them. This applies to the “buying a physical game based on playing it online” question too – I didn’t this year, but that doesn’t really tell the whole story. I played Between Two Castles online and might consider buying it when I can play in person games again.

    1. I’d say that a lot of the questions on the survey will be skewed due to this year’s unique circumstances. I bought some digital board games because I haven’t been able to play in person. I bought the Crew after playing on BGA because that felt like something people in my house would want to play, but everything else I have played and would consider buying would just sit and collect dust.

      Before this year, almost all of my gaming has been in person. This year, mostly online. In fact, this year I have played more games online than I have played in person the last several years combined. This year, I’m at about 560 total plays, with about 75% online. I’ve logged a total of around 1300 plays since I started logging them in 2015. I think it would be very interesting to see a comparison between this year and next year, if you were to send out the same demographics survey, but I’m a data nerd.

      1. Indeed, I’m looking specifically for this year’s data–I suspect it’s going to be a bit different than previous years! :)

  135. I’m the latest form there is no option for me to let you know where I am located (Mexico). You have an option for United States, Canada and Central and South America but nothing for Mexico which is part of North America.

  136. Hi Jamey, you probably either don’t know the answer or can’t say, but do you have any idea when Wingspan Digital will be available on Nintendo Switch? Monster COuch are being very secretive and not very helpful, a lot of people just want to know if it’ll be available before christmas or not (a mere 23 days away) yet they won’t say anything other than “soon!”. It’s frustrating.

      1. They won’t even tell you?! Crazy. Oh well, think a lot of people wanted to gift this for christmas but seems unlikely, just wish they would be more transparant. Thanks for the response, shall be playing the physical version over the holidays :)

        1. I don’t think it’s a secret–I think they honestly don’t know. When they submit the game to Nintendo, it’s in Nintendo’s hands until they accept it for publication.

          1. Look at Charterstone Digital. It was released on March 28th for most platforms. It wasn’t available for the Switch until October 6th. There’s no telling how much of that was actually waiting on Nintendo versus additional time spent on programming.

  137. This work in progress diagram is quite insightful. I try to manage my own game designs differently. I’d like to discuss the difference:
    1. How do you manage to track the “design” step using one column only? This step is comprised of multiple sub-steps, i.e. theme and story design, mechanics and gameplay design, initial component assortment. I usually get stuck in one of those sub-steps, and here’s where a management tool comes in handy. Are you so experienced to complete the design step at once?
    2. What’s the difference for you between your “design” step and your “development” step?
    3. Did you find it effective to perform the “art” step before the “development” step? It can result in quite a bit of art wasted in the process…

    Your answers may help me improve my design process, so thanks in advance!

    1. Thanks Ofir! My answers are below:

      1. You’re right that I could break down the design process into at least 10 different steps, but that isn’t the purpose of this graphic.

      2. Design is the creation of the game up until the point that it is a clearly defined, playable game. Development is the process of taking that game and making it as balanced, intuitive, fun, and function as possible.

      3. You’re right that this can result in wasted art–that’s the risk I take. The benefit is that the art can have a positive impacting on the design via theme, worldbuilding, and other inspirations. Note that a designer who is not also a publisher would not want to commission any art–that’s the publisher’s responsibility.

      For resources about game design, I’d recommend referring to

  138. So where and how do you get to the auction. I read the newsletter, I have been trying to find where it is. I don’t see a link that easily takes me there. I can’t find it on the website. I’m lost

  139. Great news on the biodegradable plastic baggies. Excellent and very pleased to here this, lets hope these become the norm across the industry. Thank you

  140. I see digital editions of your games coming out. Is there a chance a digital version of Euphoria ever going to be made? I have the TTS version but I’m liking Wingspan Digital and think Euphoria would be great.

  141. Page 12 of the rules booklet says the rules are available in “dozens of languages”. I am only finding them in 3 Romance languages. We need them in Japanese.

    1. Suzanne: Can you please contact our publishing partner, Arclight, for that rulebook? Each of our publishing partners has different rules about what we can share.

    1. Here’s what the Tapestry expansion FAQ says:

      Are the core game civilization adjustments noted in the expansion?

      Yes, we’ve included those tweaks (found here) on the back page of the expansion rulebook. Why not reprint the civs themselves? Because we’re going to continue to collect data about the game, and it’s possible—unlikely, but possible—that those civs might need minor tweaks in the future. Any adjustments we make will always happen at the beginning of the game, so it’s not something you need to remember after setup.

  142. I am happy to wait for retail to support my FLGS but I am worried you will sell out of Tapestry expansion before it gets to retail – have you set aside retail orders to ensure that doesn’t happen?

  143. Hi Jamey
    I’m a champion member and just order pendulum with free shipping. Then I made a second order for My Little Sythe plus expansion but got charged shipping.
    Is there any chance of combiining both orders with no shipping ?

  144. Hi Jamey,
    You havn’t talk about Wingspan Digital in this last update..
    when should we expect to see WD on steam??

    1. We’ll find out together–Stonemaier isn’t the digital developer for any of our games! :) Feel free to ask Monster Couch.

  145. Jamey, when will you inform us more about the Tapestry expansion? It is now on the same timeline as Pendulum, but no news/info about it.

    Kind regards, Peet

  146. Given the COVID19 situation, is there a chance that Design Day will switch to virtual format? If so, then what is your anticipated “go/no-go” date (i.e., when you’ll be able to say with very high confidence whether it will switch to virtual)?


    1. Chris: We’ve been sending updates about this to Design Day attendees. If you’ve signed up as an attendee and haven’t received those updates, please contact Joe at If you haven’t already signed up, stay tuned to our e-newsletter for news about next year’s Design Day (we’ll start talking about it in March)! :)

      1. Thanks for letting me know. The tickets apparently sold out very fast, so I have none, and I’d hoped that virtualizing the event would make it more accessible/inclusive to permit more participation.

        I’ll watch for next year.

        1. If we switch to a virtual version, we’ll try to retain the feel of the original event in terms of letting each designer present their game to small groups of playtesters to get feedback. While the virtual format does scale up, our primary focus is to serve the attendees who were able to sign up for this year.

          1. That’s understandable, of course. Thanks as always for your transparency and concern for others.

  147. Hi!

    Do you know if the Tapestry expansion is coming in Hungarian language at the release?

    Or is it coming like a year ( or more) later after the English release?

    Thank you in advance,

    1. Our Hungarian partner for Tapestry didn’t join the first print run, thought if you tell them you want it, they may act faster than waiting a year. :)

      1. Hi, Jamey,
        and what about Albi, the Czech partner? Did they join the first print run?
        Thank you and have a nice day

  148. Hello all,

    Looking at the Work in Progress chart I was wondering what the difference is between the “Components” and “Print” phase..
    Just out of curiosity :)


    1. Thanks for your question! By “components,” I’m referring to non-printed components like plastic and wooden pieces. They take longer to make they printing cards and rulebooks.

  149. Hello Jamey,

    Do you know if the Tapestry expansion in French is in the works as well?

    Many thanks

    1. I thought it was ready, but apparently it’s not available in the US yet. I’m not sure when Asmodee Digital plans to make it available.

    2. Right, I thought it was available in the US, but it isn’t yet. I’ve asked Asmodee Digital when they plan to release it here, and they should get back to me soon.

  150. Thanks for sharing the red minotaur pics of sand with Dusty. Great to see the game rising. Which Wednesday in July will be the big reveal?

  151. Jamey, I saw you have a “weird stuff” guest designed die on a Kickstarter that is Rolling Realms themed. Is this related in any way to the idea you were having about making something (like a die) for those who own all 9 (or 10 later when Sand is released) SM games? I’m interested in getting a die like this but the KS isn’t really clear on how to guarantee I’d get your die design. (It seems like I would pledge for a set, at a reasonable price, but then add $24 for ONE weird die, of which I don’t know which one I’d get, it would be pure chance that it’s yours?) or should I just wait until you announce your plan for what you are making for those who have all the SM games (if you are still thinking of doing this)?

    1. Daniel: Good question, but no, it’s unrelated. I just sent John a few colors that I thought would look cool in a die (and that people could use when playing Rolling Realms). There’s really no direct connection to Stonemaier Games or any of our products.

      1. I just noticed this month but is Cape being reworked or are the progression dots not correct?

  152. Dear Jamey, is there a translation planned for the Complete Scythe Rulebook ?
    If so, which languages ?
    Thanks a lot !

    1. Nothing is planned at this point, but if you tell the corresponding publishing partner you want it and they hear from enough people, they may make it too.

  153. Dear Jamey, I am a heavy fan for scythe and viticulture, I have collected the games with their expansions as well and I just wonder will there be another expansion for both in the future?

    1. Thanks Donny! The Scythe story is complete, but I have hopes for a Viticulture expansion in the future.

  154. Always great to read your monthly newsletter Jamey. Noticed that Viticulture Digital didn’t launch in May and was not mentioned in the June newsletter. Did you receive any updates from Digidiced?

  155. Scythe Complete Rulebook (poll) doesn’t seem to point to a poll, but to the page for the rulebook iteslf. Should we leave a reply on the item to gauge our interest? Also, when I click “Notify me when it’s ready” it opens up a page to register for the mailing list, but I’m already on the mailing list so it gives me an error and asks me to update my preferences.

    1. I’ve played it probably 6 or so times at this point (3 recent plays), and I really like it. It’s hard!

  156. Mmm, do you guys actual update the “Work in Progress’ status each time something occurs or change? For example, My Little Scythe, they are already being distributed — shouldn’t it be green? What does yellow status mean? Green Status mean? Sometime it doesn’t make any sense to me. I already got the My Little Scythe expansion, shouldn’t that be already green even before I got it?

    1. I update it once a month (see the top of the page for the last time it was updated). My Little Scythe isn’t being distributed yet–the retail release date isn’t until June. Preorders have been accepted and fulfilled (that’s a category not tracked on this chart). Yellow means “in progress.” Green means “complete.”

  157. Hi Jamey.

    You recently asked about good tie breakers (I can’t remember from where). I’ve just tried Potion Explosion which gets players to draw marbles from the board to cause explosions by clinking the same colours together. Whichever player gets the most marbles wins the tie. I thought this was a very unique example.

    All the best,

  158. Hello Jamey,

    The Coronavirus crisis is quite tough on everybody. My family and I got into board gaming because of it for reasons you can imagine. With your games Viticulture and Wingspan, you and your colleagues have made these last 6 weeks bearable for us! Thanks a ton!

    We are a family of four. We are deeply involved in the scout movement here in Quebec, canada. My spirit totem is great horned owl and wife’s is stripped owl (unsure of the translation, we play with the french version). Do I need to tell you how our two daughters react when one of our bird card become available? So funny. lol

    My bird card is more valuable than my wife’s! :-)

    Thanks a ton!


  159. Wow. I applaud you. I’ve been following your newsletters for a long time, and I think you’ve outdone yourself with this one. I am proud to have your games in my collection. Thank you for all you’re doing.

  160. Quick question: I know that buying your games is supporting you and your company. But in the newsletter (as noted below), you guys are reaching out to provide direct aid to those who have been severely impacted by the pandemic. The relevant section reads:

    “If your income has been severely impacted by the coronavirus pandemic and you’re struggling to cover the costs of basic necessities, please fill out this form any time before April 5 so we can provide direct aid. You’ve supported us in the past, and we want to support you now in this time of need.”

    I am fortunate enough to have a steady job from which I can work from home (and have been working from home for almost 4 years). Is there a way that I can donate to this cause, and help you help those who need it most? Thanks in advance.

    1. Thanks for the thought, David. But we’re not looking to become a charity. The best way to add money to this pool would be to buy more of the April Fools products and potentially give them as gifts.

  161. Newsletter for April 1, 2020 — A few things to say about this one…

    * My Little Scythe – congratulations on getting this one complete!

    * April Fools Products – just ordered both of these! My girlfriend will get a kick out of the magnifying glass! She keeps one near the game table for just such an emergency!

    * Charterstone Digital – playing this one already. I have a campaign game going, but I am going slow, as I have not yet completed the over-the-board campaign. We played Game #9 last night, will get Game #10 played tonight… and will have the campaign completed this week. We look forward to this game every night since we got it.

    * Rolling Realms – have not tried this yet. I have two sheets printed so my girlfriend and I can try this, but we have been playing Legendary with my sons, Charterstone, Wingspan, Tapestry, and Everdell with each other… so…

    * Tapestry Expansion – excited to see that this has reached the Graphic Design stage. Looking forward to checking it out.

    * Wingspan Expansion (Oceana) – Whoot! Design is done!

    * Five ‘code name’ games in development – you, sir, are a busy man! Keep it up!

    Thanks for everything you guys do. Love you all!

  162. Have just seen the newsletter section regarding the April fools product proceeds.

    I am never one to normally comment on anything but just wanted to post to say that it is a wonderful thing to do! I am very lucky to be secure in my job but I know the impact the current circumstances has had on a huge number of people.

    Thank you!

    1. Seconded. Stonemaier Games, Jamey Stegmaier, and the whole crew are class acts all around. This is an amazing thing!

  163. Hi Jamey,

    Since you’re releasing new games in 2020 from what we can see, why still use code names? Why not announce the games in the works?

    Thanks and happy new year.

  164. Just to confirm, Codenames Sand & Cape are each standalone-main event games that are coming out in 2020, correct? (Happily earmarking gaming budget…)

  165. I’m curious about what ideas you’re having for the tapestry expansion.
    Can you give us some “maybe we’ll do this or that”

  166. As an Australian Stonemaier champion I was thinking about the pre order system this morning, after setting an alarm for 1:20am to wake up and pre order the wingspan expansion (stock didn’t immediately sell out but I wasn’t keen to risk it after what happened with the base game supply) And I was thinking wouldn’t it be nice if there was some sort of guaranteed window, say even six or twelve hours, where if you were a champion and you tried to pre order you would be sure you’d get a copy that just adjusted the amount of stock you offered to non champions after that time elapsed. I feel like with the current number of champions that wouldn’t eat into supply very much but I could see how it would make it look like you were attempting to bully people into joining up.

    I had also thought, what if you allowed champions to pre order products far in advance, say a few months even, and then adjust your print runs to ensure those pre orders could be met without interfering with the numbers that went for non champion orders/to retail stores. Say your plan was to release 25000 into the wild, but you collect champion pre orders first and then end up making 27000, or just offering 23000 (I’m spitballing I have no idea about volumes of orders or if manufacturing is done in batches of even thousands or what)

    If I haven’t made it clear, I’m not a businessman, and I know next to nothing about the issues that any of these things cause. I’m happy enough to continue waking up in the middle of the night but I wondered if these were things you’d considered over the months. Anyway keen for the expansion. Probably will take a nap after work :S

  167. Someone on Amazon says Wingspan Expansion release on 11/1… yours says 11/6. Is this correct? I thought Champion gets first, then non-Champion gets second, then retailers gets third? Unless I am confused about how the Champion & retailers works?

    1. Steve: 11/22 is the retail release date for the Wingspan expansion. Our preorder is on November 6, and Champion orders will be shipped very soon after that.

  168. P.S. I realized after posting the prior comment that this thread is not specific to Wingspan, but that’s the game I was referencing.

  169. Hey Jamey. I love this game and am looking forward to this and future expansion. I know one gamer’s preferences don’t carry much weight, and I’m sure others will have different preferences, but for what it’s worth I hope that you prioritize the remaining continental expansions over any zany (e.g., fantasy) expansions or promo packs. That said, I think an expansion or promo pack for critically endangered and/or (recently) extinct species is a great idea. By contrast, even as a self-identified fantasy nerd, I don’t see a fantasy-themed expansion or promo pack as being a good fit for this game. Thanks again!

    1. Davis: Thanks for your comment! We’ll probably proceed with a mix of the two. Most of the work goes into the expansion, but it’s fun for the designer and the artists to sometimes take a break from those bigger commitments and just work on something small.

  170. Two questions: so as a Champion I’m assuming it makes more sense to order through the Stonemaier website on Nov 6, is that right? It’ll ship out even sooner than retail?

    Also, is it at all possible to feed on the comments on this page so that new do,Mehta we on the top, not the bottom?

    Looking forward to the expansion. This game is the biggest hit in my game group.

    (Also thanks Jamey for your patience with my email issues.)

    1. Yes, I think it makes the most sense for Champions to order directly from us.

      Thanks for the feedback about the comments order!

  171. If you become a champion are you billed each calendar year. If bought now would it expire 12/31/2019. Or one year from date of purchase. Is it automatically charged again at end of year. Can you buy more than one copy of games.

  172. Now that I have the set of metal mechs not having metal leaders makes me feel some sort of way. I would love to have them as well

  173. I am frustrated to a new level. I got Stonemaier Champion level in hope of trying to get ahead and get wingspan expansion. Saw the email this morning as it was sent and in less than a minute it is sold out. No local game shops are listed as retailers and this just became a crazy hunt to preorder. I hate this system.

      1. My apologizes guys. I just rushed from the email since this is typically how preorders in the inventory have been in the industry. The link did say sold out on the website though which helped incite my panic. Sorry.

        1. Nathan: I was confused too when I first saw the Scythe Metal Mechs the day it became available for pre-order… and the first thing I saw was “Sold Out” icon on the picture. That was before the online store opened. I was like, “WHAT?!?! SOLD OUT ALREADY?!?” Perhaps Jamey should look into this and change the “Sold Out” icon when new item comes out before they become available for pre-order. Something like “New Item,” “Pre-Order,” “Sale.” Less confusing only use the “Sold Out” icon. Right? I cannot imagine how many time this happens to someone who is new to Stonemarier’s website.

  174. I see prices went up… guess it has to go with Trump’s Tariffs. Instead of passing the cost to us, which I disagree we should be paying for. You are the one decided to do “Made in China.” Any plan to switch to “Made in USA?” So we don’t pay the Tariffs.

  175. Hey Jamie, I realized just after I ordered, I would actually like two copies of Tapestry, is it possibly to edit my order so I get the discounted shipping, please?

  176. Jamey, your work ethic is inspiring. Thanks for setting a bar to measure myself by. Keep up the good work, you represent yourself extremely well in my opinion.

  177. Looking forward to Tapestry. I also enjoy looking at your progress on other projects, along with the codenames. What were the codenames for Tapestry and Wingspan? Keep up the great work. Love your communication!

    1. Tapestry was “Clay” after the medium that the miniature designer works in. Wingspan was Peregrine, after Jamey’s favorite bird.

  178. My husband and I purchased 4 sets of the Scythe metal mechs today with the Tapestry pre-order. We also ordered 4 sets of the silicon base snaps, but now we’re noticing that we may have purchased too many. Were we only supposed to order 1 set and, if so, how do we adjust our order? We’re very sorry, we were in such a rush this morning to make sure our order went through before the Tapestry pre-order traffic!

      1. Thank you so much! :-) Please let us know if you want us to send you a private email with our confirmation number.

        1. Never mind, we saw that you just fixed it. You must hear this often enough, but it needs repeating…You’re awesome! Thank you! :-)

  179. I have been eagerly awaiting the expansion for Wingspan. I know that other expansions are being considered, but I see no hint of them in either 2020 or 2021. Are we going to have to wait until 2022 to see the next expansion?

  180. […] primeira expansão deve ser lançada antes do final de 2019. As pessoas podem se inscrever na newsletter da Stonemaier Games se quiserem saber assim que ela for […]

    1. I won’t be at Essen, but Tapestry will be available for purchase there from Feuerland (German) and Matagot (French and English).

  181. When can we expect details about Clay? If it’s due to be released this quarter, will preorders open up this summer? Really eager to see your take on a civ game!

    1. Our typical method of talking about games is that about 3-4 weeks before the preorder, I reveal the name of a game and start talking about what it is. Before that, though, I don’t say anything about the codenames.

      1. There’s not a lot of time left, if
        * The retail release is in Q3
        * Preorders open at least a month before release
        * The game is announced 3-4 weeks before preorders.

        I’m a recent convert to boardgames, and having played Viticulture, and ordered Scythe, I eagerly await your next game.

  182. Your previous newsletter had info about a “revision deck” to correct some typos in Wingspan. The newsletter recommended contacting FLGS to get them. I’ve contacted my two FLGS to no avail with regards to getting the replacement. Recommendation?

    1. Larry: Here’s what I said in the previous newsletter:

      “If you already have a copy of Wingspan in your possession, it is a first-run copy, and it has a few typos in it (see details here). We’ve partnered with a few retailers around the world to make it easy for you to get a copy of the updated cards: Meeplesource (US), 401 Games (Canada), Board Game Extras (Europe), and Guf (Australia/NZ). Your local store can also order from those other retailers for you.”

      Just look on the corresponding retailer’s website and you’ll see the update pack.

  183. So amazing that the templates for cards was shared. Is it possible to get the template for Viticulture Mama and Papa cards? A friend would love to have a custom Mama card to give to her Viticulture-loving mother on Mother’s Day.

    1. Currently we’re just providing these templates, but perhaps the visitor card template can be used for that gift.

  184. Are rules like banned combo mats in Scythe official?
    Is there a place where post-release rules for the sake of evening things out are collated?

  185. […] taking inspiration from our fellow friend Jamey Stegmaier, we want to be more informative and entertaining in the way you receive our […]

  186. Thank you for providing a timeline that shows what to look forward to from Stonemaier. I am excited to see the first Wingspan expansion already in the playtesting stage. Also very intrigued by what “Clay” and “Sand” will prove to be. I hope you use a similar approach as you did with Wingspan in revealing things gradually about them as they approach their release date. I just signed up as an ambassador yesterday. I would love to be of help with proofreading or playtesting if you ever have a need.

    Thank you also for providing these various ways to connect with your company, hear your thoughts about gaming, and feel a part things, even if it is just to be part of the cheering section. I am gaining a much deeper appreciation for what is involved to be a publisher or designer.

  187. This is where the link took me, but it doesn’t look like the Newsletter I received in my email, just now.

  188. Hi Jamey!

    I’m a software developer by day and independent game designer and publisher by night. In an effort to improve my game project management skills, I’d like to ask some questions regarding your approach to project management. My apologies if you have answered this question already (I couldn’t find it).

    In your Newsletter’s Work In Progress section, you mention various stages of progress represented by green, yellow, and red. I assume green is “complete”, yellow is “in-progress”, and red is “not started”. The graph is pretty straight forward and each project seems to flow from left to right.

    My questions:

    1). Do all of your games follow this process flow?

    2). Could you provide some simple definitions for each step in the process so that I can better understand its context?

    Thank you and have a Happy New Year!

    Martin Stack


  189. Is this the correct place for discussing the January 2, 2019 Newsletter? This is where the link took me, but it doesn’t look like the Newsletter I received in my email, just now.

    Also, the link for the Demographic Survey takes me to one from 2017 about Gender, etc. Shouldn’t there be one from last month?

  190. When can we expect to see some of the expansion content available for Scythe Digital? Really enjoying it so far, but really want to get some reps in with the Invader factions and run the gambit of Wind Gambit content.

  191. Hi Jamey!
    Is there by change for a lower shipping costs for Canada for Wingspan since you mentioned the games are already in Canada awaiting fulfillment?
    Thanks, and keep up the amazing work!

          1. Thank you. I have just become a Champion ($12) and ordered Wingspan(-$10). It looks fantastic! Congratulations to you and all of the design team.

            The Champion membership is a great idea. You must be getting ~$30k each year. (I don’t know if other publishers are doing this yet). It is well deserved due to everything you do. I received a book for Christmas written by Gabe Barrett, which led me to his podcast, and he had many great things to say about you!

            I love my copy of Scythe and I’m sure Wingspan will be awesome too! Keep up the hard work. It is greatly appreciated.

          2. Thanks Tom! I appreciate all the support people have shown for the content we create, and hopefully they’re benefiting from the perks provided by the Champion program. And Gabe is great! It’s an honor to have a chapter in his book.

  192. I am interested in becoming a Stonemaier Champion. If I sign up today, is it good until 12/7/19 or just until the end of 2018?


  193. On this month’s survey, the last question (which Stonemaier game we don’t own, but wish we did) should allow for multiple response or be rewritten to signify which game we don’t own, but MOST want.

  194. Hey Jamey,

    First of all i wanted to thank you for the great work you have done. I have been a fan for a long time and now finally decided to post on the site.

    I wanna say im quite excited about the possibility of having another kickstarter run by you.

    For me the whole kickstarter is about the experience, with communication being a great part of it.
    I love the amount of communication shown in for example the tidal blades kickstarter. What do you think about using this type of heavy communication as a type of extra selling point for the project?

    Keep up the great work,



    1. Thanks Jean-Carlo! I liked to run my projects with updates every 2-3 days during the campaign and every 1-2 weeks after the campaign, with an hourly active presence in the comments. My personal preference is for a creator not to post more than 1 update every couple of days–if I’m getting daily updates (or more than 1 update a day), it’s too much for me, and I tend to unsubscribe to them.

  195. Hey Jamey! I find that this new (is it new?) addition to the news page where the production schedules appear is a very cool and useful idea. Jordan Draper just did this recently too, on his newly-updated site and I find it to be quite refreshing.

    I had a few questions regarding that information and I also had one comment, if I may. The comment is just that even though I had seen the page before, I had to Google your website and the word “timelines” before I found it again. This is because it’s hidden under the “News” section, and while that makes perfect sense, it is a bit unintuitive for me. I realize that you get unsolicited advice all time, so I’m not advising it to be moved, simply providing you with some data from my user experience.

    My comment aside I was wonder a few things, if you were comfortable to answer them. Not only am I curious, but running my own startup publishing company I am learning a lot about the process and I’m always eager to learn more. So here goes my Q’s:

    1) After reading your article about your designer contracts, I’m surprised to see that “Art” comes before “Blind Playtesting”. In the process of things, I totally get this order, but it would seem that your contracts allow you to take a big financial risk if you are having art done at a time when the contract can still be canceled for any reason. Could you shine some light on why you’ve set it up this way? I have some assumptions but I’d rather not lean on them.

    2) I noticed that after “Blind Playtesting” you then proceed with “Graphic Design”. Is part is quite confusing for me. I would assume that the graphic design is even more crucial to the blind playtesting than the art is. Perhaps the timeline sections are not super strict, but I would love to know more about precisely what is included in each of these steps.

    That’s it from me, thanks for any answer you are able to provide and no worries if any of the above is a bit of a trade secret and can’t be shared. Keep up the great content and awesome games!

    -Dylan (from Quality Beast)

    1. Thanks for your note, Dylan! I appreciate your advice. One quick note–if you click on “News”, it’ll take you here (the link is the same as “e-newsletter.” My hope is that it makes this page easier to find. :)

      I’ll do my best to answer your questions! Also, I should say up front that many of these things happen in different orders and simultaneously. There’s lots of overlap.

      1. Honestly, I’ve never felt at risk of a designer pulling a game from us after we’ve already started to invest time and money in it. I think those red flags would have shown up earlier in the process.

      2. Graphic design definitely follows blind playtesting. Like, imagine a game that you’re currently working on. You haven’t blind playtested it, but you proceed to send it to your graphic designer to lay out the board, tiles, etc, create icons, populate text, etc. Then you blind playtest it for several months, resulting in significant changes. How is your graphic designer going to feel when you tell them to redo 90% of the work they already completed? Sure, you need to have a playable prototype, and sometimes I enlist the help of my graphic designer for a few icons at that point, but I’ve learned to wait until the game is very close to being complete before I bring in my graphic designer.

  196. Two totally unrelated comments.

    First, is there any way these comments could be reverse-time ordered (i.e. newest to oldest) so that one doesn’t have to scroll down an increasingly longer list of comments to get to the recent comments (as well as add one)?

    Second, in your newsletter today you mentioned one of the games you’ve been playing recently is Root. I know its not one of yours – care to comment on what you think of this game?

    1. I’ll see if I can reverse the comments for this specific post, but I’m not sure I can do that in an isolated way.

      I haven’t made a video about Root specifically yet, but I talked about it for a few minutes in this video:

  197. I just got Rise of Fenris and I wanted to give a major shout out to you for using the nice coil binding on the episode book. It may seem small to some, but proper binding for a book you will need to flip through a lot is really important. There is really nothing better and I have seen plenty of games with a campaign book of some kind that falls apart and has to be re-bound. The rest of the components are of excellent quality as well.

    1. Thanks Nick! I like it when people notice the little details. It was an extra expense, but due to the way we structured the scenarios (read the left page before you play and reveal the right page at end of game), I deemed the spiral binding necessary for the expansion.

  198. Kickstarter Lesson #250: What Motivates People to Subscribe to an E-Newsletter? – Stonemaier Games says:

    […] News […]

  199. I notice that the in dev game “Combo” is inching ever closer to production and launch. Since it doesn’t appear to have applicable Solo design and testing, would this be the cooperative game you’ve hinted at? When can we expect more details? Inquiring minds (including my wife) want to know!

    1. Thanks for your curiosity! We’ll be announcing details for that product in a few months. :)

  200. What if they Wanted to? I’m sure any designer proud of their creation would want to actively promote it.

  201. Just out of curiosity, if you published a game from another designer based in Europe, would you want to have them represent Stonemaier games at their local conventions like Essen or UKGE?

    1. Steve: Thanks for your question. We don’t expect that of designers, as marketing and selling the game is our job. :)

  202. Thanks for the update, looking forward to rise of Fenris. Which brings me to my question: As pre-ordering the expansion in the US is rather costly and little scythe is also sold out at my end of the world (Germany): Will you be attending the Spiel 2018 in Germany and will you bring along the rise of fenris expansion and my little scythe for us to buy it from your own hands?
    Ok, more than one question. :)

    1. Thorsten: Stonemaier Games won’t be at Spiel 2018, but it’s possible our German partners will have the German versions of our games there (they might be saving some copies just for Essen).

  203. Hope to be able to check out the Mox event in Seattle. Not at all sure I’d call Mox’s location as “near the zoo”, however.

    1. Mike: Thanks! I just say that so people don’t go to the Mox that’s much farther away. :)

  204. Just out of curiosity, out of the games scheduled to be released, which ones are you designing?

    1. Cory: While I work on all of the games we publish, of the new games on the list, I’m the designer for Wild and Clay.

  205. My Little Scythe getting a full release? That is tremendous news! That art work is lush. A new game for my little spud to play alongside stuffed fables? Heck Yes. Congratulations everyone, especially Hoby and Vienna. I love that they’re credited on the box. This is the sort of event that makes this industry so fantastic.

  206. Are you announcing “Eat A SHOE” to next Wednesday early to Stonemaier Champions or to the world at the same time?

    Have you ever considered making a contest game out of your codenames the week before announcing them? Whoever can guess the theme correctly enters a draw to win free shipping to anywhere and a 25% discount.

    1. It’ll go out in our e-newsletter to everyone on Wednesday.

      That’s a fun idea, but I don’t want to encourage people who know what it is to let the secret slip.

      1. True, that could easily happen.

        Plus, If people enjoy the guessing game too much they might request for an announcement extension :) Well, my guess goes to a cooperative dog-placement game. Dogs like shoes and working together in packs. Oh no, I only have 6 days left to figure it out! :)

  207. Are you enjoying Anachrony? It is one of my favorite games, but it is hard for me to get to the table. I really like how it mechanically integrated time travel!

  208. Thanks for the latest Stonemaier Champion Update. I’m not color blind but I find it very difficult to read sky blue colored links on a white background. I’ll go out on a limb and say probably most people do too. Stonemaier orange might be a better choice.

    P.S. Looking forward to hearing about the Puppy Dog euro-game next month, aka “EAT A SHOE”.

    P.P.S. I thought distributors frown upon publishers giving a discount.

    1. BTW everyone, I don’t know if the next Stonemaier game will be about puppy dogs eating shoes. It’s just a joke guess, but I hope I’m right :)

  209. I’m a retailer, and I’d like to order some copies of Visit from the Rhine Valley. Should I set up a retail account on your website, or is it better to place the order through email?

    1. Robert: We sell games to retailers through hobby distributors. They should all have this product in their systems for pre-order by now. :)

  210. Hi Jamey,
    Can you give us any update regarding the Euphoria expansion? Really looking forward for some time for this one and would like to see if there are any plans for when it might be done.
    I want more stuff and that solo mode :)

        1. Thank you Gerald and Jamey for the update :)
          Subscribed the post on BGG. I see you (Jamey) mentioned a FB page for Euphoria, can’t find it, can you link it :)

  211. I signed up as a Champion and then went to pre-order the viticulture expansion as noted in the newsletter. While applying the promo code did give me free shipping, I did not notice a pre-order discount as mentioned in the newsletter. I haven’t ordered yet as I wanted to make sure I want missing something.

      1. I also was having a problem applying the preorder discount for the expansion. I went to the link you posted and still only see the one option. Is there a problem with the Champions listing?

        1. Derek: The champion listing is actually pre-discounted, so the only code you’ll need to enter is the free shipping code.

      2. Thanks for the response and link! Like Derek though, I’m only seeing the one option for $20, which you mentioned was MSRP. Am I wrong in assuming that is not the Champion discounted version?

        Also, to clarify, when you said the listing is pre-discounted, did you mean it has already been discounted? Or did you mean the listing is pre-discounted, as in the discount has not yet been applied and should be discounted after the promo code is entered? If it’s the latter, the promo code still isn’t adding a discount.

        1. Scott: You may not be signed in to Shopify. If you’re signed in under the e-mail you used to become a Champion, you’ll see the discounted version. You won’t need any promo code other than the free shipping code.

          1. When I clicked your link, I wasn’t logged in. I then logged in but still didn’t see it in the shop. After closing the tab and clicking on your link again, it showed up as a separate entry for $16. I guess I needed to be logged in before entering the store at all. Thanks for the help!

  212. Pre-production to ship is 4 months on average if you’ve already finalized all of the non-printed components. Otherwise it can take much longer.

    For combo, we just couldn’t get a solo mode to work. If we figure it out, we’ll put it in an expansion.

    1. Sounds like an interesting challenge.

      Seems combo will have to be in pre-production in June to avoid the crazy December shipping. And eat a shoe in April to meet it’s release deadline. If you meet your goals eat a shoe will be at retail by September at the latest and combo by November, and peregrine may have a photo finish for November too.

      1. Yes, it looks very interesting. For color blind people it would probably help them if red has diagonal lines in it, or was black, or white with a black outline.

        How many months does it take from pre-production until it is on the ship? 4 months?

        Combo doesn’t have a solo mode, interesting. Does this mean its a party game (can’t be) , or a 2 player only game, or has a mechanism that doesn’t work well in solo mode (like deduction, auctions, etc)?

  213. My goodness that Euphoria expansion seems to be taking forever! It was Euphoria that introduced me to the Stonemaier brand – the first time we played just blew me away! Can’t wait to see what the expansion holds!

  214. As I was putting Viticulture away Sunday night it occurred to me that this would be easier and faster with the Game Fit box insert. Is there any way to get a U.S. distributor to pick that up?

    1. Maybe! I don’t know what Game Fit is, but if you contact Game Fit, perhaps they will consider contacting US distributors.

          1. Yeah. It’s like Broken Token making stuff for Lords of Waterdeep. They’re just accessories and not official products.

  215. Hi, I bought Charterstone for a Christmas present for friends so we could play together, and “discover the game” as we built our friendship. It has worked beautifully, all involved are very impressed and it achieves what a good game is meant to do, inspire better human relations- thanks for the hard work- looking forward to more “reveals” as as we continue our journey in this interesting game-world!

  216. Weirdly exciting to see Combo enter Art/graphic design on your chart, even though we have no context yet as to how long between things entering that and you actually announcing them you’re going to be leaving things in general on account that the only thing you’ve announced since entering this new system is The Rise of Fenris (Still nearly getting that name wrong – Another ‘rise of the’ rather than ‘the rise of’ nearly happened, though I got the monstrous wolf’s name right this time at least…)

    This system you’ve got now feels much better than announcements of announcements, which often irritate me, somewhat because it’s more tangible, which makes it interesting rather than eye rolling.

    1. It’s hard to convey this in the chart, but many of these projects–including combo–are in multiple stages at the same time, including art.

      1. It will be a honor for me. You make me so happy with Chartersone. We are reviewers group and we have a problem go play one game more then once-twice and … we order a recharge pack after 6th game of Campaign :)

  217. Need more help with the transcribing now or in the future? I assume you probably had more willing volunteers than you needed, but if that changes, I’m game.
    Thanks for providing this service. Captions /transcription is so useful.

  218. Jamie, saw in your newsletter that you sent out via Email that you are playing Time Stories (Estrella Drive)! Love it. What run are you on? I still haven’t finished it. I decided to go back and replay some older episodes to to get some completion rewards to contribute to helping finish Estrella. The game is so good, but never enough time!!!! :)

    Love that you are playing this game.

    1. Nicholis: We did it all in one session (multiple runs…maybe 6 or 7). We totally forgot about the completion rewards–they definitely would have helped!

      1. 6 or 7? Okay I don’t feel so bad. We were starting to think we were doing something wrong… still haven’t beat it, but we will. Oh yes we will! :)

  219. I am happy to see the Airships minatures for purchase in the website, any plans to do the same with the Mech’s of each faction. I see a bundle of Mech’s and Leader’s but i already have a extra set of Leader’s. An option to purchase just the Mech’s of all factions as a bundle would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you.

  220. The last(?) Scythe expansion sounds awesome. And the name is extremely intriguing (Even if I expect to accidentally call it Curse of the Fenris or Rise of the Fenric at some point due to the existence of a Doctor Who serial called Curse of the Fenric which is just similar enough that I’m probably going to brainfart on it)

  221. Sooo excited about the final Scythe expansion! It sounds exactly like what I would have wanted for this fabulous game. 11 modules, and a resettable campaign!! Amazing. Board game news is off to a great start in 2018! Can’t wait to hear more about this.

      1. Good to hear.
        I had looked there, but they are out of the stone.
        I need ore and stone as separate resources for Archipelago.

  222. I would like Matagot to post an official response too–I’ve asked them if they will do that.

    I’d like to know more about the typos on the tiles in the game. The rules are one thing, but that’s an easy fix with a digital download. The tiles present a bigger issue because they’re on the table throughout the game. Can you tell me more about that when you wake up tomorrow?

  223. As I said, I’m a true fan of Scythe, spent quite a bit of money acquiring everything you release since I missed the KS.
    However it kinda ruins it, when gameplay component are riddled with translation issues, some of which clearly show there was no proofread at all.

    I personnaly bought my exp pack at my local game store, hence why I paid extra, so I did not put 1 star, even though I kinda understand them, only way to make a point really.
    I’m not even sure if Matagot made an official reply on the issues ?

    I don’t really care about rule with typing mistakes (it’s poor job but it doesn’t impact my game).
    But I would have really liked that Matagot bite the bullet and offer to reprint the gameplay content.

    Either way, always impressed by the speed at which you reply on here, thanks for taking the time to aknowledge the issue.

    1. Sorry for double post, thought I canceled the previous reply in time.
      You can delete one of the message.

      Off to sleep, thanks for taking the time to reply.

  224. Meek: : Well, we all make typos, even in short batches of text. We expect our international partners to both translate and proofread properly, but we also put our partners under a lot of pressure to do all of this on a tight schedule so the international releases can be at the same time as the English release, so I understand that mistakes can be made. When I see people complaining about an extra “s” in “resources” (on a different thread), I wonder if they’re just stirring up trouble for the sake of drama.

    So in my opinion, the current translation is “normally translated.” However, I know that Matagot has heard the complaints and are updating the rules. If I were them, I would just post a revised PDF on their website. However, they may choose to print extra rules to appease their fans.

    1. Hum so you feel it’s normal that there are so many translating mistakes?
      You make it sound like it’s just some letter not doubled in a word or two.

      It’s much more than that, it’s missing words altogether, it’s sentences that just make no sense it’s multiple typing or french errors: this is not possible with proofread, especialy when there is so little to translate for something that’s quite expensive (half the base game).

      I’m a bit surprised you are down playing it like that tbh …

      1. I’ve seen the mistakes, and some of them are indeed a problem. I’m talking to Matagot about it. But it seems that the people reporting the mistakes are lumping very minor errors in with bigger errors–they’re not the same thing.

        It’s really unfortunate that people are rating the quality of a game based on a subpar translation. Of course I’m frustrated that it wasn’t a perfect translation, but I’m disappointed that fans of Scythe would act this way. You have the right to demand excellence, but how do translation mistakes translate into a 1-star rating?

        1. I bought it at my local game shop, hence why I paid more, so I didn’t leave a feedback, but even as fan of scythe, who paid premium to get all the bonus (missed the KS), I was highly disapointed to say the least when I saw it.

          Trying to get an aswesome looking game to end up with stuff that is not even proofread really.

          I don’t really care about the rule as people don’t read those once explained, but at the printed material used in game.
          I was really hoping for Matagot to bit the bullet, and offer replacement but it doesn’t look like you think that’s even a possibility.

          1. I understand your disappointment–I would be disappointed too if I was unable to play a game due to a poor translation.

  225. Hey there

    First Huge French fan of Scythe, so I pre-ordered the Wind gambit as soon as it was possible.
    I also have every bit of “extra” available for Scythe, so this has became quite an expensive game for me but I really love the awesome edition.

    However upon recevin the expansion and opening the box, I as really disapointed, not to say kinda furious, to see that there were already errata on what looked like a really small and simple translation job.

    The expansion is quite expensive here in France (35€, about half of the base game price), so I was expecting regular translation job, not something riddled with faults, missing words, or sentences that make no sense whatsoever.
    The errata in the expansion doesn’t even list all the mistakes.

    Seems a lot of your fan are really disapointed about the french translation as you can see the rating of the expansion on the biggest french retailer :

    Do you know if anything is planned to fix it? Or maybe you have some way of getting in touch with matagot about it?
    Real shame that such a great game is getting so poor review because of that …

  226. Will Scythe have a big box with everything released (like Galaxy Trucker Anniversary Edition?)

    I am lost in all releases and would like an “all-in option”!

    1. Fel: Thanks for your interest in all of the Scythe things. We prefer to let people pick and choose the things they want instead of making them buy all of the things for a very high price. There are several bundles on this page that make it easy for you to buy everything Scythe related.

  227. Hello! I recently deactivated my FB for the holidays (I do it every year), so I’ve been out of the loop on all things Stonemaier! :) Any news on the eagerly anticipated Viticulture iOS version? Can’t wait!

  228. Hey Jamey – was going over the November newsletter and remembered about a game you talked about with the Dukes of Dice seems like forever ago now. I relistened to that episode because I had meant to reach out to you at the time and never did. Is the “bird game” you talked about still in the works? I could take a stab based on the codenames above that it is ;) I am a huge lover of both birds and board games. I wish I would have reached out to you earlier, but if there’s a way that I could help in any fashion (play testing, the “science” behind the theme, etc) please let me know. There are very few games that fit so snug into both my hobbies that I felt it imperative to reach out.

  229. Hi, Jamey! Just read the newsletter, and a couple of questions:

    1) I’m in love with the world of Scythe, and I am also very proud of my Scottish heritage. While I appreciate the integrity of what you have chosen to release as merch with Scythe content on it, I would love an Albion Shirt with the faction logo on it…are there any plans to release faction specific shirts? Bumper stickers?

    2) I see you’re playing Ulm…what do you think of it? It has been on the short-list for a while, and lost out this year to Orleans. I would welcome your thoughts.


    1. Clint: Thanks for your questions While we don’t have faction-themed shirts in the works, we do offer the emblems for personal use (see Scythe’s art gallery page)–you could make a shirt with it! :)

      I’ve only played Ulm once, and it’s been a while, so I can’t speak about it with much knowledge at this point.

  230. Hey Jamey, Just wanted to know what you think of Archon: Glory and Machination. I used to own that game and adored it, but alas, couldn’t ever get it played enough to warrant keeping it in my collection. Personally, I love the theme/artwork, don’t find the board to be too busy, and like the different worker abilities. What are some of your thoughts? Or maybe you should just do a short video on it. :)

  231. Ah, at first when I saw so many Codenames I thought you were making spin-offs of the game Codenames. Silly me. Can’t wait to try Charterstone :)

  232. Two distributors I know of are out of the Scythe base game, and one is out of Invaders from Afar. Any chance there’s a reprint of those two coming with Wind Gambit?

    Also, has there been a decision on whether to reprint the board extension?


    1. Of course! If we sell out of something, we’re reprinting it. :) We have large print runs of all of those items wrapping up production now, and they should reach stores by early December at the latest.

  233. That ‘combo’ codename seems interesting. Are you teaming up with another designer for a game, Jamey? Like maybe Isaac Childres? Or maybe Ryan Laukat? How about both! Hahaha! That would be amazing!

    1. I admire both of those guys, though Isaac has a VERY different design style than I do, and Ryan is so talented in all areas that I don’t think he needs to work with anyone. :)

  234. I notice you’ve started putting codenames for these various unannounced projects rather than ‘submitted game’ or ‘Jamey design’ – Quite often people and companies have methodologies they use for codenames, like Magic R&D at one point were doing triplets with unambiguous orders for the three sets in each block, e.g. one of the blocks had codenames of lights, camera, and action. I’m curious if you’ve got a methodolgoy for coming up with codenames.

    1. Indeed, I decided to go with codenames to add a little spice and curiosity. :) There’s no common thread between then, just very subtle hints at what the games are about.

  235. Your survey needs a comments section. I’m kind of color deficient, not color blind, but many of the ways to adapt for color blind work for me, but not all. And something I look at when buying a game is the solo-ability of it, something missing in your style question.

  236. To further articulate on my survey response: though I chose online purchases as what I do most, i would still say I do about 35 to 40% of my purchases at flgs. Also I like competitive and co-op games almost the same amount. Just trying to be clear.

    1. To further iterate on mine – I do 95% of my board game purchases via my FLGS, and 100% of my accessory (e.g. Stonemaier resin tokens) purchases online. The 5% usually being when I wind up buying a board game at the same time as accessories.

      That’s discounting convention purchases.

      1. Another clarification for my survey while I remember – I prefer competitive as long as there’s a two player version, for co-op games I usually wind up playing them solo – which is a form of play I enjoy anyway, but for co-op gaming I need the game to be able to be played solo for me to consider picking up, for competitive two player games I don’t necessarily need a solo mode, it just helps if I’m unsure if my husband will enjoy the game or not. I put on the survey that I prefer competitive.

  237. I got into board gaming in the last few years and with saying that have only been following you the last few months (since I’ve heard about Charterstone). I must say, you are by far my favorite developer. The mass of content you put out, the outreach you have in so many forms on social sites and the like is purely outstanding. I’m working on a game myself (super slowly) and again, you are the example that I believe everybody should follow. Keep up the great work and thanks for being always present.

  238. bonjour, est ce que l’extension Scythe invaders from Afar sera traduite en français merci pour votre réponse. Cordialement

  239. Hi Jamey. There were a couple of mentions in the last newsletter that you have been posting information about Charterstone & the new expansion for Between Two Cities on Facebook. For people who don’t use Facebook & use Board Game Geek to keep up to date with the gaming world… just wondering why you seem to be favouring Facebook & not really giving that much info on BGG?

    1. Steve: I like the visual element, organization, and interface on Facebook. BGG is great, but I don’t get a sense of community built around specific games there. The community is there, to be sure, but it’s not centralized in the same way that a game-specific Facebook group is.

      I’m very active on BGG, though–I’m always happy to answer questions there.

  240. Hi Jamey, the survey was a nice initiative. I was actually really surprised with the “exclusives” responses. It might be however that the sample (SMGames friends and followers) is not representative of the general gamers population. I also felt that the questions didn’t fully capture my sentiments about such incentives therefore I decided to share my views below.

    For starters I do believe that there should be incentives (we do risk investing our money on something we haven’t really seen or experienced yet at the end of the day). Someone on the other hand might say that KS is all about helping to bring to life a game that otherwise wouldn’t exist. Sure, but there are so many great games out there, enough to keep us busy us for 5 lifetimes. Maybe that was more true in the early KS days.

    Given the proliferation of excellent releases from established (and new) companies it almost feels crazy that people don’t buy the countless tried and true, and decide to invest in oftentimes half-baked ideas. Still there is something exciting in all this…

    Second, I despise scalping practices on games with exclusives in the form of extra content (see CMON), however exclusives could also exist in an aesthetic form. E.g. a special limited KS box cover would be an attractive enough reason for me to back a game, something which wouldn’t reduce the utility of the game for the retail buyer. The same as with a signed copy, or a special thank you card. These things have primarily emotional/personal value and its a memory that we were part of something.

    I also pretty much dislike early birds.
    If we assume that the KS and retail versions are identical, I can’t accept paying retail price + shipping on a game that 1 month post-release will be bought for less (and without shipping) from all major online retailers. Especially after taking the big risk of investing on a prototype. Under this light a universal guaranteed lower price (compared to the online retailer’s MSRP) would also be a good incentive to risk my money and much more preferable than the early bird practice (many of us have better things to do than waiting for the countdown of every KS campaign in order to grab a $5 dollar discount).

    These are only a few thoughts that maybe other people share but the survey didn’t capture entirely (namely, non content based exclusivity & universal discounts).

    As always, thanks for the awesome content!

  241. Your email newsletter and level of communication are almost as impressive as the components in your games. Thanks for making such awesome stuff! Just one point of errata. Your latest newsletter’s progress bar for Charterstone lists it as releasing on Mar 3, 2017 directly underneath the bar. You mention earlier in the newsletter that it will be releasing “much later” in 2017. The progress bar on this site is missing that bit of detail. I am assuming the March 3rd date is way off? I’m cool with that. Take whatever time you need to make more awesome stuff.

  242. Hey Jamey!

    I was wondering if those dates on the image you have for the retail releases are accurate? That seems a lot sooner than I thought for Charterstone and the Scythe Expansion.

    Thank you very much! :)

      1. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        1. Just to make sure, you know that Q3/Q4 means that it could be as late as December 31, right? :)

          1. Oh *phew* Ok I thought I had to be wrong somewhere. In the image the ‘Q’s look a lot like ‘O’s so it kind of looks like “March/04 2017” or “03/April 2017”. Sorry about that Jamey. I think I’m just way too excited for your games. Have a great day! :)

  243. Javier: BoardGameExtras ordered those resources directly from Top Shelf Gamer, so they should have them quite soon (a few weeks at most).

  244. Hi Jamey, i’m from Spain and i’m waiting to play Scythe for the first time when i receive the realistic resources.
    I have a pre-order on boardgame extras UK and they say will be avaliable in February but in others stores say the date for Europe is in June.
    Do you know when will be avaliable in Europe?
    I’ve read the rules a few times and i’m looking forward to playing.
    Sorry for my english

  245. Hello Jamey,

    I have a copy of the Adventure Atlas preordered at an OLGS (Cardhaus). Is there a time frame that those will be restocked at the distributor level? I saw above that Top Shelf Gamer got individual parts, but there was no mention of the boxes themselves.

    Thank you for your time and talent,
    Paul Soukup

    1. Paul: Thanks for letting me know. That’s an out of print product–they shouldn’t be accepting pre-orders for it. We’re only making the individual tokens now.

  246. Hey Jamey,

    I assume ‘Tuscany:EE More Coming in February’ is into the USA?

    Are some of these likely to make it to UK? and do you have an idea when they would arrive here?

    Many thanks.

    1. Ian: Yes, that’s in the US. It actually should arrive in Europe a little earlier than that, as a few distributors in Europe bought copies directly from us before they left the factory in China.

  247. Hi, in the newsletter before the last one you wrote all retailers should had the scythe expansion, coins, extended board… but no german retailer has none of them in stock. When would that be? :/

    1. Chris: Thanks for your question. When I say something like that, it depends on the retailer ordering the product and the distributor ordering enough to supply the retailers. Many of those retailers received stock in December, but they sold out. We’re making more, they’re on track for the schedule posted at the top of this page:

  248. Thanks Stephen! I’ll give you editing access. :) It was open-access for a while, but I’d check in and see some really weird formatting changes that didn’t help.

  249. Hi Jamey – just recently received by Token Trilogy pre-order and… yeah, fantastic as always! Well done.

    I seem to remember reading a post somewhere about the next set containing reed. Is there a discussion thread about the next set or any hints yet about what that set will consist of? Also, any target timeline on when the next set might come out (recognizing that any answer you give might be pure speculation at this point)?

    Lastly, are the Animal Components being offered as a complete set or just individually through specific retail sites? Or is that each site’s choice?

    1. Mark: Thanks for your questions. The tokens we were considering for a farming chest were reed, wheat, cheese, fruit, vegetable, and mushroom: I’m not 100% sure we’ll actually be making those tokens, though, and if we do make them, we may sell them individually instead of as a complete chest.

      As for the animals, they’re available in various forms from Top Shelf Gamer, but there is no complete boxed set of them (it would be over $100, which is just too much–the animals are really expensive to make). There are some bundled deals for specific games, though.

      1. Since the document is no longer editable, the actual tools you went for don’t really work for Stone Age… But the axes do – Single headed for 1, double headed for 2, Single and double for 3, two double for 4, and are actually easier to remember to ‘untap’ for some reason than the cardboard squares included. Yes, they’re medieval style axes rather than stone age style axes, but it works…

  250. Jamey, my sons and i picked up scythe and we are addicted, this game is brilliant! We have been suggesting it to everyone we know as well as having game nights at the house with all my son’s friends who are all in the military as officers (4 of them) and as a former marine myself its crazy entertaining to watch all the different tactics produced by military minds.

    Thanks for creating and sharing this game with us and we will be purchasing and backing games from you now that i know these are kickstarted.

    I was also curious if you plan to continue having more of the premium coins and resources made for sell as most preorders are sold out or if this is the last time, thanks!

    1. Rousch: Thanks! I’m glad you and your sons are enjoying Scythe, and that’s really neat to hear about the military tactics being used in it. :)

      Yes, we’re making more metal coins and realistic resources. There are some links are where to pre-order them on this page:

  251. Lon: Indeed, every time we get a new shipment of Scythe, we’ll have more Automa decks (we pull them from the replacement parts). They’ll be available in a few weeks.

  252. Looks like the Automa deck is already sold out :-( Should have bought it while I was at work! Do you plan to restock again, and if so, when? Thanks!

  253. Ala cart animals. That’s… Going to take some thinking about before I pre-order (If I pre-order, since I don’t seem to be able to mix in the $50 metal Scythe coins since both are pre-orders, might wait for both to be available at once. Then work out if the combo I want is cheaper than what 2 sets of 60 mixed animals would come to for 20 each… Hm… The 10 dogs should be sufficient, for example, but the rest… Hm.)

  254. Wow – super disappointed with the pricing on the upcoming animal premium tokens!! There doesn’t appear to be a “chest” available for them, and if I purchase 20 of each (and let’s be honest, there were usually a few more than 20 in the chests), it will cost $127, and that’s with no storage box!

    1. Kristi: They’re big tokens, and the level of painting makes them more than twice the cost of our other tokens. 2x cost = 2x price. (Though you’re still welcome to be disappointed, of course!). As you noted, a chest with 20 of each animal would have cost over $100, which did not seem like a good idea.

      1. Do you have any pictures of this next to wooden counterparts for comparison? If they are so big, I wonder how they will fit on games like Agricola and ACBS.

      2. Twice the price I could stomach. Quadruple the price not so much. When you sold realistic tokens directly I believe they worked out to roughly $30-$35 per chest? And that was with counts in the mid-to-high 20s for each resource. Now only 20 of each animal would be about 4x that, not double, due to going through a retailer. I don’t begrudge you the right to sell however you want or for the retailer to make money, but after all the input we realistic resource KS backers gave you during the design process it’s beyond disappointing to be left flapping in the wind.

        1. You received a significant discount on previous chests. Their MSRP was $60, and even that was deflated from what it should have been based on manufacturing cost (the Terror Tome, for example, should have had an MSRP of $80).

          I’m sorry you feel like your input isn’t valued, but that’s simply not true. I highly value it. I hope in return you value the significant discounts I’ve given you in the past by supporting the animal tokens at a fair-market price.

  255. Thanks, Jamey. I was referring to the Scythe expansion. As long as I’ll be able to get it at some point, no worries.

    1. Ah, I see. They should be able to continue to accept pre-orders–maybe not for the stock arriving the first week of November, but definitely for the stock arriving a few weeks later (we made a bunch of copies that will arrive in waves throughout November).

  256. My retailer has sold out of preorders for this game. Is there anywhere else? Will there be more or is it a limited run?

  257. The Scythe expansion will arrive at retailers (only through retailers) in November. We haven’t designed power wheels for the expansion yet, but we’ll sell them through Meeplesource sometime in 2017.

  258. So, when is the Scythe expansion due? Preorder? And would it be possible to get matching combat wheels for the two new factions?

  259. Did I hear you correctly in some podcast that the Euphoria expansion will include the Automa system for solo play? I could be mis-remembering. I do not currently own Euphoria, but am certainly interest in the game for my group and for solo play.

    Also, now that I finally have Scythe, it is beautiful and I am giddy in thinking about finally playing it this weekend. I am also looking forward to throwing more money at Stonemaeir for upgraded components. I have seen them in person and they are wonderful.

  260. Exciting news about the Scythe expansion. Please ensure that in your doing that non-kickstarter method that you maintain a good shipping cost for all us fans in Australia :)

    1. Gab: Of course! The game will ship to you from retailers in Australia, or you can even pick it up from your local game store and not need to pay anything for shipping.

  261. Hi Jamey

    Just a point to maybe take on board for the future … the in progress colour bar showing the various projects and current expected releases etc shows “Winter” for the Scythe expansion. Now I appreciate that the (vast) majority of those likely to buy that expansion are in the northern hemisphere and this makes perfect sense to them, but I looked at it and initially thought “what! another 12 months (sigh)” before i realised the context.

    So maybe it might be possible to change it to “late 2016” or “early 2017” or something equally all-encompassing, just for those of us in the antipodes. Just a thought.

    Also, is it at all possible to order comments on this page to “most recent first”? Is that a user-end thing?

    1. Sure, that’s a good idea about the progress bar. I’ll update it.

      I prefer this format for contents on my blog–it’s global across all pages on our website.

  262. Hey Jamey,
    Scythe is amazing. My bro Jaye Power brought it over last Friday. He is one of your play testers. After 15 years of friendship he would not leak any inside info on up coming games…

    Now he is locked in my shed.

    Love your games sir.

  263. Hi Jamey, I just heard some info on a new game spinning off from the Euphoria universe. Can you tell us a little more about it? Thanks.

  264. C: I haven’t done that, though it’s a good idea. Should I just start a thread about it under Scythe, or is there a better place to post something like that?

  265. Have you posted news about the limited supply of components for Scythe and other games in their appropriate forums on BGG? Not too hard to find a BGG’er who thinks a company has an infinite number of games in stock, or has somehow missed your KS or retail release news, despite all your hard work and advertising.

  266. Stephen: I appreciate your excitement, though now I’m worried you’ll be disappointed! It’s a fun secret project, though it’s not as epic as any of those ideas. :)

  267. …I am far more excited than I should be, especially considering the lack of any actual information – Viticulture card game? Viticulture dice game? Standalone game about running a high class wine bar with the Viticulture brand? Standalone game that takes many of the mechanisms of Viticulture and applies them to brewing Whisky in the Scottish highlands using the Viticulture brand? Standalone expansion about delivering wine? All of those could be covered by that phrase – for that Viticulture spinoff…

  268. …A Secret Project that’s going straight to retail? Are you allowed to give teasing hints, for example saying if that relates to the e-mail conversation that lead to Viticulture EE?

      1. Thought not. Not enough info about it to get excited yet (Unlike Scythe and Euphoria Expansion), but certainly the most intriguing thing on that list of five things that have a timeline for release. :)

  269. Sooooooo… how might one get in on the blind play testing of the Euphoria expansion? And am I correct in assuming that one will need the base game in hand already?

    1. Eric: Yes, you’ll need the base game. I’ll contact all ambassadors with an opportunity to blind playtest it when it’s ready.

  270. Hey Jamey, I’m seeing Tuscany and Tuscany Prima out of stock at coolstuffinc and miniature market. In stock at Amazon but marked up. Will Coolstuff or Miniature Market get them back again or are you saying it’s done?

    1. Gabe: Tuscany Prima is out of stock for good, but as far as I know, we still have Tuscany in stock (and the coins are at Meeplesource for those who want to upgrade their copy to Prima). Hopefully Coolstuff and MM will buy more copies!

  271. A bit off-topic, but I noticed Pay Dirt in your list of recently played. I have a friend who “dreams” gold mining (she’ll never do it in reality). She also likes strategy games and economic-sim type games. Do you think there’s enough “theme” in Pay Dirt to interest a would-be gold miner?

    BTW, missed Viticulture the first time around but will definitely pick up the reprint through my FLGS. Glad it’s doing well!

    1. James: There’s plenty of theme in Pay Dirt! The theme is well integrated in the game, and there’s a nice engine-building element to it.

      Viticulture should still be available at your store–it’s just that your store won’t be able to restock for awhile.

  272. A shame about the need to split the Tuscanny expansion into multiple parts, but the fact the expansion is more than the base game makes this not particularly a surprise… And, lets face it, any other publisher would have likely released the 12 modules of the Tuscany Expansion between either 3-4 large box expansions with 3-4 modules in each, or 6-12 small box expansions with 1-2 modules in each (Maybe combining New and Advanced visitors into a single module) originally, so even if you split it into two boxes, it would still feel like two huge expansions.

    Loving the presence of metal coins in Deluxe Scythe – Will you be selling these seperately like you do with the Tuscany coins? And, if so, how easy for you would it be for you to sell additional sets as an addon so people who want to can keep one in Scythe where they thematically belong, and one outside of it because these coins look gorgeous based on that art and not every game has a quantity of money that suits Tuscany’s 1 2 5 combo – Though not sure how big a market there’d be for that.

    On a practical point of view will the cardboard coins be pre-punched or punchboard? the 1 denomination from the Crimean Khanate’s hole might be awkward to punch, though probably that will just be a brief annoyance to people getting the retail version while they punch it and they won’t ever have to think about it again – I think tokens with holes in have tended to be worth the pain to punch, even if the hole is purely aesthetic.

    At some point, it would be interesting to get a guest post – either on the campaign itself or on the blog – from Jakub Rozalski on the world building for this project, and how he’s approached the art for it. Particularly for these coins, I’d be very interesting to know more about the process of designing them since they’re based on real historic coins but translated into the alternate history world he’s been building.

  273. Oh let me get this straight, you mean we could get the chest ressources as an add-on during the KS campaign? THAT would be awesome..

    1. Not as an add on, but as part of the Scythe collector’s edition on Kickstarter, and only for those 4 specific resources.

  274. HI SM Games and Jamey,
    Quick question: new treasure chests are they going to work with forecoming ‘Scythe’ boardgame? Thanks

    1. Lionel: The resources in Scythe are grain, metal, wood, and oil, so by sheer coincidence one of those resources is in one of each of our first four treasure chests. We will probably offer those resources as part of Scythe for those who don’t have them and only want them (at a price).

  275. For the next two treasure chests I think there should be separate polls on which euro(s) get chosen and which thematic ones get chosen. For example, I would like the Animal and Sci-Fi chests…but that’s not an option…

    1. Mike: As I replied to your comment on the project update, that’s the third poll on the page–it’s been up for a while.

  276. Hi Jamey, just got your newsletter. Fantastic progress as usual :)
    Do you know if your crowdfunding book will be available in the UK? I’m refering to the paperback version. I work as a shop level bookseller for Waterstones (the UK’s book chain) and would love to see it in store over here so was thinking that if it had distribution in the UK then I could bring it to the attention of our buyers at head office as something well worth them considering. Sometimes it just helps to bring things like this to their attention, they see so many products come through.

    1. Lloyd: Thanks for asking about this! I don’t think it has international distribution yet. If there’s anything I can do from my end (i.e., introduce you to BK or send you a galley), please let me know.

      1. That’s a shame about international distribution. I expect it will come in due course! I will do a little digging on this end; I know some things we can order through Baker & Taylor (book wholesalers Waterstones use to source American authors) for customers by request, if the book is on our internal stock database. I’ll find out how it can be added at least.

      2. According to Nielsen bookdata it has UK distriubution via McGraw-Hill Publishing (they do business and computing books and are pretty well known). The ‘release’ date for the UK is 20 December, as last updated on 19th jun. I shall pursue putting it to the attention of a buyer.

        1. Thanks Lloyd! I actually think a representative from BK was recently at the London Book Fair. :)

  277. I’m curious if you will be making more euphoria wooden stars sets available on Currently there are none available.

    1. Claude: I’m sorry, but we’re all sold out of stars in Canada. It was a limited print run. We do have more at in the US if you have a way to order from there.

  278. Just saw the newsletter that there might be some Stonemaier tournaments at GenCon…which games are we thinking?

    1. Paul: We’re not really sure yet. We’re trying to keep things pretty casual, so it might be something we think of on the fly or a few weeks before the event. We’ll send out a notice about it if we have one. :)

  279. I found one question on your survey (sent out Jan 1) confusing, and probably didn’t end up answering the question I thought I was answering. When you asked how much I’d be willing to pay for a “Viticulture app,” I interpreted it as an app that supports the game in some way, like the apps that have been developed for various games to keep track of resources, rounds, or other pertinent game information. Without knowing what such an app would entail, I picked “not interested.”

    It wasn’t until afterward that I realized the question might have been asking if I would pay for being able to play Viticulture the game as an IOS app, which I would indeed find interesting. Maybe I’m the only one too slow to pick up on what you meant, but in case I’m not the only one who thought that, maybe the question could be worded in some way to specify that it would be the game as an app, rather than simply an app about the game.

    Keep up the great work! The tokens and landmarks have piqued my interest about Between Two Cities.

    1. Oh, and the inclusion of the Power Grid elements in the next Treasure Chest would be amazing! I held off on the last one despite liking the concept because I didn’t own many games with perfect overlap between the offerings and items in the game; I’d hate to have great tokens for Caylus’s gold, stone, and wood and still use little blue and pink cubes for cloth and food. But a chest that covers oil, coal, trash, and uranium would be great.

      1. Will: Great point about the “app” question–I’ve since clarified it. Thank you! We’ll work on getting food and cloth in a future Treasure Chest. :)

  280. Jamey, have you heard if Tuscany for US backers has arrived at Amazon yet from the Panda warehouse? I see you have an estimated delivery date for Tuscany at Dec. 21, but also show an arrival date to Amazon for the treasurer chests, stars, etc.

    I picked up the CE since I had never played Viticulture before. I may have made a mistake yesterday by watching a bunch of the reviews and run through videos. Now I am incredibly jacked to play, and hoping that I can take it with me on my Christmas vacation to play with the family. I am praying Christmas will come early and I will have the incredible wine crate of goodness to open soon!

  281. Hi Jamey,
    On the box art for Scythe, you’ve got a stylized “C”…but it’s shaped like a sickle. A scythe is shaped more like a 7–it’s what the Grim Reaper carries. The idea still comes across if you’re just going for tone, but I thought you should know (if you didn’t already) that it’s factually inaccurate :)

    1. Ryan: Several of the farmers on the box are holding scythes. The C is evocative of a scythe–it’s just a play on the idea, not an exact representation as shown in the art.

  282. Hi Jamey. I couldn’t find anything specific on the collector’s edition with the wine box, etc. Is this grouped with the Tuscany delivery?


  283. Jamey, might we see another Euphoria kickstarter in 2014-2015? Just wondering if I should get the 2nd edition or hold out?

    1. I would recommend getting the second edition, as we currently have no plans for a Euphoria Kickstarter in 2015. Even if we end up doing one, there’s a good chance it would only be for the expansion, not the core game.

    1. Dermott: I think there’s a chance of that. I’ll mention the idea to Morning Players, the company handling the production and distribution of the German version.

    1. @MK: The implication is there, but the truth is that I won’t be at Essen this year. Are you going?

  284. Still thinking about buying lewis & clark. did you like it? And do you like belfort? have it here but not played yet. Did my first round of the newly released La Granja – nice heavy eurogame.

    1. Malte: I love Belfort. It’s a great, tight Euro game. I enjoyed my first play of Lewis & Clark–very clever mechanisms. I’ll check out La Granja.

  285. Hi! Is there any chance for the revised recruit cards to be available at Essen please ? As EU backer, it would be awesome! If not, is there a file we can print soon?



    1. Aurelien: The recruit cards will be printed and shipped with the Treasure Chest, which won’t arrive in Europe until December/January. Sorry!

  286. Regarding the Updated Recruit cards… will they be the color faces or the line faces? We really like playing with the line faces deck and would pay extra to get those updated to 2nd edition.

    1. Noah: They’ll be the recruits with faces. We have to print minimum quantities of 1500 sets, so it’s not feasible for us to print two different versions of the cards, especially since we’re including them in the Treasure Chest for free.

  287. Sorry I was a bit vague but you’ve answered my question. I have travel for work scheduled in August. However I’d like to get Viticulture then. If your shipping is handled through Amazon I should be able to get a notification of shipment, along with a tracking number and then be able hold the shipment if its delivery doesn’t sync with my availability. Yes…Yes…I know I could be patient and wait until November for both…..well…no I can’t.

    1. Sounds good to me! I would much prefer for people to get Viticulture in August–that way they can play it for a few months before getting Tuscany. :)

  288. Doug: I’m not sure I understand your question…we’ll use Amazon fulfillment to deliver Viticulture and Tuscany, and you’ll be able to choose through Kickstarter if you want to deliver the two games together in November or separately (so you can get Viticulture in August).

  289. Jamey – it’s may be too early for you to know, but would the Viticulture delivery carrier be one who would allow me to schedule my August delivery?

    1. Martin: At the lowest price, yes. There is a slightly higher price that will get Viticulture to you in August, followed by Tuscany in November.

  290. Do you think that for the second edition kickstarter for Viticulture and the new Tuscany exp. we might also be able to get the Arboriculture exp?

    1. Tony: Yep, Arboriculture will be an optional add-on for Tuscany. Viticulture is an optional add-on as well.

  291. Have been wanting this game for a long time I am so excited. Some people from my gaming group enjoyed Euphoria quite a bit. I myself, Have not played yet. It appears that you are becoming an established board game designer . I am a Stefan Feld fan and now I am becoming a Stegmaier fan

    1. Yep! We haven’t finalized the price points, but they’ll both be available through the Tuscany campaign.

    1. Dan: Tuscany will include the quick-reference guide for Viticulture that includes all of the updates to the rules.

  292. I’m so excited about this surprise game! I will try to set aside a bit to make sure I can back it :)

    And EU languages… Neat! Are the using the ks translations, or their own?

    1. They have their own in-house translators, but they said they were really impressed by the quality of work our backers produced on the translated pages!

  293. Is there any chance that eu backers can buy only parts of euphoria that are translated? I am thinking about getting translated cards for euphoria while play with the base game from KS. Or do you guys only plan to to sell the full translated game? Would be great to have that part selling for friends who don’t speak that much English like my dad. Else it is hard to play that that game with him…
    Thanks in advance

    1. That’s a neat idea–I’ll mention it to Morning Players. That aspect of the game (printed European language components) is completely in their hands now.

      1. I hope that means you’re planning to not stop there, and also introduce an Android version – being able to play across the two platforms would be an important feature in my household, as I just invested in a Samsung Galaxy S4 for me, and a iPhone 5c for my wife.

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